Consistoire central israélite de Belgique - Centraal Israëlitisch Consistorie van België. Collection

Language of Description
1 Jan 1940 - 31 Dec 1945
Level of Description
  • French
EHRI Partner

Extent and Medium

2 digitised items (3 objects and 2 documents)

Biographical History

In 1938, the Comité d’Assistance aux Réfugiés Juifs [Jewish Refugee Assistance Committee] succeeded the Comité d'Aide et d'Assistance aux Victimes de l'Antisémitisme en Allemagne [Committee for Aid and Assistance to the Victims of Antisemitism in Germany], created in 1933 and chaired by professor Max Gottschalk. The Committee was located at Rue Roger Van der Weyden 25-27 in Brussels and strived to welcome Jews in Belgium who had fled from Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia to escape national-socialism. The organisation played a major role in providing shelter and financial, social, medical and legal support to refugees, and helped them to obtain residence certificates which were often transit visa for people with the intention to re-emigrate (mainly to British mandate Palestine, the United States of America or South America). Language courses (French, English, Spanish) were organised for this purpose. Thousands of people were assisted by the Committee, which was subsidised solely by private funds. About 70 people were employed by the Committee, most of them as volunteers.

Archival History

On 16 October 1996, members of the Consistoire central israélite de Belgique - Centraal Israëlitisch Consistorie van België kindly donated the two original documents in this collection to the Jewish Museum of Deportation and Resistance, predecessor of Kazerne Dossin. On 18 May 2005, the original clothing was also donated.


Consistoire central israélite de Belgique - Centraal Israëlitisch Consistorie van België, 1996 and 2005

Scope and Content

This collection contains: a long uniform coat or dress in grey and blue striped fabric, worn by an unidentified female inmate in an unidentified concentration camp ; uniform trousers in grey and blue striped fabric, with a red triangle on the right thigh, marked with a B in the center, and the inmate number 30049 shown on a rectangle of white fabric below the triangle, worn by an unidentified male inmate in an unidentified concentration camp ; uniform cap in blue and grey striped fabric, lined with grey fabric, worn by an unidentified male inmate in an unidentified concentration camp ; a wartime pre-printed form from the Service de Transmigration [Transmigration Service] of the Comité d’Assistance aux Réfugiés Juifs [Jewish Refugee Assistance Committee ] regarding certain permissions obtained from the Devisenstelle ; a wartime pre-printed form from the Service de Transmigration [Transmigration Service] of the Comité d’Assistance aux Réfugiés Juifs [Jewish Refugee Assistance Committee] to the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigration Aid Society (HIAS) regarding the confirmation of emigration of a sponsored person.


No further accruals are to be expected.

Conditions Governing Access

Contact Kazerne Dossin Research Centre:

Conditions Governing Reproduction

Contact Kazerne Dossin Research Centre:

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

The clothing has yet to be photographed.

Publication Note

SCHREIBER Jean-Philippe, "L'accueil des réfugiés juifs du Reich en Belgique, mars 1933-septembre 1939: le Comité d'Aide et d'Assistance aux Victimes de l'Antisémitisme en Allemagne", in: Les Cahiers de la mémoire contemporaine, 2001 (3), 23-72.

This description is derived directly from structured data provided to EHRI by a partner institution. This collection holding institution considers this description as an accurate reflection of the archival holdings to which it refers at the moment of data transfer.