Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1 to 20 of 30
Holding Institution: Hrvatski državni arhiv
  1. Ravnateljstvo ustaškog redarstva. Židovski odsjek.

    • Directorate of the Ustasha police. Jewish section.

    Collection includes pleas of Jews not to have to wear the Jewish sign; pleas to have their aryan rights recognized for different reasons; requests for protection; reports on arrests of Jews and deportations; reports from camps. Preserved are also office records from 1941 and 1942.

  2. Velika Župa Posavje

    • The Great Governorate of Posavje

    Velika Župa was the highest regional authority in the Independent State of Croatia. It was responsible only to the Poglavnik Ante Pavelić, who personally named its leader, and to the respective state ministries. Velika Župa Posavje was founded on 10 June 1941 with the seat in the contemporary town of Slavonski Brod and continued to function until 1945. Velika Župa Posavje included the administrative units (kotar) of Bijeljina, Brčko, Brod na Savi, Derventa, Gradačac and Županja. Researchers of the Holocaust will find the “Very secret files” (1 box) and “Secret files” (14 boxes) useful. “Ver...

  3. Javno tužilaštvo Socijalističke Republike Hrvatske

    • The State Attorney office of the Socialist Republic of Croatia

    The Public Prosecutor's Office was established in 1945. The Law on the Public Prosecutor's Office was adopted after the promulgation of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1946, and the Public Prosecutor's Office of PRC acted as an organ of public prosecution in the country. Collection holds 9 boxes of the Indictment Ante Pavelic-Andrija Artuković, from 1951 for their extradition. Besides the text of the statutory provisions of the ISC there is evidence, testimony and statements of surviving camp inmates, lists of interned and murdered Jews, etc. Researchers of the Hol...

  4. Zbirka fotografija iz Drugog svjetskog rata

    • Collection of Photographs from the Second World War
  5. Budisavljević Diana

    The collection contains copies of various documents (mainly the list of dead and missing children and women during World War II); copies of documents on "The Action" conducted by Mrs. D. Budisavljević; parts of the translation of her diary relating to the Action; Card index for persons and institutions mentioned in the diary, and materials related to the publication of her Diary.

  6. Ministarstvo zdravstva i udružbe Nezavisne Države Hrvatske

    • The Ministry of Health Associations

    The General Directorate of Health Associations (udružba) contains records on the care and help bestowed to refugees, labor and pension insurance, legislation and plans related to the work of companies, information about associations connected to health and public health and safety, cadets, transport lists of people sent to work to Germany (and people sent to'work'to Germany), statistics on immigrants, and different records (books) on institutions and funds providing child care.

  7. Zemaljska komisija za utvrđivanje zločina okupatora i njihovih pomagača Hrvatske

    • The state commission for the establishing of the crimes of the occupying forces and their helpers

    Established in 1944, the institution collected data on crimes, perpetutors and their accomplices, the type of crime, place and manner the crime was conducted. Results of its work the Commission forwarded onto the public prosecutor's office. The punishment was determined by the courts at the end of the judicial process, or after the final judgment. On the lower levels there were county, municipal and city commission. In 1947 its work was replaced by the Investigation Department of the Public Prosecutor's Office of People's Republic of Croatia. The material on Jews (9 boxes) contains details ...

  8. Sudovi Oružanih snaga NDH

    • Court-martial of the Independent State of Croatia

    The collection consists of the writings of some of the military courts of the ISC/NDH from the period 1941-1945, with data on military-judicial practices of the Independent State Of Croatia (reports on criminal cases, the statements on the proclamation of penalties).

  9. Redarstvena oblast za grad Zagreb

    • The city of Zagreb law enforcement unit

    Most of the collection consists of police records with personal data and the reasons for the arrest. Among other things preserved there are certificates, paid invoices, purchase orders, records of persons who have changed their religion, records of the parish police jurisdictions, etc.

  10. Ustaša. Hrvatski oslobodilački pokret

    • Ustasha. Croatian Liberation Movement.

    Follows the organization of the Ustasha movement and its institualization: the formation of the main political body, Glavni ustaški stan (GUS; Main Ustasha HQ, which had offices in most major towns in the country); reports on the formatian of camps; lists of suspicious individuals; list of partisan fighters, etc.

  11. Zbirka dokumenata Službe državne sigurnosti Republičkoga sekretarijata za unutarnje poslove Socijalističke Republike Hrvatske

    • Collection of documents of the State security agency of the Federal unit for the interior affairs of the Socialist Republic of Croatia

    This collection of materials of different origin is created by the State Security Service, or earlier OZNA (Department for the protection of the people) and UDBA Administration (State Security). Part of the material relates to the original material of the Ustasha police, military and other government and institutions of the ISC, and part is the result of the original documentation. The material is grouped into thematic sections (political parties to II. World War II Ustasha movement between the two world wars, and the NDH Ustasha movement, organization of the NDH government, the judiciary, ...

  12. Ministarstvo skrbi za postradale krajeve Nezavisne Države Hrvatske

    • The Ministry of Welfare for the War-Affected Areas of the Independent State of Croatia (ISC)

    The collection holds pleas for help from refugees within the ISC. Note that the refugees in question mostly are non-Jewish, as the dates point it is towards the end of the war, but the collection might be interesting to appraise the general atmosphere of social welfare after the collapse of Italy in 1943. It is not excluded some of the cases handled within the collection refer to the remaining Jews in Croatia.

  13. Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova Nezavisne Državne Hrvatske

    • The Ministry of the Interior of the Independent State of Croatia

    The collection comprises papers from the Cabinet Office and Minister's office: categorized as very secret, secret, general files and documents, subsection of personal and computationally-economic affairs, records of the office assistant minister and the president's office, the files of the general section (IA to ID), the Administrative Department (II-A to II-C) and supervisory departments (NO to NO-III-IV), the administrative department of the General Directorate for Internal Administration (RU, RU BI to B-III), a very secret and secret papers of the Secretariat, Director General of the Gen...

  14. Ministarstvo pravosuđa i bogoštovlja Nezavisne Države Hrvatske

    • The Ministry of Justice and Religious Affairs of the Independent State of Croatia

    Sub-collection, referring to the work of the Department of Justice holds both the secret and general records of the General Judicial Department, drafts and bills, laws and orders, rules and circulars and interpretations, personal correspondence of clerks, judges, clerks and general legal staff, financial records of the Judicial Foundation, with individual and group payments to the Judicial Foundation; calculations, and accounts of the Foundation, reports from the penitentiaries, judicial and other prisons, lists of convicts, pardon applications, files of bar associations, of lawyers and not...

  15. Ministarstvo državne riznice

    • The Ministry of State Treasury

    The task of this office was to monitor and manage economic enterprises or assets of persons who left the ISC, Jews especially. The office had a branch in Osijek, Sarajevo and Banja Luka. From the original current records were selected following collections: Ponova (=nationalized property office) - Regional Office Osijek; Ponova - Regional Office Sarajevo; Ponova - Regional Office Banja Luka, immigrant and immigrant camp Caprag-Sisak; immigrant camp Požega; immigrant camp Bjelovar; Ponova office in Brodski Šamac; Ponova office in Koprivnica; Tax Office Srem Karlovci; Tax Office Slavonski Bro...

  16. Antifašistička fronta žena Hrvatske

    • The Womens' Antifascist Front of Croatia

    Lists of prisoners from the concentration camp Jasenovac; memories of former prisoners in the camp

  17. Banovina Hrvatska. Kabinet bana.

    • The governance of Croatia, Governor’s office
  18. Ustaška nadzorna služba

    • The Ustasha Intelligence Unit

    The collection contains personal files and various financial documents: bills that arrived to (concentration) camps, and which relate to the consumption of goods in the camps, orders for shoes, slippers, wood, food and clothing, lists of dead prisoners, documents relating to the sending of packages to inmates, list of people coming into camps. Preserved are reports from the field and reports on detainees, by day.

  19. Odbor u stvari podavanja Židova za potrebe države

    • Committee regarding the contribution of Jews towards the needs of the state
  20. Banovina Hrvatska. Odjeljak za državnu zaštitu, Zagreb.

    • Governance of Croatia; Department of state security, HQ in Zagreb.