Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,801 to 4,820 of 56,066
  1. Miklosh Stern collection

    The Miklosh Stern papers consists of several hundred case files with testimonies, questionnaires, correspondence, physician notes, and other materials concerning restitution claims of Holocaust survivors, from the estate of attorney Miklosh (Mordechai) Stern, Israel, dated 1960s-1970s. Files contain documents reflecting correspondence with law and health authorities conducted while handling claims for compensation by Holocaust survivors according to the "Victims of Nazi Persecution Act 1957." Many of the files contain first and second hand testimonies about the lives of Mr. Stern's clients’...

  2. Chief of the Civil Administration in Brno Šéf civilní správy Brno (B 276)

    Administrative records of the Chief of the Civil Administration in Brno (Chef der Zivilverwaltung in Brünn) from the period of March 15, 1939 to April 15, 1939. Includes reports and correspondence relating to Aryanization of Jewish owned property in Ivančice, Moravská Ostrava, and in other rural area. of Brno.

  3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs : Denmark during the German occupation (Group 84.G.11-67)

    Selected records consist of the case files concerning police and court of law, crimes against the German occupying power, Danes deported because of religion, ethnicity, political conviction, and activity in the resistance movement, assassination in various cities in Jutland and cities at Fyn, 1944, as well as records relating to entry and exit permits for Danish citizens with Jewish descent and internment of American citizens.

  4. World Union OSE-Paris Union Mondiale OSE (Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants)

    Contains administration files of the OSE Main Office Paris. Records relate mainly to the organization activities after World War II, and include: memorandums, correspondence, financial statements and budgets, lists of children treated by the OSE in Belgium, 1945-46, publications and pamphlets from other organizations, OSE newsletters, and audit reports from various countries.

  5. Judenrat in Przemyśl Kolekcja dokumentów z gett i obozów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, 1939-1944. Judenraty Rada Żydowska Przemyśl (Sygn.264)

    Records of the Judenrat in Przemyśl. It contains the IDs of Dawid Haupt (born in 1891) and his family: Alicja (born 1894) and Izabela (born 1921)

  6. "Autobiographies of Hyman and Molly Lader"

    Consists of one typed manuscript, 65 pages with photographs, entitled "Autobiographies of Hyman and Molly Lader," which was put together by the Laders' children in 2001. The manuscript, based on oral and written testimonies of the Laders, is split into two parts. Hyman Lader (born Chaim Lajdor) describes his childhood and family life in Łódź; the immigration of the rest of his family to the United States; working as a professional musician; his escape to the Soviet Union, where he married; his experiences in the Red Army; and post-war immigration with his family to Israel, Canada, and event...

  7. Diary of Nelly Epstein

    The diary of Nelly Epstein includes entries, drawings, clippings, and maps written from January 1, 1935 - January 18, 1943. Nelly began the diary with entries about friends, family, and activities, such as travel, theater, and life in general in Vienna. In the later years, Nelly documented her journey with her husband Emil (Aryeh) Katscher and other young Zionists fleeing on vessels down the Danube River, across the Black Sea, through the Gallipoli Peninsula to the Aegean, and the Mediterranean Sea, and finally landing in Haifa, Palestine. The diary includes illustrations of their journey. ...

  8. Selected records of the Voivodship Office in Vilnius Urząd Wojewódzki w Wilnie (Sygn. 1182)

    Monthly and weekly reports from the legal socio-political movement and national minorities, guidelines on communist actions among Jewish students; the study of the socio-political department "Jewish political and religious organizations in the voivodship. Vilnius" (1938); letter from the Directorate and District State Railway in Vilnius on the protection of objects in connection with 1 May (1933).

  9. The Pilberg family collection

    Collection of documents of the Pilberg family relating to immigration from Poland to Argentina. Includes photographs, passports, certifications and letters.

  10. Watercolor created in Theresienstadt

    Artwork: 'Mizrach' artwork, watercolor created by Hilde Zadikow in Theresienstadt concentration camp. The artist was born in 1890 in Prague, Czechoslovakia and deported to Terezin with her husband Arnold (who died there) and daughter Marianne. While there, Hilde created this Mizrach [a work of art placed on a wall facing Jerusalem] in 1943. Hebrew translates to "The Lord shall grant strength to His people; the Lord shall bless His people with peace" and "For You light my lamp; the Lord, my G-d, does light my darkness." Dictated to her by Leo Baeck. Hilde and Marianne survived and immigrated...

  11. District Authority Velké Meziříčí Okresní úřad Velké Meziříčí

    Administrative records of Velké Meziříčí, a town in the Vysočina region, including anti-Jewish measures and decrees and the aryanization and expropriation of Jewish properties and assets. Records pertaining to the emigration of Jews. Post-war records pertaining to the restitution and confiscation of expropriated Jewish properties.

  12. Barban family papers

    Consists of Reisepass passports issued to Andreas, Heinrich, and Olga (née Margulies) Barban of Leipzig, Germany prior to their immigration to Shanghai. Also included is the Reisepass of Bronislawa (Betty) Berljawsky, later Barban, formerly of Vienna, Austria. Original notes found within the passports of Heinrich and Olga discouraging the inclusion of the names "Israel" and "Sara" in future identity documents are also evident.

  13. Selected records of the Rent Office Urząd Rent w Łodzi (Sygn. 214) : Wybrane materiały

    Files on the granting and the payments of pensions to German invalids and to families of fallen soldiers. The Jews listed on the lists are mostly the veterans of World War I (or their families), staying in the Łódź ghetto.

  14. Oral history interview with Helen Laks

  15. Judenrat in Wola Wereszczyńska Kolekcja dokumentów z gett i obozów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, 1939-1944. Judenraty Rada Żydowska Wola Wereszczyńska (Sygn.270)

    Records of the Judenrat in Wola Wereszczyńska. It contains two work ID cards issued for Ch. Orzech from Andrzejów and Jankiel Szczupak from Wola Werszczanska. Includes information about dates of employment in Judenrat Wola Wrzeszczanska and on a private farm in Dębiec (region Chelm).

  16. Selected records of the Prosecutors Office at the District Court in Kraków Prokuratura przy Sądzie Okręgowym w Krakowie (Sygn. 2240)

    Consist of court case files, notes, brochures, proclamations, publications, posters, leaflets related to communist and anti-Polish activities of Jewish population in Krakow District after Polish independence. Jews were accused of participation in the activities of the local communist parties, dissemination of communist magazines and illegal possession of weapons, editing and dissemination of anti-Polish publications and a secret prison newspaper, distribution of communist literature, slogans and banners, participation in the plot of the attack on the state system of Poland, participation in...

  17. Second Middle School Men's Society of Jewish Secondary Schools in Łódź II Gimnazjum Męskie Towarzystwa Żydowskich Szkół Średnich w Łodzi (Sygn. 264)

    Consists only of one folder of the prewar school protocols on the secondary exam from the 1928-1929 (Polish "matura"): Fiszel Altman, Henoch Brzoza, Simon Epsztejn, Jakub Fajnberg, Moryc Ferster, Salomon Elimelech Galewski, Leopold Halpern, Wolf Helmer, Jakub Józef Hendlisz, Abram Jakow Karo, Chaskiel Kindzielewski, Chaim Kurz, Mendel Landau, Mojżesz Lipszyc, Chaim Majer Opatowski, Chaskiel Opoczyński, Mojsze Mordcha Pacanowski, Szymon Pfeffer, Oszer Pietruszka, Mojsej Prochownik, Mojsze Załmen Priwes, Bernard Pustelnik, Machel Rajzman, Jakób Dawid Rembiszewski, Fiszel Rotsztajn, Josif Dawi...

  18. Czerner, Fröhlich, and Porges families papers

    The Czerner, Fröhlich, and Porges families papers contain correspondence, identification documents, immigration documents, school certificates, photographs, and a photograph album relating to the Czerner, Fröhlich, and Porges families living in Prague, Czechoslovakia (now Czech Republic) before and during World War II and the Holocaust. The correspondence centers on the emigration of Max and Irma Czerner from Prague to the United States with their infant son in 1939. The correspondence relates their efforts to secure visas and transportation for their young daughters, Helga and Raya Czerner...

  19. David Kovack collection

    Contains an album entitled "Slovakia," with copies of newspapers and documents created by David Kovack (donor's late husband) in memory of the Jews killed in Slovakia from 1939-1945. David Kovack was a survivor and was a member of the partisans in Slovakia for 4 years.

  20. Dr. A. Howard and Lucille Shanberg visit family in Poland and Belarus in 1929

    Town Hall in Białystok in Poland, a commercial district. Woman and young girl on a narrow street as an older woman and man approach along the side of the left building. Horse drawn cart carrying a man and barrels moves through town. Pans right on the town and a row of houses on a tree-lined street. A lake with with floating wood rafts. 01:00:27 CU of four women and one man all smiling and waving to the camera, perhaps in Swislocz, Belarus. Behind them is a wooden structure and the lake with wood rafts. Cows walking. WS of the cows and the man walking into a town. House and trees surrounded ...