Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 43,261 to 43,280 of 55,889
  1. Krajský súd v Levoči

    The fonds contains various civil, penal, as well as business-related (property) files of the County Court in Levoča. These documents cover the period before the Holocaust and are relevant for the research of relations between Jews and non-Jews in the area. Files of the third manipulating period of the fonds (1924-1949) cover various conflicts in the area as well as the employment of Jews and their life before the Holocaust. There are also Holocaust-related files from the period of 1938-1945.

  2. Bratislavská župa III

    The fonds contains documents of the Bratislava County Office which was the state administation body of the Slovak Republic established in 1940. The County Office was subordinated to the Ministry of Interior and superior to the Bratislava City Notary Office as well as District Offices at the territory of the Bratislava County. The fonds contains various Holocaust-relevant documents. These include documents on various anti-Jewish measures in Bratislava and surrounding territory, including the Aryanization of Jewish property, employment of Jews etc.

  3. Krajský súd v Bratislave I

    • County Court in Bratislava I

    The fonds contains documents of the County Court in Bratislava. It contains various files in civic, penal and property-related (business) judiciary matters which reflect the life of Jews long before the Holocaust, during the Holocaust as well as after the year 1945. The Holocaust-related documents include judiciary case files of Jews arrested for avoiding the deportation in 1942, including those living with the false identification documents.

  4. Okresný úrad v Zlatých Moravciach

    • District Office in Zlaté Moravce

    The fonds contains documents on various anti-Jewish measures in Slovakia 1939-1945, including those about the liquidation of Jewish enterprises and their licences, various police measures against Jews, so-called temporary administration of Jewish houses and apartments. It also contains documents on creation on work permits for Jews, and the expropriation of their movable property. Some documents pertain to the Jewish Census in 1942, the anti-Jewish measures of the Hlinka Guard in Nemčiňany. Several files pertain the anti-Roma measures in 1943

  5. Krajský súd v Komárne

    • County Court in Komárno

    The fonds contains various judiciary documents and files pertaining Jews and anti-Jewish measures in 1938-1945. Some documents concern escapes from the concentration camp in Komárno (Komárom), or illegal crossing of the Slovak-Hungarian border. The fonds reaches beyond the 1945 and contains also documents on the anti-Semitic expressions from that period (such as anti-Jewish riot in Tekovská Nová Ves in 1948 for example).

  6. Okresný ľudový súd v Sobranciach

    • District People´s Court in Sobrance

    The fonds contains several files concerning separate cases of denunciation of Jews hiding in the vicinity of Vyšné Nemecké, Ruskov and Koňuša in 1944.

  7. Mestský úrad v Nitre

    • Municipality Office in Nitra

    The fonds contains various documents pertaining the anti-Jewish measures at the territory of the town of Nitra. This includes documents on various measures against Jewish businessmen including pub owners and merchants, the revision and cancellation of business licences. Other documents pertain to the expulsion of Jews from their houses in Nitra, so-called temporary administration of Jewish households, Jewish census in Nitra. There are files on so-called Aryanization of Jewish enterprises in the fonds as well. Some files pertain to the Jewish students in schools

  8. Magistrát župného mesta Levice

    • The Municipality Office of the City of Levice
    • Megyei város Léva

    The fonds contains documents reflecting the fate and persecution of Jewish population of the town of Levice after its annexation by Hungary. Some documents pertain to the cancellation of Jewish associations in the town in 1939. After the adoption of the Second Jewish Law there were extensive business restrictions in Hungary. The fonds contains census of businesses, documents on the revision as well as cancellation of business licences and closing of stores. Some files pertain to the census of property, confiscation of agricultural property, requests (applications) for the allocation of Jewi...

  9. Okresný ľudový súd v Prešove

    • District People´s Court in Prešov

    The fonds contains files of the District People´s Court in Prešov which was one of the retributive courts of post-WWII Czechoslovakia. Besides the files which contain the info on the political and military events during the period 1938-1945 this fonds contains files with info on various forms of persecution of Jews during the respected period, including several files on Aryanization of Jewish property, deportation of Jews living or hiding in various parts of Eastern Slovakia (Prešov, Mrázovce, Veľká Breznica, Vyšný Hrabovec) from Slovakia in 1942. Several of these files pertain former membe...

  10. Hlavnoslúžnovský úrad v Šamoríne II.

    • Főszolgabíroi hivatal Somorja II.
    • Chief Constable´s Office in Šamorín II.

    The fonds contains documents of the Chief Constable´s Office in Šamorín (Somorja) which was a Hungarian public administration office in 1938-1945. The fonds contains files concerning the situation of Jewish population at the territory of Šamorín district. The fonds contains reports on Jews expelled from Slovakia and held in the camp in Štvrtok na Ostrove (Alžbeta Dvor). Another documents from 1939 pertain to Eruv in Veľký Meder. The fonds also contains documents on the application of the Ordinance No. 7720/1939, files on the cancellation of business licences, lists of rejected licence appli...

  11. Hlavnoslúžnovský úrad Komárno

    • Főszolgabíroi hivatal Komárom
    • Chief Constable´s Office in Komárno

    The fonds consists of six groups of files: confidential files, mobilization files, administrative files, files concerning the misdemeanor, public procurement files, and core personnel files. In all groups of files one can find valuable documents concerning the political, economic and social status of Jews in and around Komárno. For example, the fonds contains the list of merchants and holders of licences, the list of construction material traders from 1942 etc. Besides that there are files concerning the internment of Jews, instructions and orders concerning the military labor units. Other ...

  12. Krajský súd v Rimavskej Sobote

    • County Court in Rimavská Sobota

    The fonds contains documents pertaining to the Jews from the period before the Holocaust as well as from the period 1938-1945. The Holocaust-relevant documents include files concern the illegal crossing of borders or various penal cases. The fonds also contains documents pertaining the property issues in 1945 - 1949 and there it is relevant for the studying of restitution.

  13. Mestský úrad v Brezne

    • Municipality Office in Brezno

    The fonds contains documents of the Municipality office in Brezno. These include various documents pertaining to the Jews living in Brezno nad Hronom including documents on anti-Jewish measures in the town such as list of Jewish doctors in Brezno from 1939, list of Jews who possess passports, documents pertaining the dissolution of Jewish associations in the town. Other documents pertain to the orders of the commander of temporary district labor camp for Jews, list of administrators of Jewish real estate property or documents pertaining to the evaluation of Jewish real estate property. Some...

  14. Ananiev district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town halls

    • Judeţul Ananiev – prefercturile judeţene, subprefecturile plaselor (preturilor) şi comunelor subordinate lor din stînga Nistrului
    • Примарии Ананьевского уезда
    • Primarii Anan'yevskogo uyezda

    Files of the town hall of Chernovo village in Chernovsky district in Ananiev county (lists of persons who extradited Soviet citizens to the Romanian authorities; information about the policemen related to the town hall; information about tax collection from the residents) et al.

  15. Supreme Court of the Moldavian ASSR

    • Curtea Supremă a Republicii Socialiste Sovietice Autonome Moldovenești
    • Верховный суд Молдавской АССР
    • Verkhovnyy sud Moldavskoy ASSR

    Files of the General Department (orders and instructions of the People’s Commissariat of Justice in 1941, orders of the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the MSSR on dismissal of complaints); files of the Accounting Department (lists of employees, personal files of lawyers and employees); files of the Criminal and Judicial Collegium (cases on various charges, including a case on charging S. Schechtman with embezzlement of socialist property, a case on chargig M. Weisserfirer and B. Milman for negligence official duties, the case of charging M. Bronshtein with embezzlement of public money, th...

  16. Supreme Court of the Moldavian ASSR

    • Curtea Supremă a Republicii Socialiste Sovietice Autonome Moldovenești
    • Верховный суд Молдавской АССР
    • Verkhovnyy sud Moldavskoy ASSR

    Files of the General Department (orders and instructions of the USSR people's commissar of justice, personnel files); files of the the Criminal and Judicial Board (including the decision of the chairman of the Supreme Court of the MASSR on review cases, including the case of I. Gershenzon and E. Braverman on charges of embezzling cooperative valuables and money); files of the Criminal-Judicial Cassation Collegium (including the case of the cassation appeal of Groisman against the decision of the people's court of the Rybnitsa district on charging him of speculation; the same for G. Rabinovi...

  17. Police Headquarters Chișinău. Questura. Passport Office files

    • Poliția Chișinău. Questura. Direcţia de Paşapoarte
    • Кишиневская квестура полиции. Дела паспортного стола
    • Kishinevskaya kvestura politsii. Dela pasportnogo stola

    Passport Office files for individuals residing in Chișinău. Personal files of more than 500 individuals (some listed with their families) of Jewish origin. For example, Abramovich Khaim with his wife, Averbukh Blyuma, Aybinder Bentsion with his family, Basboym Peysakh with his family, Berber Meyer with his wife, Blinder Nakhman with his family, Vaysman Pinkhus, Vertgeyn Meyer, Vizental' Gersh with his family, Gelershteyn Yankel'-Moisey, Gel'man Gitlya, Gil'dengershel Moisey, Dekhter Shulim, Dorf Khana, Zaydman Iosif with his family, Itsik Mirel', Itskovich Khaya, Katsef Abram, Kel'bert Yeli...

  18. Regional Inspectorate of Security in Bessarabia

    • Inspectoratul Regional de Siguranță din Basarabia
    • Бессарабский областной инспекториат полиции
    • Bessarabskiy oblastnoy inspektoriat politsii

    Intelligence materials on the external surveillance of the Soviet diplomatic mission in Romania; historical overview of the legionary and iron guard movement in Romania (1940-1941); information reports of the 3rd Romanian army on the moral condition and political sentiment of the army personnel and the population (1940-1942); information about the Soviet prisoners of war to be interned in the camp (lists of people, 1941); lists of Romanian citizens who served in the German army (1943); lists of informants of the secret information service of Romania etc.

  19. Ananiev district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town halls

    • Judeţul Ananiev – prefercturile judeţene, subprefecturile plaselor (preturilor) şi comunelor subordinate lor din stînga Nistrului
    • Примарии Ананьевского уезда
    • Primarii Anan'yevskogo uyezda

    Order of the primaria on the fulfillment of duties by the residents of the Ananiev district; list of policemen at Ananyevka village; lists of residents in Ananievka village et al.