Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,021 to 6,040 of 56,066
  1. Woman's story of the German occupation

    A Boehner Film. German culture, woman driving a car, hilly landscape, three girls, historic buildings, street scenes, children playing, German Occupation, School of the SS, cyclists

  2. Selected records of the town Chęciny Akta miasta Chęciny (Sygn. 121)

    Books of the traffic control of population, regulations, orders, budget, and statements of accounts of the Chęciny City Council related to expansion and revitalization of the city, construction industry, education, commerce and trade, and health (no years 1936-1939). In the interwar period the city Chęciny had more than 5,000 residents, including 56% of Jews. Jewish councils were very active in the City Council administration and influential on all city decisions.

  3. Joseph Lowenstein collection

    Contians correspondence from Joseph Lowenstein of Stelle, Germany, dated 1940-1941, to his child Max and grandchildren Rolfe and Kurt in the United States. Letters in German and one in English. Joseph was deported to Theresienstadt concentration camp in Czechoslovakia and from there, purportedly to Auschwitz.

  4. Magda Adler autograph book

    Contains an autograph album which originally belonged to Magda Adler.

  5. Ernst Schlochauer papers

    Certificates, correspondence, memoir, typescript texts, clippings, and ephemera, primarily related to the educational career of German emigre Ernst Schlochauer, after his immigration to the United States in 1941. Includes notes, syllabi, clippings, programs, and correspondence from his years a student at Queens College and Princeton University, and later material from when Schlochauer was a faculty members at Queens College. Extracurricular activities are documented in materials related to Jewish organizations he participated in during his student days, and programs and notes from plays he ...

  6. Sardine address label

    Label with pre-printed destination address of Austauschlager Bergen-Belsen. One of a set of four Lisbon pre-printed sardine address labels from Gremio dos Exportadores de Conservas de Peixe for registered shipping to different concentration camps including Bergen-Belsen, Lager Barneveld, and Birkenau bei Neubrunn.

  7. Mayor-Commissioner of Warsaw Komisaryczny burmistrz miasta Warszawy (Sygn. 2011)

    Circulars published by the Mayor of Warsaw, along with lists and indexes of documents, the official correspondence, letters and documents relating to migration of Warsaw inhabitants, 1941-1942, and regulations in the Warsaw Ghetto.

  8. Anschluss in Vienna and Scharding, Austria

    Military parade for the Nazi annexation of Austria in March 1938. Cars drive through, people line the streets on either side. Large crowds stand outside the Austrian Parliament Building in Vienna. A Nazi flag hangs behind the crowd. A man holds a sign that reads “Mot. Truppen: 16 km.” German half-track cars drive through the street, towing artillery parts at the back. More crowd shots and cars driving through, each packed with soldiers. People sit on top of buildings and stand in trees to get a better view. The infantry marches in formation. Some ride through on horseback and others ride in...

  9. Records of the registry office of the Jewish community in Aleksandrów Akta urządu stanu cywilnego gminy żydowskiej w Aleksandrowie (Sygn. 1390)

    Books of the registry office in Aleksandrów, Poland. Selected records contain registry books with data of marriages, births and deaths of inhabitants in Aleksandrów as well as bound copies of annexes.

  10. Russian Campaign

    Private films. Russian campaign. Luftwaffe, return from combat flight. Burning villages. Ruins. Winter in Russia

  11. Zell Family Collection

    Contains photographs and correspondence illustrating Berek Zielonka and Rachel Jakubowitz and their daughter Jochewed (Julie) in Sosnowitz, Vilna, and their journey across the Trans-Siberian Rail to Japan, and ultimately to the United States in 1941.

  12. Horse race in Austria; thermal baths

    Horses race around a track, pulling jockeys. People lay on lounge chairs at the thermal baths in Bad Vöslau, Austria. A woman in a polka dot dress approaches the camera, speaking to the camera operator. A man and a woman in their swimsuits at outdoor showers. Young boy. Sign at entrance, “VÖSLAU-GAINFARN.” Train station. Rows of train tracks to the right. Woman seen earlier walks down the stairs. Young boy in lederhosen in the background. The rounded colonnade entrance to the thermal baths says “Thermalbad” on the facade. The woman walks towards the camera. INT of the thermal baths. A fount...

  13. Portrait of a Nazi War Victim: #5567 Leon Kliot memoir

    The Leon Kliot memoir includes a copy of Kliot’s unpublished manuscript titled “Portrait of a Nazi War Victim: #5567” and a partial English translation of the memoir. The memoir describes Kliot’s prewar life in Vilna, Poland, in the Vilna ghetto and Vaivara concentration camp complex in Estonia during the Holocaust, and his return home and decision to immigrate to the United States after the war. The memoir also includes several poems written during the Holocaust and after liberation. Translations for pages 395 to 443 are mis-numbered as pages 295 to 342, and translations for pages 295 to 3...

  14. Robert Yanda Sr. photograph collection

    Contains post-liberation photographs of a concentraion camp; images produced by the U.S. Army Signal Corps, or mass produced US Army photos, labeled on verso by Robert Yanda, Sr. and hand-dated May 1945. Includes an envelope inscribed "Robert Yanda Sr... Save / German concentration camp pictures / Alvin Johnson took these..."

  15. Private Film on the French campaign

    Stills. German soldiers. Marching. Train. Dog in lake. Sports. Train station. Winter hiking, mountains. Festival. Military awards.

  16. Hayat family papers

    The Hayat family papers comprise a birth certificate, residence certificate, driver's license, identification card, two food ration cards and three clothing ration cards.

  17. Cerne Lichtenstein collection

    Contains a Lithuanian passport issued to Cerne Lichtenstein (donor's grandmother), containing transit visas from Kovno, Lithuania through Europe enabling her to leave in 1940. Includes a visa granted by the Japanese Consulate in Kovno allowing Cerne to pass through Japan. Includes three photographs of Cerne, her daughter Esther (Lubocki), Esther's husband Meilach Lubocki, and their two children, all who perished in the Holocaust.

  18. Educational film on the development of rocket, technology, Opel 2 rocket, Opel-Sander-rocket 3

    Text panel: "Valier believed in a steady transition from aircraft to spaceship.": Rockets, rocket car, rocket tests, missile flight

  19. CUKUNFT Socialist Organization of Youth Socjalistyczna Organizacja Młodzieży CUKUNFT (Sygn. 1347)

    Minutes of meetings, reports, questionnaires concerning Jewish youth, proclamations, and a chronicle of 1942.