Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,061 to 6,080 of 56,066
  1. Woven shirt made by a woman for her infant nephew while in a labor camp

    Infant's blouse made for Ivan Répás by his aunt Kato Holtzek in Strasshof labor camp in 1944. Ivan was born while they were being transported to the camp.

  2. Circular letters, Jewish Agency for Palestine.

    Mimeographed circular letters, distributed by various offices of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, primarily between 1936 and 1944, describing various developments and issues related to the re-settlement of European Jews in Palestine. Some of the letters are from the Central Bureau for the Settlement of German Jews, and others relate to Youth Aliyah and the resettlement of Polish Jews by way of Iran. Included are carbon copies of two letters from Henrietta Szold, addressed to communities that had welcomed youth from Germany, 1936-1937.

  3. County Command of the State Police in Zawiercie Komenda Powiatowa Policji Państwowej w Zawierciu (Sygn. 1050)

    Reports and information from police officers and police informers relating to political, social and labor organizations; as well outgoing correspondence from the Police.

  4. 750th anniversary of the town of Wadersloh in 1938

    Beautiful scenes from village life in the town, striking faces, the daily routine, hunting, agriculture, Parades, RAD, concerts, Hitler Youth with wreath to honor the dead, police, RAD camp, flag appeal. 33:20 railroad. Honoring old men by the Nazi Warrior Association, handing over of pictures

  5. Landesgericht Klagenfurt : NS-Verfahren

    Postwar court records of Nazi-related cases in the state court of Klagenfurt, Austria for the years 1970 to 1973. The collection includes the case against Ernst Lerch and Helmut Pohl for the murder of 2 million Jews under Aktion Reinhardt, which was dismissed in 1976. Includes also cases of Rudolf Payker and Gerhard Rupp who took part at the execution of 2 members of Gebirgsjaegerregiments 143 in May 1945 in Norway.

  6. Friedrich Günser correspondence

    Correspondence sent and received by Friedrich Günser, originally of Vienna, Austria, who was interned by the British as an enemy alien in the early years of World War II, first in Camp Mooragh on the Isle of Man, and then at Camp Tatura in Australia. Includes one postcard from Günser's wife, Lilly (Cölestine), sent from Vienna (August 1940); a letter from Günser to relatives in New York (June 1940); an empty envelope that had contained a letter from Günser's father, Jakob, sent from Vienna (October 1941), and three letters from Günser to his wife Lilly (October 1941, January-February 1943),...

  7. Loewy family papers

    The collection primarily documents the wartime experiences of the Paul and Margarete Loewy, their children Hans and Vera, and their extended family in Berlin, Germany. The biographical material includes birth and marriage certificates; World War I veteran documents of Friedrich Abt; passports and other identification documents; Paul Loewy’s wartime workbook (arbeitbuch); and Jüdische Kultusvereinigung documents. There are also papers documenting Max and Hedwig Lasker’s attempt to emigrate from Berlin to Uruguay. The correspondence includes postcards written from family and friends imprisone...

  8. Herbert Hordes collection

    Contains a collection of postal covers, mail forms, postcards, and Red Cross correspondence from the Holocaust era. Includes materials sent to/from Stalag VIIIB, Italy, Theresienstadt, Berlin, Nurnberg, Sachsenhausen, France, Canada, Palestine, and Israel; dated 1940-1949; collected by Herbert Hordes (donor's late husband).

  9. County Command of the State Police in Końskie. Police Station in Borkowice Komenda Powiatowa Policji Państwowej w Końskich. Posterunek w Borkowicach (Sygn. 1336)

    Police control book of investigations. The book is divided by fourteen sections with the following information: e.g. location, committed crimes, damages; names of victims, their occupation and whereabouts, result of investigations, and how the case was investigated and revealed.

  10. SA membership files, Varel (Germany)

    Consists of 43 separate personnel files on members of the Sturmbabteilung (SA) of the Nazi party, from the town of Varel (Friesland), Germany. The files, called "Stammrolle," contain information about a persons membership in the SA, in the Nazi party, their vital statistics, profession, prior military or paramilitary service, and the dates on which they received various ranks in the SA. The files were numbered in sequential and chronological order, based on the date when this form was completed, which could have been at the same time as a person's entry into the SA, or at a much later date....

  11. Records of the Geneva Office of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, 1945-1954

    Records of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (AJDC), Geneva Office, relating to global overseas operations in the immediate post-World War II (WWII) period: global rescue and relief efforts, primarily focused on resettling Jewish refugees and Holocaust survivors around the world; facilitating the renewal of Jewish life in Europe; rebuilding Jewish communal institutions; and providing sustaining aid to the remnants of Jewish communities worldwide. This collection include: correspondence; committee and board meeting minutes; field reports from worldwide staff; budgets; income a...

  12. Henry Krystal papers

    Case files of Dr. Henry Krystal, a psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor based in Southfield, Michigan, who treated other Holocaust survivors who lived in the Detroit region, circa 1960s to 1990s. The files, arranged alphabetically by patient name, contain evaluations, descriptions of patients' ailments, and the descriptions of their experiences during the Holocaust. Includes reports filed by Krystal in support of patients' restitution claims with the West German government.

  13. Goering's train in Ostmark

    Intertitle: “Ostmarkreise.” In Austria, Goering's train. Goering in white jacket in conversation with Nazi Party member. He walks along the rails, Arthur Seyss-Inquart is next to him. Civilians with “Heil” greetings, party members in white shirts and arm bands block off a crowd.View out traveling train at men greeting the train from the platform. Horse-drawn carriage moving through the woods, shot from the carriage. Men walk through the woods. White horses pull carriages. Goering in hunting costume with binoculars, accompanied by hunters, climbs in carriage with two white horses, travels in...

  14. Star of David badge printed with Jude

    Star of David badge; yellow textile with black outline of Star of David and "Jude" printed in center.

  15. Records of the registry office of the Jewish community in Wolbórz Akta urządu stanu cywilnego gminy żydowskiej w Woliborzu (Sygn.1734)

    Books of the registry office in Wolbórz, Poland. Selected records contain registry books with data of marriages, births and deaths of inhabitants in Wolbórz as well as bound copies of annexes.

  16. Konig and Bressler families collection

    Contains letters, photographs, and other documents related to the König and Bressler family from Pasieczna and Nadwórna, Poland; includes two letters, one written by Chana, searching for her brother Max and the other recommendation letter from US officer, dated June 24, 1946. Also includes documents and photographs; related to Chaim Nieswiecki (donor’s step-father), who was born in Baranowicze, Poland (now Baranavichy, Belarus) on March 23, 1911, including letters written by the Koenigl family in Pasieczna and Nadworna to their son and brother Max in the USA 1933-1938; false documents issue...

  17. Selected records from the Library of the United Nations Office at Geneva

    Selected documents from two major record groups in the holdings of the Library of the United Nations Office at Geneva: the High Commissioner for German Refugees, Autonomous Period (1933-1936) and the Intergovernmental Committee Conference at Evian (1938-1939). These records relate to the Evian Conference as well as to Jewish refugees seeking to flee from Nazi persecution. Includes records pertaining to the British Mandate of Palestine, situation reports on various countries in Europe, and correspondence with Jewish communities in Europe and refugee organizations worldwide such as the Jewish...

  18. Selected records of the commune Daleszyce Akta gminy Daleszyce (Sygn.129)

    Selected records of the Municipal Office of Daleszyce for the supervision of the municipal economy and population, related to trade, industry and books of population. Records reflect the lives of the 276 Jews who lived in the Daleszyce commune between 1919-1924.

  19. Goring tours Italy by ship

    Three tiers of people stand next to a dock, looking out towards the boat. The camera operator films from a boat. A small boat on the side of the dock. People on the side wave and salute to the people on the boats. A huge German steamer ship with two funnels. Seagulls fly. A Nazi flag waves at the back of the boat. The wake of the boat. 10:34:14 Carin II boat in transit [Carin was Goering’s first wife and he named a lot of things after her]. In the BG, steep coast, various views of the ship, Göring at the wheel. Two women on the sundeck. Captain at the wheel, views from the traveling ship of...

  20. Itzkovitz and Moldovan families collection

    Collection of family photographs of Ester Irén Ickovics (donor’s mother), b. January 13, 1922, and her family in Berehovo, Czechoslovakia (later Beregszasz, Hungary), who was deported together with her whole family to the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp in May 1944 and a few weeks later, together with her sister Sari Charlotte, b. Sept. 26, 1919, deported to Gelskirchen, a sub-camp of Buchenwald. In September 1944 they were deported to Sommerda slave labor camp, where they worked in ammunition factory; Ester married Emerich Israel Moldovan, b. September 20, 1914, who was mobilized into a forc...