Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1 to 11 of 11
Holding Institution: Státní okresní archiv Zlín
  1. Archiv města Luhačovice

    • Luhačovice Town Archives / NAD 570

    The fonds contains documents of the municipality of Luhačovice, official books, files, and accounting material. Jews began to settle in Luhačovice permanently after 1848, until then they visited Luhačovice only during the spa season. Information on Jews can be found in the Luhačovice Archive fonds in individual documents: permission for Jews to use a hall for services 1845; Jewish religious community: model statutes, a request for the establishment of a prayer house 1934; the building commission for the construction of the synagogue and hospital 1928. From the Holocaust period: a list of Je...

  2. Archiv městečka Malenovice a Místní národní výbor Malenovice

    • Malenovice Town Archives and the Malenovice National Committee / NAD 620

    The fonds contains documents of the municipality self-government. With its scope, it belongs to the fonds of small towns. It contains only particulars about Jews: anti-semitic lectures by the Vlajka organization and the post-war investigation of their members 1940–1945: announcements, lectures “Judaism and Modern Nationalism,” Czech Labor Front, speaker Vykydal from Želechovice, 20 July 1940; "Jews and London must be tried by the People's Court", convened by Jaroslav Pagáč from Zlín, 6 December 1941; the issue of handing over German and Czech members of the Vlajka by the Security Commission...

  3. Baťova nemocnice, Zlín

    • Baťa Hospital, Zlín / NAD 1910

    A large part of the Baťa hospital staff consisted of Jewish doctors, of whom more than two dozen worked at the hospital at the end of the 1930s. Some of them left Baťa's hospital to set up private surgeries or went to another hospital. However, most of them left the Baťa Hospital because of anti-Jewish measures introduced by the after-Munich Czechoslovakia. The fonds contains documents on the hospital operation, personnel matters, and accounting material. Information on Jews can be found a document recapitulating the result of anti-Jewish measures from 1939: Report on the departure of 23 Je...

  4. Archiv městečka Slušovice

    • Archives of the Town of Slušovice / NAD 932

    At the end of the 18th century, Jewish businessman Marek Knöpfelmacher from Holešov gained a lease of a distillery yard with land and meadows from the nobility (emphyteusis). In the coming generations, several other Jewish entrepreneurs took turns on this property. Individuals of the Jewish faith began to settle in Slušovice after 1848 from the surrounding communities (Holešov, Bystřice pod Hostýnem, Vrbětice). In 1885, 7 Jewish families were registered in Slušovice. The fonds contains documents of the municipality of Slušovice, deeds, official books, files, and accounting material. Informa...

  5. Baťa, a. s., Zlín

    • Baťa, a.s., Zlín / NAD 1921

    The fonds contains documents on the operation of the company and its activities in 1894-1948. Information on Jews can be found in individual documents from the 1930s and the first half of the 1940s: personal files of employees of Jewish origin (over 70 pieces entitled "Jewish nationality", "Jewish religion" or "Jew") - including Jewish employees of Zlín companies, Jewish doctors at the Baťa Hospital in Zlín, Jewish employees sent abroad by the management, Jewish employees who later joined the Czechoslovak military units abroad, Jewish employees in the company for forced labor; a name list o...

  6. Archiv města Valašské Klobouky

    • Valašské Klobouky Town Archives / NAD 1065

    The first records of the Jewish population in Valašské Klobouky date back to the 16th century. The Jews ran commercial and hospitality businesses, and engaged in dyeing and making draperies which was a strategic craft of that region. Because the Jewish descent made social advancement difficult, there were cases of conversion to Christianity - this was the case of the originally Jewish family of the Bratmanns, whose converted member later even became mayor of Valašské Klobouky. The number of Jews in the town did not exceed several dozens of individuals in the second half of the 19th century....

  7. Archiv městečka Slavičín

    • Archives of the Town of Slavičín / NAD 905

    The permanent settlement of Jews (the Zimlich family) in the village began as early as the end of the 18th century and was connected with the operation of shops and later also the operation of pubs. Gradually, the number of people of Jewish descent grew to several tens. With the occupation of the Czech lands by the Nazi Germany, the Jews were persecuted. In Slavičín, among other things, they had to perform forced work on the construction of a German training shooting range at Blyštický potok, where they were taken daily. After their internment in Uherský Brod, forced administration was impo...

  8. Archiv města Vizovice

    • Vizovice Town Archives / NAD 1154

    The fonds contains documents of the municipal self-government, deeds, official books, file material and accounting material. It contains only details about Jews: the great distillery of Zikmund Jelínek and Sons, the great distillery in Vizovice - purchase contracts, economic affairs, the inn in Zádveřice, construction plans, the appointment of a "faithful hand" during the 1888–1944 protectorate. The documents from the Holocaust period include the following: inspection and confiscation of supplies in the house of Josef Weiss, No. 417, by the Gestapo 1939; administration of Jewish property an...

  9. Okresní úřad Zlín I.

    • District Office Zlín I / NAD 153

    The fonds contains documents of public administration, official books, files, accounting material and associated agenda. Jews are mentioned in the presidium files of the Zlín District Office, these often being measures, circulars, instructions and orders of higher instances such as: an investigation into anti-Jewish leaflets distributed in the Zlín region in 1936 and 1938; trips of retired German officers of the Jewish faith to the Czechoslovak Republic; measures in the district of Zlín in 1937; the number of Jewish refugees moving into the district of the Zlín political district in 1937; m...

  10. Archiv města Zlín

    • Zlín Town Archives / NAD 161

    The fonds contains the material of the self-government of the city of Zlín such as documents, official books, file material and accounting material. Information on Jews can be found in the following documents: objections to Jews settling in Zlín, 1848. From the Holocaust period these documents are the following ones: Jewish property, forced administration, purchase of Jewish land 1939–1945. Sufficient attention should also be paid to the following documents: register of members of the municipality of Zlín 1891–1948; list of members of the city of Zlín 1901–1947; register of the dead 1910–19...

  11. Archiv města Napajedla

    • Napajedla Town Archives / NAD 670

    The fonds contains documents of the municipality of Napajedla, official books, files, and accounting material. The first records of Jews in Napajedla are mainly associated with the distillery. The distillery was managed by Jewish tenants for most of the 19th century. Information on Jews can be found in the fonds only in some documents from the Holocaust period: confiscated Jewish property - forced administration, rental of real estate, local ordinances and regulations concerning Jews and their property 1939–1945; internment of Napajedla citizens in concentration and prisoner of war camps, d...