Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,721 to 4,740 of 56,066
  1. Ben V. Codor papers

    The collection consists of letters sent to Ben V. Codor, Director of the Jewish Federation of Delaware, from Albert Einstein, Felix Frankfurter, James H. Meisel (Secretary to Thomas Mann), James G. McDonald, Richard C. McMullen, and Gerrish Gassaway. Also included are letters from Codor to McDonald and Dr. Joseph Barsky, a letter from David Hays Sulzberger to Jacob Billikopf of the National Coordinating Committee, an exhibition label regarding the Einstein letter from the Historical Society of Delaware, and a photograph of Codor with Milton Kutz, assistant general manager of the Electrochem...

  2. Oral history interview with Ruth Kropveld

  3. George Junior Groce photograph collection

    Contains an envelope with photographs strung together. Photographs show the reburial of victims of the Mauthausen concentration camp and its subcamp Gusen, in Austria, shortly after liberation. Included are images of civilians [Austrians living near the camp] burying the victims; images of the deceased in piles at the camps; and burning of infested barracks.

  4. Photograph of a deportation action in Łódź

    Consists of a single photograph depicting a deportation action in Łódź, showing Jewish men, women, and children wearing star badges and carrying bundles as they are forced to the Fabryczna railway station under armed guard. Buildings on Składowa street as well as towers of the Hotel Polonia Palast are visible.

  5. Drawing of a man with a Star of David badge on the back of his jacket

  6. District Office in Moravské Budějovice Okresní úřad Moravské Budějovice

    District administrative records including a register of Jews living in Moravské Budějovice (German: Mährisch Budwitz), decrees against Jews and records of the expropriation and aryanization of Jewish properties.

  7. County Gendarmerie Headquarters in Brno 1864-1949 Zemské četnické velitelství Brno 1864-1949 (B 72)

    Records pertaining to police and gendarmerie units in various towns in Bohemia and Moravia, including: lists of members of police, gendarmerie or guard units in Terezin, the Roma camp (Zigeunerlager) in Hodonin, and other locations and camps; lists of persons suspected to be part of assassination plots against German officials; anti-Jewish activities; ordinances and decrees; situation reports; police searches for Jewish individuals including from Nazi-annexed Austria; reports of parachutist and partisan activities; and other relevant records.

  8. Personal papers of Holocaust survivors in Argentina

    Contains four small collections of personal documents, photographs, correspondence of survivors to Argentina: 1. Klippel-one file from the office of Jose Moskovits pertaining to Leon Klippel and his sister Bella Scner (geb. Klippel) consisting of 60 pages & photos. (See also RG-72.006M & RG-72.035) 2. Vogel: documents donated by Maurizio Vogel's family consisting of about 200 pages documenting the efforts by Mr. Vogel, who had fled from Nazi Germany to Argentina with his son, to rescue his wife who remained behind in Germany in order to take care of her ailing mother. Includes perso...

  9. Mordoh Levy collection

    Contains letters, postcards, photographs, identification cards, and other documents illustrating the experiences of Mordoh Levy before and after the war in Salonika, Greece, and his postwar recovery and life in the United States.

  10. Oral history interview with Ioan Misca

  11. Morton Mendes collection

    Contains photographs of the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp taken by Morton Mendes (donor's husband).

  12. Yehuda Zerzy Singer papers

    The Yehuda Zerzy Singer papers contain a handwritten diary, photographs, and documents relating to Yehuda Zerzy Singer’s experiences in Poland and Russia during World War II and his life in Palestine after his arrival with the "Teheran Children." The collection includes school certificates, a postcard, identification cards, and photographs of Yehuda in Kibbutz Ein Harod. The diary was written, in Polish, by Yehuda from September 1, 1939, the day of the invasion of Nazi Germany into Poland, until the beginning of 1942, about one year prior to his arrival in Palestine. The diary documents the...

  13. Selected records from the Archivio di Stato di Taranto

    Records concerning the discrimination and persecution of foreign and Italian Jews in Italy in the community of Taranto. The archive contain relevant documents within the Prefettura and Questura, e.g. 1938 census, foreign Jews living in Italy, and a list of all strangers living in the Taranto region.

  14. George Jerrold Long, Sr. photograph collection

    Collection of eight photographic prints documenting the Buchenwald concentration camp after liberation; photos brought home by George Jerrold Long, Sr. (donor’s father) after his service with the US Army during WWII.

  15. County Jewish Committee in Tarnów Powiatowy Komitet Żydowski w Tarnowie (Sygn. 365)

    This collection contains materials refering to the everyday life of members of the Jewish committee in Tarnów and the functioning of the committee, including correspondence, a list of Jews living in Tarnów in 1949, a list of items in clothing store from 1947, as well as numerous financial documents regarding assistance provided.

  16. Selected records of the Municipal Office in Warsaw Starostwo Miejskie w Warszawie (Sygn. 485) : Wybrane materialy

    The files of the Municipal Records in Warsaw relating the history of Warsaw during the occupation and the policy of the German authorities towards the Polish population. In addition to some statistical data (data on the area and residents, statistics on births and deaths, graphics depicting the economic life of the city) there are elaborates regarding the Warsaw financial situation, housing and health matters. Includes materials depicting the housing situation of the population, the occupant's economy within the German and Polish residential district, problems of health care in the city, di...

  17. Selected records of the Prison in Łódź Więzienie Łódzkie (Sygn. 197) : Wybrane materialy

    Contains the personal files of prisoners: admission order, prisoners description, a visit permit, an exemption order, a list of penalties, petitions and complaints. The prisoners were convicted mailny for crimes like as: organizing illegal border crossing, distributing communist materials, polygamy and financial fraud, belonging to the Communist Union of Polish Youth, and organizing bomb attacks on Jewish enterprises.

  18. Frajda Tauba Birsztajn papers

    The collection consists of photographs of the extended family and friends of Frajda Tauba Birsztajn as well as her mother, Aidla Berlandsztein’s family, before, during, and after the war in Poland and the United States. The collection also includes a birth certificate and Polish passport issued to Frajda and an invitation to the wedding of Lola Birsztajn and Mieczslaw Weintal in 1935.

  19. Nathan Schwalb collection

    The Nathan Schwalb collection includes correspondence, receipts, reports, and telegrams relating to Nathan Schwalb’s work as a union leader and delegate of the Hechalutz movement during World War II and his efforts to arrange rescue and aid operations. Correspondence and telegrams include letters and messages between Nathan and contacts, partners, and organizations regarding requests for aid, discussions of the ongoing operations, and updates on the war. Included in the correspondence are letters to Abraham Silberschein, representative of the Relief Committee for the War Stricken Jewish Pop...

  20. Kleinfeld family papers

    The collection documents the Holocaust-era experiences of Isidor and Regina Kleinfeld and their children Hedda and Liane in Vienna, Austria including Isidor’s arrest after Kristallnacht and his brief imprisonment in the Dachau concentration camp, the family’s emigration from Austria in 1939 to Cuba and to the United States in 1940. Included are biographical material regarding education, employment, and Isidor’s restitution claims against the Hamburg-Amerika Line; immigration paperwork regarding efforts to leave Austria, their stay in Cuba, and the process of receiving visas to immigrate to ...