Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1 to 20 of 747
Country: Belgium
  1. Izbicki-Balzam family. Collection

    This collection contains : a pre-war photo of Jankiel (Jakob) and Cywya Izbicki-Balzam, ca. 1930 ; a postcard in Yiddish and German, written by Abram Przedborski on behalf of his wife Hanna Balzam and his sister-in-law Cywya Balzam in Dampremy, Belgium, to their parents in Krzepice, Poland, regarding money Hanna and Cywja sent over to help, 1942 ; a parcel request form filled out by Jankiel (Jakob) Izbicki while being held at the SS-Sammellager Mecheln (Dossin barracks), addressed to Marie Bertechants in Dampremy, 1942.

  2. Paula Weinrib-Shayevitz. Collection

    This collection contains: an identity card photograph of Joseph Seiderman, ca. 1935 ; an identity card photograph of David Fajerstejn, ca. 1938 ; a photograph of siblings David and Abraham Icek Fajerstejn walking down a street, 1942.

  3. Pilcer-Jama family. Collection

    This collection contains : a pre-war portrait of the deported Hena Jama and a pre-war portrait of her deported son Jules Pilzer (also Pilcer).

  4. I. Ralston. Collection

    This collection contains : a letter from the Belgian Red Cross to Miss D. De Grave and Misses De Doncker regarding the whereabouts of Henri Gosset who had been sent away from the assembly camp in Drancy, France, to an unknown destination, 1942 ; a photocopy of a certificate allowing Frajda Krywin to deliver a parcel of food to her brother Hersz Krywin, held in Saint-Gilles prison, 1942 ; a post-war Political Prisoner’s Beneficiary Status Card issued to Gela (Géla) Calka, 1958.

  5. Concentration camp uniform of a political prisoner. Collection

    This collection contains : uniform trousers in blue and white striped canvas, fastened with mismatched buttons and a waistband lined with white canvas, worn in an unidentified concentration camp by an unidentified political prisoner ; grey tweed suit jacket, closed with a button and safety pin (other buttons missing, sleeve buttons present), number 867291 inscribed on a strip of white cloth pinned to the left pocket, worn in an unidentified concentration camp by an unidentified political prisoner.

  6. Photos of railway cars and wagons. Collection

    This collection contains : a pre-war photo of a third-class passenger wagon of the NMBS-SNCB, of the same type used for the deportations of Jews from the SS-Sammellager Mecheln (Dossin barracks) to Auschwitz-Birkenau from 4 August 1942 until 15 January 1943 (transports I to XIX) ; two post-war photos of a NMBS-SNCB freight car of the same type used for the deportations of Jews from the SS-Sammellager Mecheln (Dossin barracks) to Auschwitz-Birkenau from 19 April 1943 until 31 July 1944 (transport XX to transport XXVI).

  7. Daniels-Ulmer family. Collection

    This collection consists of five handwritten letters and parcel requests sent by Max Daniels and Hedwig Ulmer during their internment at the Dossin Barracks in Mechelen, Belgium, between December 1942 and January 1943. The documents primarily address urgent pleas for assistance with food, clothing, and medical supplies. The letters provide insight into their deteriorating living conditions and reveal their dependence on external support to survive. Specific requests include items such as black tea for pain relief, soap, warm clothing, preserved food, games for relaxation, and medical suppli...

  8. Goldberg-Kaufman family. Collection

    This collection contains : a wartime portrait of Chana Laja Kaufman ; a wartime portrait of Aron Lejzer Goldberg ; a wartime photo of Chana Laja Kaufman and her two children, Abraham and Liliane (Lily) Goldberg ; a wartime photo of siblings Abraham and Lilane (Lily) Goldberg.

  9. Szyf family. Collection

    This collection comprises an array of materials chronicling the lives of the Szyf family, particularly Moszko and Leiba Ber Szyf, along with Sluwa Gus and the children Paul and Marie (Annie) Szyf, and some of their extended family members. The collection spans from the early 20th century through the mid-20th century and offers insight into their experiences before, during, and after World War II. Photographs form a significant portion of the collection. These include portraits of Moszko and Leiba Ber Szyf at different stages of their lives, ranging from the 1920s to the 1950s. Additionally,...

  10. Salomon van Dam. Collection

    This collection includes: the diploma of dentist issued to Salomon alias Edmond van Dam, 1901 ; the marriage booklet of Salomon van Dam and Yvonne Flamme, 1933 ; identity cards issued to Salomon van Dam and to Yvonne Flamme by the Borgerhout municipality, 1935 ; a wing (with photograph) of an identity card issued to Yvonne Flamme by the Blaton municipality, 1941 ; three photos of Hadelin van Dam taken in Blaton, 1941-1942 ; documents concerning the car in the possession of Salomon van Dam, 1940 ; attestation concerning the exercise of the profession of dentist by Salomon van Dam, 1942 ; cor...

  11. Haber-Low family. Collection

    This collection contains : a compilation of colourised studio portraits of Sender (Alexander) and Frimet (Frida) Haber-Low and their daughter Sonja Haber ; a wartime studio portrait of Berta Low and her children Arthur and Dwora Hochberger.

  12. Safar-ova family. Collection

    This collection contains : an extract of the Czechoslovakian birth certificate of Frantiska (Fani) Safar-ova ; the pre-war Czechoslovakian passport used by Frantiska (Fani) Safar-ova to emigrate from Czechoslovakia to Belgium ; two wartime photos of the Jewish women, relocated from Antwerp to Limburg in February 1941, who were housed at the Terlaemen castle in Zolder, including Frantiska (Fani), Roza and Ruzena (Jeanne) Safar-ova ; a photo of the Terlaemen castle in Zolder, Limburg, were Jewish girls were housed from February 1941 onwards ; the false wartime identity card of Frantiska (Fani...

  13. Weinreb-Weinreb family. Collection

    This collection contains: a pre-war studio portrait of Majer and Rosa Weinreb-Weinreb ; the wartime foreigners’ identity cards of Rosa and Scheindla Weinreb, 1942 ; wartime certificates confirming that Majer and Rosa Weinreb-Weinreb and their children Scheindla and Jacob Weinreb were members of the Association of Jews in Belgium, 1942 ; an envelope used to store the documents of Rosa and Scheindla Weinreb in the camp administration of the SS-Sammellager Mecheln (Dossin barracks), 1943 ; the displaced person registration record of Scheindla Weinreb, 1945 ; an administrative birth certificate...

  14. Herbert Stellman. Collection

    This collection contains: a group photo of the members of Jewish sports club Maccabi Antwerp, posing in uniform at the occasion of the second anniversary of the club’s foundation, 1922 ; a studio portrait of the Stellman-Rubin family, ca. 1922 ; three telegrams exchanged via the British Red Cross between Herbert Stellman in London, United Kingdom, and his parents Heinrich alias Henri and Lea Stellman-Rubin in Antwerp, 1941 ; two postcards sent by Lea Rubin-Stellman in Antwerp to her son Herbert Stellman in Lisbon, Portugal, and forwarded to London, thanking Herbert for the cans of sardines ...

  15. Consistoire central israélite de Belgique - Centraal Israëlitisch Consistorie van België. Collection

    This collection contains: a long uniform coat or dress in grey and blue striped fabric, worn by an unidentified female inmate in an unidentified concentration camp ; uniform trousers in grey and blue striped fabric, with a red triangle on the right thigh, marked with a B in the center, and the inmate number 30049 shown on a rectangle of white fabric below the triangle, worn by an unidentified male inmate in an unidentified concentration camp ; uniform cap in blue and grey striped fabric, lined with grey fabric, worn by an unidentified male inmate in an unidentified concentration camp ; a wa...

  16. De Vleeshouwer-Obbels family. Collection

    This collection contains : a commemorative pin with the inscription “62596 – Ravensbruck”, issued post-war to political prisoner Leonie Obbels, former inmate of Ravensbrück ; a studio portrait of Eva Berkovic, daughter of Irene Rozett, who received help from Jan and Leonie De Vleeshouwer-Obbels during the occupation of Belgium by Nazi-Germany.

  17. Houthalen municipality. Collection

    This collection contains: a letter from Jan Born, municipal clerk in Overpelt, to Lode Franssens, mayor of Houthalen-Helchteren, informing Franssens about the living conditions of Jewish forced labourers at the Op den Holven work camp in Overpelt in 1941, 1986 ; Photocopy made in 1986 of the pages of the Houthalen register of foreigners, containing information on Jewish inhabitants Herman and Marie Rottenberg- Kompa and their son Heinz, Hersz and Lea Leiner-Feit, Florimond De Pauw, and Chaja Penner ; A 1986 photocopy of a list of thirty-five female and underage foreigners (mainly Jews) that...

  18. Drielsma-Wolf family. Collection

    This collection contains: pre-war portraits and family photos of Hessel and Josephine alias Fien Drielsma-Wolf and their children René, Sophia Jeanne and Marschel alias Marcel Drielsma ; a postcard sent by Hessel and Josephine Drielsma-Wolf in Liège to their son-in-law and daughter Jean and Sophia Reydams-Drielsma in Zwartberg, regarding their grandson Robert Reydams who was staying with his grandparents in Liège, 1942 ; a postcard from Josephine Wolf, detained at the SS-Sammellager Mecheln (Dossin barracks), to Gaston Reydams, father of her son-in-law Jean Reydams, 1942 ; two letters and t...

  19. Jan Van Calsteren. Collection

    This collection contains: the booklet ‘Jakob tekent een stad’ [Jakob draws a city], a story for young readers about a Jewish boy in Prague and the Theresienstadt ghetto during the occupation, written by Jan Van Calsteren ; a photocopy of the English translation of the booklet ‘Jakob tekent een stad’, entitled ‘The Golden City’.

  20. Mozes (Maurice) Fink. Collection

    This collection contains: one videotaped testimony by Mozes (Maurice) Fink, in which are also shown 24 photos of him, his family and others as well as one letter written to Mr. Fink.