Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,041 to 6,060 of 56,066
  1. UFA documentary film on the Reich Labor Service (RAD)

    UFA documentary film on the RAD. Titles in German. Camera by Kurt Stanke; Music by Hans Ebert.

  2. Kahan family papers

    Correspondence, documents, certificates, and related materials, concerning the immigration of the family of Eugene (Jenö) Kahan, originally of Munkacs, Hungary (Mukachevo, Ukraine), and his wife, Gizella, and their daughters, to the United States via Paraguay, after World War II. Documents include identification and marriage documents issued in Hungary following the war, documents issued by the consulate of Paraguay in Czechoslovakia, and correspondence between American agencies, including the Immigration and Naturalization Service, and the office of U.S. Senator Theodore Green of Rhode Isl...

  3. Battle Squadron 51 "Edelweiss" France

    “III Kampfgeschwader 51” [Fighter squadron 51] “Edelweiss” in France. Luftwaffe Officers. Paris. Terrible damage in French city. On Yugoslavian assignment. Onwards “nach Lezani” Poland. Russia. 11:03:40, Roma/Sinti. General Alexander Löhr. Luftwaffe men grabbing pigs; relaxing. 11:20:27 Roma girls - palm reading, bare breasts, jiggling for men. Russia. Odessa, Nikolajew, Charkow.

  4. Van Pragh, Polak, Elias, and Wertheim families collection

    The collection includes photographs depicting the Van Praagh and Polak families a photocopy of the journal written by Therese (Tesi) Wertheim. The journal, written immediately post-war, describes Tesi's describers her wartime experiences between May 10, 1940 and April 3, 1945, including when the Germans invaded Enschede in the Netherlands, the arrest of her son, Martin, who was killed at Mauthausen in October 1941, anti-Jewish legislation, life in in the underground in Enschede, and the aerial attacks on the city.

  5. Ship SS France; Visiting Morocco and Spain

    With intertitles in English. “Europe and the North Coast of Africa, 1929. Before sailing on deck of ‘SS France’” Large group of well-dressed men and women gather on the deck of the SS France for a group shot. 1.11 Man leans on the railing looking out. Other groups of people gather for group shots, laughing and embracing each other. A final large group of people form a line, walking on the deck of the ship. 1:47 “Dropping the Pilot.” Overhead shot of a small paddle boat and shots of the open water. 2:18 “Advertising the races during 5 o’clock tea.” Men in uniform carry large cutouts of horse...

  6. Neusustrum camp in the region of Emsland

    Neusustrum was a detention camp for homosexuals and other political prisoners. Filmed by Willhelm Niemann, teacher and member of the SA. Country fields and barn-like structures in Germany. Three children sit in front of a house with a sloped roof. A young boy swings around a horizontal bar set up in the trees. 10:01:43 “Am Grenzgraben.” People work in a hay field while German officers stand nearby. Two officers in a field look through binoculars. Officers walk out of a property entrance. 10:02:52 CU face of a German officer. A stream. Train tracks through fields and trees. Hayfields. Sheep ...

  7. De Kadt family in winter

    Sonja and Louis de Kadt each push Willie on a sleigh on a snowy day, as does another adult (possibly a nanny); Willie plays in the snow; 01:03:03 Indoors, close-up of Willie and a baby (possibly Maarten as the can label indicates); Willie romps in the snow; the village in winter, seen from across rows of fences; Willie and baby (Maarten?) ride in a sleigh.

  8. Russian Campaign

    Russian Campaign, Fuehrer Headquarters Wolfschanze

  9. Selected records from National Archives of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan related to evacuation of civilians during WWII

    Records related to the evacuation of civilians to Kyrgyzstan during WWII. It includes information about resettlement, employment, food supplies and medical assistance provided by the local authorities to the evacuees and refugees resettled in Kyrgyzstan during WWII. This collection also includes lists of evacuees, statistical reports, correspondence, lists of evacuated communists, lists of evacuated Polish citizens and documents related to the repatriation of Polish refugees to Poland after WWII.

  10. German soldiers


  11. Motel Max Jawerbaum collection

    Contains documents relating to the Holocaust experiences of Motel Max Jawerbaum (donor's uncle by marriage).

  12. Selected records of the Tax Office in Końskie Urząd Skarbowy w Końskich (Sygn. 1030)

    The registry of misconducts, records of newly constructed houses, tax books, a list of Jewish estates in the town of Końskie, and other rural communities.

  13. San Remo; USA voyage aboard the "Bremen"; Olympics

    Consulate in St. Remo, southern villa. "Bremen" on a trip to the US, passengers, swimming pools on board, etc. Life on board, bull fight Steamer "Albert Ballin" charges, Hamburg, (14. 8. 1931), beach life, Parade Reichswehr, relocation, Frankfurt, open-air swimming pool, Olympics, Hitler enters the stadium with officials,

  14. Hungarian Refugee Registration Cards

    Hungarian refugee registration cards, created in the outbreak of the Hungarian Revolution in 1956. More than 18,000 Jews fled to Austria. The AJJDC helped emigrants for resettlement, also supported two kosher kitchens in Vienna and furnished medical and religious supplies. While some emigrants stayed in Europe, other group of refugees emigrated to the U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Israel and Latin America.

  15. “League of Front Soldiers” Day of the Steel Helmets 1927 Berlin

    German newspapers, The Red Flag and the Steel Helmet, headquarters, officers marching, celebration, fireworks, aircrafts, crowds, Old Dithmarschen flag

  16. Agriculture in the 1930s, private films

    Various activities in agriculture in the 1930s, a movie about agriculture in earlier years

  17. Nora Orchan collection

    The Nora Orchan collection includes a autograph book that Nora carried with her during her emigration with her siblings from Germany to Israel in 1938. Autographs and entries date 1935-1941 and include poems and drawings as well as diary entries, perhaps by Nora. The collections also includes pre-war photographs of Nora and her family.

  18. The German East

    Bessarabia - Germans, villages, agriculture, horse-drinking, rain, fishing, crafts, peasant woman, church, children play and dance, large ponds, volcanic mountain, Thanksgiving, potato harvest

  19. Selected records of the Jewish communities of the Travnik kanton

    Selected records of the Jewish communities of the Travnik kanton in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Includes selected records of Jewish properties and the local schools (public and Catholic) related to individual Jews and Jewish families residing in the town of Travnik and Travnik kanton before, during and after World War II. The collection also includes records from the personal archival collection of Anton Pelić, with a large number of postcards and photographs of private buildings (houses, synagogue, shops, small factories etc.) owned and occupied by Jewish families in Travnik before WWII.

  20. Blue and white Zionist flag with a Star of David from the ship Exodus 1947

    Blue and white Zionist flag taken down from the mast of the Exodus 1947 on July 18, 1947, by Mike Weiss, a Jewish American crew member, after the ship was forced into the port in Haifa. Weiss removed the flag before the passengers and crew were forced to disembark. This flag design was later adopted as the Flag of the State of Israel, which was created on May 10, 1948. Weiss had volunteered for the clandestine effort to smuggle Holocaust survivors from Europe to Palestine. He was a boatswain-carpenter on the ship, which was under the command of Haganah, an underground Jewish paramilitary or...