Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,681 to 4,700 of 56,066
  1. Albert Einstein letter to Maja Winteler-Einstein

    A hand-written letter from Albert Einstein, addressed to his sister Maja Winteler-Einstein, dated December 14, 1938, in which Einstein encourages his sister to visit him in America on a visitor’s visa and describes the relief work he is undertaking on behalf of persecuted victims of Nazi Germany.

  2. Institut d'Etudes du Judaïsme collection, late 19th century-1980s

    Correspondence, reports, and files relating to Jewish residents and refugees in Belgium before, during, and after World War II that document the Communauté Israélite de Bruxelles and its president Max Gottschalk, the Comité d’aide et d’assistance aux Réfugiés d’Allemagne, the Comité d’assistance aux enfants juifs réfugiés d’Allemagne, and the La Ramée agricultural school for Jewish youth. The collection also includes index cards documenting Jewish community in Brussels during the Second World War, individual files on child refugees, and files and drawings documenting Dina Dreyfus, the daugh...

  3. Cloth doll

    Doll given to Ruth Pollack in the United States in 1937. The doll was a gift from her grandfather Moses Aaron Rozenszain, who was a pharmacist in Pruzhany, and was subsequently killed in Auschwitz. The doll has a Yiddish inscription on the hem from her grandfather.

  4. Judenrat in Kielce Kolekcja dokumentów z gett i obozów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, 1939-1944. Judenraty Rada Żydowska Kielce (Sygn. 274)

    Records of the Judenrat in Kielce, Poland. Consists of a protocol of the Judenrat meeting, Nov. 17, 1941. Includes names of its participants.

  5. Commandant of the order police Moravia Velitel pořádkové policie Morava Kommandanteur der Ordnungspolizei Mähren (B 314)

    Miscellaneous reports, memos, correspondence, registers of police personnel, and administrative records of police regiments in Moravia, including reports of events from commanders of SS of the 21st SS Police Regiment (Polizei-Regiment Mähren) to the Commander of Orpo, and an organization chart of the General Commandat of the Police with a register of personnel.

  6. Sightseeing in Washington, DC

    The Lindemanns visit Washington, DC. US Capitol building. The White House with autombile traffic and visitors by the fence. Fountains at the Washington Monument. The reflecting pool and the Lincoln Memorial. More sightseeing. Pan of the Union Station. A friend approaches the camera coming down stairs. Cherry trees in full bloom at the Tidal Basin, train passes by in the BG.

  7. Stonework from Cyprus internment camp

  8. Lindemann family at leisure

    Sister Oda swings at a playground. Her mom pushes her down a slide. She plays on the seesaw and smiles. Children play in the sand at a lake. Adults on beach blankets. A younger boy joins. Thee kids play in a small garden, using miniature tools including a wheelbarrow and a trowel. The girl picks fruit from a bush and puts it in her bucket. “ENDE"

  9. Frank Bearse collection

    Contains a document marked “…large examination document of the confessions of the former Camp Commander, Mauthausen, Standartenfuerhrer Franz Ziereis”; 3 pages typed recto and verso; dated 24 May 1945. Also includes a two-page typed document titled “Record of Events Co. “E” 260 Infantry”; an envelope addressed to German Jewish Children’s Aid in New York, NY, postmarked May and November 1940, with some stamps have detached from the envelope, thought to have been used to send birth certificates of Jewish children for immigration or purposes.

  10. Family in Dahlem 1932

    In Dahlem, Germany, the family goes for a walk. CU baby in a pram. Street scenes, automobile traffic. They walk and skate on a frozen pond. A child runs around the yard with a toy. The children ride on scooters. More CUs of the three children with their mother.

  11. Oral history interview with Harold Hicks

  12. Registration cards of the Jewish residents of Ivano-Frankivs'k city and its region (formely Stanisławów) from the regional Social Insurance Office (Fond 57)

    Consists of 9445 registration cards of Jewish residents of Stanisławów city and region (now Ivano-Frankivs'k). Collection contains selected (based on the ethnic origin) cards of the Jewish residents who were registered by the local Social Insurance Office during the Nazi occupation of this city while performing various work details and labor assignments inside and outside Stanisławów ghetto in 1941-1942.

  13. Hadassah Virshup collection

    Contains pre-war family photographs from Lida, Poland and Vilna, Lithuania, bearing inscriptions in Hebrew or Yiddish. One photo postcard shows a school or youth group, dated 1932.

  14. Records of the Danish Jewish Community : Refugees, travel of emigrants, postwar support (Group 10411)

    Selected records of the Danish Jewish Community. This contains the following collections from the Group No. 10411: The Secretary for Jews Post-War Support, including records relating to: address searches and refugee questionnaires, 1945-1950, various correspondence relating to postwar assistance, Hechaluz, and stateless persons, unaccompanied Jewish children youth Aliyah, as well as a list of Jewish who arrived in Sweden. 1945; The Committee for Jewish Agricultural Trainees: consisting of student lists and accounting statements, 1939-1942; The Chief Rabbi Max Friediger records consisting of...

  15. Judenrat in Kowno Kolekcja dokumentów z gett i obozów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, 1939-1944. Judenraty Rada Żydowska Kowno (Sygn. 260)

    Records of the Judenrat in Kaunas (Vilijampolė), Lithuania. Consists of documents of Efroimas Ošri: ausweis (an identity card), a labor card from the Kaunas concentration camp, March 1-May 2, 1944, and a certificate of employment.

  16. Children in Dahlem, 1934; Baby Oda

    Boy outfitted with a feathered headdress rides in a toy car and plays in a teepee in the yard in Dahlem. His older sister with braids takes a turn in the car. Father pushes the youngest child in a wheelbarrow. The family walks through a park in Dahlem by the pond. Man with hat and glasses holds a camera case. The youngest child plays in the sandbox and gets ready for another ride in the wheelbarrow. CU of newborn Oda Lindemann (born 1934) in crib. Family members take turns looking at and holding baby Oda.

  17. Blatt family papers

    Consists of documents, photographs, passports, correspondence, and other original material pertaining to Gunter H. Blatt and Marie Blatt, formerly of Berlin, Germany, who immigrated to the United States in 1941.

  18. Legacies and papers of Dr. Mikołaj Łącki Spuścizna Dr. Mikołaja Łąckiego (Sygn.1293)

    Papers of Dr. Mikołaj Łącki. The collection consists of prints, manuscripts, typescripts (own and foreign works, various papers, statistics-mostly in the form of tables), notes, calculations, letters. Materials concern the extensive activity of dr. Łącki and living conditions of the people in the Warsaw ghetto.

  19. Reich Commissioner for the Reunification of Austria with the German Reich : Correspondence-Josef Bürckel Reichskomissar für Wiedervereinigung Österreichs mit dem Deutschen Reich : Korrespondenzen-Josef Bürckel (Sign. AT-OeStA/AdR ZNsZ RK)

    Correspondence of Reichskommissar für die Wiedervereiningung Österreichs mit dem Deutschen Reich 'Reich Commissioner for Reunification of Austria with the German Reich' (Josef Bürckel (1895-1944)) with authorities and individuals regarding aryanization and expropriation of Jewish property and assets, racial laws, police, cultural matters, finances, propaganda and media.

  20. Kirstein family photographs

    The Kirstein family photographs contains two photographs of a Zionist rally at an unidentified displaced persons camp, likely in Germany. The photographs show Jewish children sitting in front of banners and posters with Hebrew slogans and images of Zionist leaders. Sara Kirstein, later Sara Scolnick, and her parents Abraham and Manya Kirstein are likely pictured in the photographs, circa 1947-1949.