Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,781 to 4,800 of 56,066
  1. Short film about the fate of Roma at Lety

    Documentary short film about the fate of the Romani children who were imprisoned in the concentration camp at Lety u Písku and later murdered in the gas chambers at Auschwitz. Opens with unique shots of the place where the concentration camp once stood, including the Lipeš fishpond and an empty meadow. Wooden cross with a crown of thorns erected as a memorial. The narration ends with: "Then they took the children away. They took them away to 'save' them. They took them to Auschwitz. They took them to a building with windows. They ordered them to strip and take their shoes off, and then, the...

  2. Jewish Community in Bydgoszcz Synagogen-Gemeine Bromberg Gmina Żydowska w Bydgoszczy (Sygn. 104)

    This collection contains protocols and reports on the meetings of the Commune Management and Council of Representatives, documents regarding elections to the Council of Representatives, donations and foundations for the benefit of the commune. In addition, also included are financial documents such as tax books, revenue and expense ledgers, payment orders for specific persons and correspondence on financial matters. Files 27-30 contains correspondence of the commune on various matters. The last part of the collection consists of documents regarding investment plans and technical works in th...

  3. Selected records of the Police Headquarters of the city of Łódź Komenda Policji Państwowej miasta Łodzi (Sygn.182) : Wybrane materialy

    Applications for a street trade permit, reports on community activities, Jewish and Polish political organizations, communist movements, and antisemitic actions. Includes also registers of ID cards issued by KPP.

  4. Switzer family papers

    The collection documents the pre-war, wartime, and postwar experiences of the Switzer family, originally of Zagreb, Yugoslavia (Croatia) including their flight from Zagreb to Italy in 1941, their trek from Aprica, Italy to the Swiss border in 1943, and their immigration to the United States in 1949. Included are report cards of Arthur Switzer; identification papers including birth, citizenship, and marriage certificates; immigration and naturalization papers; and travel permits used to leave Zagreb for Italy in 1941. Also included is a photograph of Arthur, Frieda, and their son Steven Swit...

  5. Breit family collection

    Contains a Deutsches Reich Reisepass (passport) issued to Rosa Alice "Sara" Breit (donors' paternal grandmother) marked with red "J" identifying her as Jewish; photo of bearer affixed on page 2; issued in Dresden, Germany on July 4, 1940; includes entrance visas and transit stamps from the Soviet Union, Japan, and the United States (issued July 16, 1940). Also includes a Deutsches Reich Arbeitsbuch (worker's book) issued to Manual Breit (donors' father) in Dresden August 12, 1935.

  6. Friends and family in prewar Germany

    Friends walk past the camera outdoors. Children pose for the camera and play. Baby cries. The girl smiles and waves. Ethel Lindemann (?) holds the toddler and waves. More shots of the group walking in a park, well-dressed, laughing, man with hat and cane carries a camera. 01:01:21 Pan, family home with parked car, the family exits their home, smiling and waving and smoking. CUs, girl plays, some snow on the ground. Adults and toddler take a walk.

  7. Witelson and Laks families collection

    The Witelson and Laks families collection includes biographical materials related to Hela Witelson (later Helen Laks) and Richard Laks. The collection includes the Swedish marriage certificate of Hela Witelson and Richard Laks, February 23, 1949; Helen’s reissued Polish birth certificate which states her given name was Chaja Szajndla Witelson, 1998; and Richard Lak’s R.E.M.E. Record of Service card, 1947. The collection also includes a includes a photograph album and loose photographs related to the Witelson and Laks families of Poland. The photographs include pre-war and post-war photograp...

  8. Selected records from the State Archives of the Mykolaiv Region, Ukraine related to the history of Jewish communities of the Mykolaiv region before and after WWII

    Contains selected records of the Soviet and Communist Party regional bodies related to individual Jews, Jewish families, and Jewish communities of the Mykolaiv (Nikolaev) region before and aftermath of WWII. Included are statistical information about Jewish population of the region, documents about schools and special reading rooms for Jewish population, promotion of literacy and vocational training, bylaws of Jewish religious communities and inventories of synagogues, prayer houses, files on Jews who appealed for the reinstatement of their electoral rights, restitution of the nationalized ...

  9. Hena Shupak collection

    Documents and photographs illustrating the postwar experiences of Hena Shupak and her daughter, Gucia as well as Kadysh [sic] Shupak (Hena's second husband) in the Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camps and Israel.

  10. Walter and Edith Schiff papers

    The Walter and Edith Schiff papers include biographical materials, correspondence, a diary, and photographs illustrating the pre-war and wartime experiences of Walter and Edith Schiff, originally of Berlin, Germany. Edith was sent to Camp de Gurs in France where she was assigned to work in an office, and Walter escaped while being transported between camps. The couple was reunited in France and hid in the basement of a Catholic church until liberation. Biographical materials include birth certificates for Ernest Moser, Edith Moser, Julius Schiff, and Walter Schiff, a marriage certificate an...

  11. Selected records of the Tuberculosis Institute in Warsaw. Wolski Hospital Instytut Gruźlicy w Warszawie. Szpital Wolski (Sygn. 135)

    This collection consists of hospital records of patients. The records include: surname and first name, religion and age, family status, names of parents, place and date of residence, occupation, reasons for which the sick person was admitted, the ward, date (admission, discharge, death), type of illness, number of hospital days; and financial files: the daily rate, the amount in total for treatment and other services, the amount paid, the number and date of the cash receipt, and remarks. The sections on personal data, except for first and last name, were not always completed in practice.

  12. Dr. Frank Mortara collection

    Collection of documents, correspondence, clippings, articles, invitations, fundraising solicitations, memorandum, lists, petitions, pamphlets, broadsides and other material from multiple aid organizations in the United States to assist Jewish refugees including the Emergency Committee to Save the Jewish People of Europe, American League for a Free Palestine, Italian Jewish Emergency Committee, United Jewish Appeal of Greater New York on behalf of the Joint Distribution Committee, American Jewish Congress, World Jewish Congress, Gruppo Assistenza Bambini Ebrei d'Italia [Committee for the Wel...

  13. Anna Miller collection

    Collection of correspondence between Isa (Elsa) Feri, in Prague, Czechoslovakia, and Anna Miller (née Slotsky), in Waukegan, Illinois. Anna often travelled to Europe where she met Isa. Isa writes in October 1938 about being arrested for being Jewish; having to flee her home in Marienbad, Czechoslovakia; losing all her property; and asking for financial assistance and an affidavit of sponsorship so she and her fiancée can come to the United States. Includes a letter dated August 1940, from Gertrude Krumpl (friend of Isa Feri) to Anna Miller asking for affidavit “in place of the one for the w...

  14. Handstreich gegen Kowno

    Contains the cover of a German propaganda booklet entitled "Handstreich gegen Kowno" [Coup Against Kovno] about the German invasion of Kovno.

  15. Romanian identity certificates

    Contains an identity card issued by the "District Office for the Jews of Chernovtsy (Czernowitz)" with a yellow Star of David on it, issued to Hermine Euzer; dated 1942; photograph missing. Also includes a certificate of registration of the Jewish community of Czernowitz (now Chernivtsi, Ukraine), made according to a state law from 1942.

  16. Collection of Egon Michael Zweig and family Sammlung Egon Michael Zweig und familie (P 149)

    Genealogical documents, correspondence, photographs, published materials, records related to the political activities in Zionist movements, and claims of the Zweig family related to losses in WWII. Included are also records related to the Jewish organizations and Israeli religious community Vienna (Austria) and Olomouc (Czech Republic) and other organizations, also miscellaneous materials like: a map of the district Talpioth in Jerusalem with marking of all plots, publications in German newspaper, a bulletin of the Mitteilungsblatt des Heimatverbandes Olmütz und Mittelmähren (Homeland Assoc...

  17. Cecilia Horink papers

    Personal collection of correspondence mainly postcards and other documents sent from Poland during WWII to the family in Argentina.

  18. Lazowski family papers

    The Lazowski family papers consist of photographs documenting Philip Lazowski’s postwar years in Austria, primarily in the Bad Gastein displaced persons camp; photographs documenting Ruth Lazowski’s postwar years in Italy, primarily in Santa Maria di Leuca and Rome; and the letter Philip Lazowski wrote in 1953 to Miriam Rabinowitz, whom he credited with saving his life during a selection in the Zhetel ghetto, after discovering she lived in Hartford, CT. Philip Lazowski’s photographs depict him with other child Holocaust survivors in Austria from 1945- 1947. One copy print depicts his mother...

  19. Yolanda Engel collection

    Contains photographs documenting the experiences of the Helen and Ezra Lebovics and their children Yolanda and Harry [born in Verece, Hungary] and Bela [born in Budapest]. Ezra performed forced labor and when Bela only was 2, Helen was deported in 1944 to Bergen-Belsen Concentration camp. The children were reunited with Ezra in January 1945 and in 1946, Helen, who had survived, came back to Budapest where the family tried to rebuild their lives.