Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,701 to 4,720 of 56,066
  1. Wooden hearse used to bury Jews in the local cemetery of Piatra Neamt, Romania

  2. Prayer book

    Consists of a Tefilat Yiśraʼel (Israels gebete) prayer book, published c. 1943 Basel which includes names and addresses of various contacts inscribed by the donor's father, a Holocaust survivor, while living as a displaced person in Leipheim.

  3. Buchenwald negatives collection

    Negatives and corresponding prints depicting Buchenwald shortly after liberation. Includes a color print of the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Buchenwald reunion.

  4. Oral history interview with Hajzer Bojku

  5. Rose Zysman Murra and Nathan Murra collection

    Contains three original photographs of Rose and Nathan Murra and their "niece" Bronia in the Zeilsheim displaced persons camp. There are also three copy prints of Rose and Nathan during the time period surrounding the Holocaust.

  6. Else Cheimovits Parnes papers

    Contains a handwritten document, prepared by Elsa Cheimovits (born 1925 in Velkysevlus, Czech Republic) on January 28, 1947, while she recuperated in the Renstrams Civic Hospital in Göteborg, Sweden after being liberated from the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp with her sister Irene. The document records the deaths of Elsa's parents, Jeno and Zuhanna, and her siblings Eva, Elisabeth, Blanka, Frida, Mozes and Judith [Judit], whom Elsa believed all perished at Auschwitz.

  7. Broadside from Tel-Aviv announcing closures to mourn the sinking of the refugee ship "Struma"

    Broadside issued by the Municipal Corporation of Tel-Aviv and mayor, Israel Rokach, announcing closures and a day of mourning in response to the sinking of the refugee ship, Strumah, in the Black Sea off of Istanbul, Turkey, in February 1942. The Strumah (Struma) was an illegal immigrant ship that left Constanta, Romania, on December 12, 1941, with 767 Jewish refugees fleeing policies enacted by the German-allied, Romanian government. The ship was headed for Istanbul, where the passengers hoped to get visas to enter Palestine (now Israel). The old cargo barge was unsafe and overcrowded. The...

  8. Selected records of the City Tuszyn Akta miasta Tuszyna (Sygn.2135) : Wybrane materiały

    Post-war materials regarding property matters of the Jewish and Polish population. Includes registers of properties, and the permanent and temporary population of city Tuszyn.

  9. Heinrich Grüber collection

    Contains a typewritten speech, three pages, hand-signed by theologian and Dachau survivor Heinrich Grüber, dated January 1971, entitled "The Chancellor in Front of the Warsaw Ghetto Memorial," referring to the visit by German Chancellor Willy Brandt to a monument in Warsaw. Also contains two letters written by Grüber.

  10. Kenneth Kravis photograph collection

    The Kenneth Kravis photograph collection contains 22 annotated photographs taken by Kravis of the discovery and aftermath of the Gardelegen massacre in Germany, April 1945. On April 14, 1945, the 102nd Infantry Division entered Gardelegen, Germany and discovered the remains of the massacre of prisoners by the SS. The victims had been burned alive in a barn. Following the discovery, German civilians were forced to exhume the victims’ bodies for reburial in single graves. On April 25, 1945, a ceremony was held to erect a memorial tablet and honor the victims. The Kenneth Kravis photograph col...

  11. David Finck collection

    The David Finck collection includes a letter addressed to David Finck, donor’s father, from Albert Einstein. The letter expresses Albert Einstein’s gratitude for Mr. Finck’s “work…[he] had undertaken on behalf of the [Jewish] refugees during Dedication Week…” dated June 10, 1939, written on Einstein’s personal stationary to Mr. Finck, who was a life-long supporter and advocate of Jewish causes.

  12. Prosecutor's Office of the District Court in Siedlce Prokuratura Sądu Okręgowego w Siedlcach (Sygn. 2065)

    Prosecutor's files on Jews suspected or accused of communist activities as: spreading communist slogans and brochures ("Holiday of Communism"), anti-Polish proclamations and banners, and to be members of the communist associations and parties.

  13. Collection of announcements and leaflets about the social life of the Jewish population Zbiór obwieszczeń i ulotek dotyczących życia społecznego ludności żydowskiej (Sygn. 144)

    A pre-war collection of posters, leaflets and announcements from Poland relating to elections to the parliament (a number of announcements refer to the Bund party), theater events, funeral services, lectures and literary evenings.

  14. Singer family papers

    The collection documents the Holocaust-era experiences of Elsa and Paul Singer, along with their daughter Eva Singer, including their flight from Vienna, Austria in 1938, Paul’s internment in the Meslay du Maine internment camp, and their immigration to the United States from Paris in 1940. Included are biographical and identification documents, immigration paperwork for the Singers and Paul’s brother Georg and his wife Leopoldina Nemelka Singer, a small amount of wartime correspondence, and photographs. The biographical material includes birth and marriage certificates, report cards, docum...

  15. Selected records of the Voivodship Office in Lviv Urząd Wojewódzki we Lwowie (Sygn. 1185)

    Periodic reports on the state of security, national minorities, social and political life, communist movement, communist organizations., e.g. Communist Party of Western Ukraine (In Polish: Komunistyczna Partia Zachodniej Ukrainy, KPZU), Polish unions and associations, also includes a list of organization located on Lwów voivodship.

  16. Gilgil detention camp photos

    Collection of photographs from Gilgil Detention Camp, Kenya, dated 1947-1948. Includes photographs of members of the Etzel (or Irgun) and Lehi organizations while they were detained in Gilgil, Kenya. Images depict theater shows, the synagogue in the camp, a football team, raising the flag of Israel in a sports court, dormitories, detainees near an aircraft upon their return to the country, and more. Some photographs bear ink stamps on verso.

  17. Ministry of Foreign Affairs : Danish Refugee Administration in Sweden Central Register (Group A-Ø)

    Consits of the alphabetical (phonetic) register of refugees with detailed information about an each refugee, including both Jews and resistance fighters and their families. There are no related files to the register, but the information on the cards is quite unique. This collection contains the most detailed and systematic overview of Danish refugees in Sweden.

  18. Selected records of the Amtsgericht Schroettersburg Sąd Obwodowy w Płocku (Sygn. 651) : Wybrane materialy

    Criminal cases against Poles and Jews for theft, smuggling, fencing, illegal trade of meat, bread, and helping Jews. The accused were sentenced to very severe punishments: death penalty, concentration camp, a prison camp, and a fine. Most of the convicts did not survive.

  19. Oral history interview with Simon Breitstein

  20. Baby Oda playing

    Outdoors at their home in Dahlem, Oda plays with a pinwheel in her crib. Someone holds her hand as she bounces up and down. A woman holds the toys and entertains Oda. Oda dressed in jacket and hat walks around outside. Mother Ethel helps, boy in BG with a bicycle sails a toy boat in the pond. CUs of Oda with a toddler friend.