Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,761 to 4,780 of 56,066
  1. Faber family collection

    Contains letters and documents related to the Faber family, from WWI-era to 1957. Also contains two postcards, one dated January 7, 1935, addressed to Karl Faber of Warsaw; the other dated June 27, 1939, from Hermann Israel Wolf of Frankfurt am Main, addressed to family in Tel Aviv, Palestine. Also includes WWI-era military photos of Jakob Kallmann; a photograph of a tombstone for Jakob Faber; and a photo of a house. Also includes a photographic postcard and a 1915 German military identification book (Militarpass) for Otto Guenther.

  2. Selected records of the Voivodship Office of Silesia in Katowice Urząd Wojewódzki Śląski w Katowicach (Sygn. 185)

    Selected records of the Urząd Wojewódzki Śląski w Katowicach (Voivodship Office of Silesia in Katowice) related to complicated socio-political situation in Silesia after World War II: General and political situational reports, correspondence, regulations, registers, leaflets, appeals, and newspaper cllipings. It contains reports on the political and security situation in Katowice districts, such as terrorist acts, robberies, rapes on women by members of the Red Army stationed in Silesia, the strike in the Jowisz mine in Wojkowice Komornych, and strike in the Radzionków mine, Volksdeutsch ma...

  3. Meyer family collection

    The Meyer family collection consists of documents, photocopies, social reports, and a photograph illustrating the experiences of Lotte (née Weil), Ernest (Ernst Meijer), and Bob Meyer (b. 1939) during the Holocaust in the Netherlands and their subsequent immigration to the U.S. in 1948. Original U.S. Naturalization Certificates for Ernest and Lotte Meyer conferred on 4 May 1953 are included as well as restitution claims, a medical evaluation regarding Lotte Meyer, and a social worker report regarding Bob Meyer that requests recognition and assistance as a victim of persecution under the Net...

  4. Lore and Simon Rosen family papers

    Identification documents, military records, immigration documents, postcards, and photographs documenting the Holocaust-era experiences of Lore (née Baron) and Simon Rosen, both of whom survived in England. Documents include is Lore’s 1939 Kindertransport identification card, British Army pay books and Soldier’s Release Books, Simon’s British passport, documents related to the Rosen’s immigration to Canada from Israel in 1954, and a copy of Simon’s relative Edna Rosine’s immigration paperwork to Liverpool, England in 1918. Also included are postcards of Malemort-sur-Corrèze, France, where L...

  5. Esther and Robert Born papers

    The collection primarily consists of a diary kept by Esther Born (née Wittlin), originally of Żółkiew, Poland (present-day Zhovkva, Ukraine), who survived the Holocaust in hiding. The diary is handwritten in Polish on loose sheets of paper, and included is a typed English language translation. It describes in detail the family’s flight from Żółkiew and their experiences while in hiding. Also included in the collection is Esther’s autograph book from Bytom, Poland, and the Memmingen and Wegsheid DP camps, 1945-1947; a 1953 essay about her arrival in the United States; a Wittlin family tree; ...

  6. Sussman family papers

    The Sussman family papers document the prewar and wartime experiences of Leo and Rachel Sussman in Vienna, Austria and Switzerland. The collection includes a school certificate, an approval for travel from the St. Gallen Foreign Office, an identification card, and a United States war ration book for Rachel Sussman as well as an identification card for Leo Sussman. Also included is correspondence from Chanine Stroh, Rachel Sussman, and Leo Sussman. Sussman family photographs depict Leo’s father Josef Sussman, Leo’s brother, Moritz Sussman as well as Leo and Rachel Sussman. Stroh family photo...

  7. Selected records of the Staatsanwaltschat bei dem Landgericht Zichenau Akta Prokuratur Niemieckich Rejencji Ciechanowskiej (Sygn. 1205) : Wybrane materialy

    This collection contains regulations concerning penalties given to prisoners for the use of weapons, proceedings for escaped prisoners, penalties to Poles for leaving work, execution of sentences against Poles for penalties under 4 months of prison, treatment of prisoners suffering from typhus, health care for prisoners, fight against typhoid epidemic, correspondence from prisoners, individuals sent to labor camps. Other records include name lists of prisoners sentenced by district courts to a labor camp for conducting illegal trade and smuggling. Also included is a criminal case against a ...

  8. Pathé Front Page -- Nuremberg trials: verdicts announced; shots of war criminals; prosecutors and local civilians

    Title reads: "Nuremberg" Various shots of sentenced war criminals, Rudolf Hess and Franz Von Papen standing out from the group, chat together and bid farewell in the courtroom, while U.S. military police look on. Various shots of the citizens of Nuremberg buying "Nuremberger" newspapers and reading the result of the trials. American armoured cars patrolling the streets. American soldier inspecting pass of civilian CU of an emblem carved in stone on the outside wall of the Nuremberg Courthouse, showing scales encircled by a laurel wreath. HAS of British team of prosecutors (most in military ...

  9. Selected records of the Provincial Office in Brest on the Bug Urząd Wojewódzki w Brześciu nad Bugiem (Sygn.1183)

    Monthly and weekly reports on socio-political and professional life of national minorities and security issues. Included are reports on the communist movement, the conference: Zjazd Pionierów Zonistycznych, 1924 (Congress of Zionist Pioneers), which took place in 1924 in the voivodships Polesie and Białystok, activities of Polish trade unions and associations, and activities of Jewish organizations and associations, as the "Agroid." It also contains correspondence regarding Samuel Gomberg, director of the firm "Agahell", suspected of anti-government activities, etc.

  10. Selected records from the Archivio di Stato di Lecce

    Records concerning the discrimination and persecution of foreign and Italian Jews in Italy in the community of Lecce. The archive contains relevant documents within the Prefettura and Questura, e.g. concerning the census of Jews, 1938-1942 and the Displaced Persons camp in Santa Maria al Bagno, 1943-1947.

  11. Fuld family papers

    The collection documents the Holocaust-era experiences of Arthur Jacob Fuld (Artur Jakob Fuld), originally of Gießen, Germany, including his immigration to the United States via Cuba in 1941, his United States Army service as a sergeant with the 970th Counter Intelligence Corps, and his marriage to Ursula Gertrud Erftemeier in 1949. Included are identification papers, army records, birth certificates, historical family documents, post-war archival research and correspondence regarding the Fuld family, Ursula’s naturalization certificate, a postwar personal statement ("Lebenlauf"), and one m...

  12. Edelman family photograph album

    Contains a photograph album of the Edelman, Brender and Tager families.

  13. Selected records of the Staatsanwaltschaft Lyck Prokuratura w Ełku (Sygn.1206) : Wybrane materialy

    Prosecutors' files of cases of sabotage, assault with arms and murder of a gendarme.

  14. Jewish Colonization Association (JCA), Turkey (Sign. JCA/TR)

    The collection consists of 95 files relating to a colony and an agricultural school set up by the Jewish Colonization Association (JCA) in Turkey and Cyprus. The collection is organized according to the regions and colony names in Turkey and Cyprus: Anatolia, Or Yehuda, Maamoure, Sazilar, Messila Hadacha, Fethy Keuy, Tikfour Tchiflik (Cyprus).

  15. Visiting Berlin and Potsdam

    Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church and the Gloria Palast theatre. Cars drive under the overpass as a train moves across it. “HEILIGE FLAMME” Woman stands in a park by a lake. She walks on a small bridge. Four people on horses. Boat on the lake. Hans Lindemann. Men row in a small harbor. Two classical sculptures. Sanssouci Palace in Potsdam. Terraced gardens on the palace grounds. Intertitle [mistranslation]: “‘Sans souci’ means ‘I should worry.’” People walk through the Sanssouci gardens. The Orangery Palace, Grand Colonnade of the Palace, Neues Palais with two great curved staircases leading u...

  16. Selected records from State Archives of the Volyn Region

    Selected records related to the German occupation of the Volhynia region during WWII (1941-1944), includes records of the local Ukrainian administration (regional, city and district administration) as well as records of German offices of the Stadtkommando des Ordnungsdienstes, Organisation Todt, Oberfeldkommandantur (O. F. K.), and a local branch of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN)

  17. Mir Yeshiva collection

    Collection of approximately 50 letters and documents, mostly handwritten from students in the Mir Yeshiva when they were in Shanghai during WWII. Includes certificates, letters, leaves of Torah novellae, passport photographs, a ledger with a handwritten Yiddish-English dictionary, and newspaper clippings.

  18. Judenrat in Drohobycz Kolekcja dokumentów z gett i obozów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, 1939-1944. Judenraty Rada Żydowska Drohobycz (Sygn. 258)

    Records of the Judenrat in Drohobycz, Poland (currently Drohobych, Ukraine). Consists of a private letter from S. Friedmann to "Rózyczka" (a last name is unknown).

  19. Collection of Polish underground press Zbiór polskiej prasy konspiracyjnej

    A collection of 359 titles of the Polish underground press from all areas of the occupied Poland. The collection includes both titles issued by parties associated with peasant parties about the organization of the Peasant Battalions, as well as titles published by the Home Army (Armia Krajowa) and the National Armed Forces (Narodowe Siły Zbrojne).

  20. Das Kommando der Polnischen Polizei des Kreises Radom (Selected records) Komenda Policji Polskiej Powiatu Radomskiego (Sygn. 695)

    Administrative and personal files, reports about fire and assaults, summons, leading people avoiding the so-called Construction Service (Baudienst) and farmers, people wanted by the Employment Office (Arbeitsamt), operations ordered by German Police and reports about various incidents on the area of the Radom county. The materials constitute remnants of files of the Polish Police (the so-called “blue police”) county command in Radom (within the occupier’s boundaries, i.e. along with a territory of the entire pre-war Kozienice County). The files were excluded from the County Starosty (Kreish...