Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,741 to 20,760 of 56,066
  1. War Refugee Board report on Auschwitz

    Consists of the November 1944 published report of the War Refugee Board which contains the testimony of two Slovak Jews and a non-Jewish Polish soldier. The report involves eyewitness testimony of conditions in Auschwitz and other concentration camps during their years of operation. Among the topics discussed are methods of killing, succession of identification numbers, and transports from various ghettos and Nazi camps.

  2. Selected records from the Nationale Mahn- und Gedenkstätte of Ravensbrück and Sachsenhausen

    Includes copies of documents concerning the administration of Ravensbrück concentration camp for women. The documents relate to the distribution of labor in the camp, names of kommandos and overseers, and transports. Also included is a separate file for Harry Hüttel, a political prisoner at Sachsenhausen.

  3. Confession and letter of Mauthausen commander

    Includes a copy in English of a confession made by Franz Ziereis, the commandant of Mauthausen concentration camp (identified in the documents as "Franz"), after his arrest by American forces in May 1945. In the confession, the commandant describes conditions in Mauthausen and other camps as well as the various methods of torture and execution practiced by the Nazis. Ziereis also gives detailed information relating to the activities of his fellow commanders and physicians employed in the camps. Also included are two poems in German concerning suffering in the camps and a letter from Ziereis...

  4. Blueprint copies for Buchenwald

    Includes three copies of the blueprint plans for Buchenwald concentration camp. Also included is a report by the Sixth Service Command describing conditions in Buchenwald in 1944. This report contains testimony by Henry Glass, a prisoner of Buchenwald for approximately four months, from September 1938 to January 1939. The report describes the physical layout of the camp, its administration, methods of torture practiced in the camp, and the colored markings used to identify the prisoners.

  5. Carolina Taitz papers relating to the Rīga ghetto

    Includes letters exchanged between Carolina Taitz and her sister, Berta Knoch, during the Holocaust along with English translations prepared for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum by Taitz. The letters discuss conditions of living and forced labor in the ghetto in Rīga, Latvia. Also included is the survival testimony of Carolina Taitz. The testimony describes her escape from the Rīga ghetto and her life in hiding.

  6. Edith David postcard from the Lublin ghetto

    Consists of a postcard written by Edith David to a gentile friend in Düggenheim (Eifel region), Germany, from the ghetto at Lublin, Poland. The postcard simply states that Edith and her mother are doing well and have met many acquaintances in Lublin. She expresses her hope to receive word back from the addressee, Frau Wnr. Heinr. Brck Edith David was deported to Lublin at the age of 14 with her mother. She was never heard from again.

  7. Selected records from the Sächsisches Staatsarchiv Leipzig

    Various local government offices in Leipzig, Germany, created the documents from the 1880s to the 1940s. Among topics covered in the Holocaust era are Jewish organizations, youth organizations, Romanies, labor, Jehovah's Witnesses, and confiscation of Jewish property.

  8. The treatment of shock from prolonged exposure to cold, especially in water

    Contains information about hypothermia experiments conducted at the Dachau concentration camp.

  9. "The story of Dr. Josef Jaksy"

    Includes of "The story of Dr. Josef Jaksy" by Amira Trattner. The speech includes testimony by several of Jaksy's acquaintances including Mario Cuomo, Governor of New York. The testimonies describe Jaksy's activities as a Righteous Gentile in Czechoslovakia where he was responsible for the rescue and successful escape of many Jews and political deviants. Also included is an invitation to a reception given in Jaksy's honor at the Consulate General of Israel in NewYork.

  10. Records relating to the investigation of Giorgio Perlasca by the United States Holocaust Memorial Council

    The collection consists of four folders of photocopied materials from the files of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Campaign Office. In general, the files concern Giorgio Perlasca and his work to assist and rescue Hungarian Jews during the Holocaust. Among the copied materials are letters, newspaper and magazine articles, testimonies, and interviews concerning the investigation of Giorgio Perlasca conducted by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Campaign Office.

  11. Case of Guy Von Dardel and Sven Hagstromer v. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

    Consists of copies of the proceedings of a lawsuit filed by Guy Von Dardel and Sven Hagstromer in 1984 against the Soviet Union for unlawful seizure and imprisonment of Raoul Wallenberg in 1945. The materials include information concerning Wallenberg's attempts to rescue Hungarian Jews from Nazi persecution during the Holocaust. There is included a Russian translation of the proceedings.

  12. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 50 kronen note

    Scrip, valued at 50 kronen, issued in the Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto-labor camp in 1943. All currency was confiscated from deportees upon entry and replaced with scrip and ration coupons that could be exchanged only in the camp. The Theresienstadt camp existed for 3.5 years, from November 24, 1941 to May 9, 1945. It was located in a region of Czechoslovakia occupied by Germany, renamed the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and made part of the Greater German Reich.

  13. "Justice, justice shall you pursue"

    Consists of two copies (one in English and one in Hebrew) of "Justice, justice you shall pursue" by Jacob Weinberger Hashisha. In the form of a drama, Hashisha describes the final judgment of the Nazi leaders in the presence of God, the prophets, and the matriarchs. The work is intended for recitation or performance.

  14. Articles and other materials relating to artists, musicians, and writers persecuted during the Holocaust

    Contains photocopies of articles concerning artists, musicians, and writers who suffered persecution and imprisonment during the Holocaust. Also includes articles relating to Les Milles, a concentration camp for artists and intellectuals, and art museums in Düsseldorf, Germany.

  15. "Mathias Barz: 30.8.1895 Düsseldorf - 19.10.1982 Margarten"

    Consists of a copy of the book "Mathias Barz: 30.8.1895 Düsseldorf-19.10.1982 Margarten" by Günter Goebbels. The book contains biographical information on Barz, his family history, his experiences as an artist during the Holocaust, and information concerning his art exhibitions. Newspaper articles concerning the artist are intermingled with the text of the book.

  16. Eva Marbach restitution file

    Consists of the restitution file of Eva Marbach. Contains information about the attempts made by Eva Marbach to gain restitution for the property of her parents confiscated during the Holocaust.

  17. Records relating to restitution of Austrian property looted during the Holocaust

    Contains photocopies of documents from the National Archives and Records Administration relating to restitution of looted property, gold, and foreign currencies in Austria from 1945 to 1950.

  18. Natzwiller concentration camp records

    Consists of various documents relating to Natzwiller (a.k.a. Natzweiler) concentration camp. Among the documents are memoranda and reports relating to camp administration, statistical reports regarding inmate population, and a French-language report on the conditions at Natzwiller. The French report includes photographs and information on medical atrocities. Many of the materials (including the French report) are accompanied by English translations.

  19. Records of United States Army commands War crimes cases not tried

    Consists of case files containing information about war crimes allegedly committed in various European countries during World War II. The 189 cases file relate primarily to events in concentration camps. Other files deal with prisoners and prisoner of war camps. The earliest war crimes cases were investigated by war crime sections under the Staff Judge Advocates of the 1st, 3rd, and 7th U.S. Armies and under the commanding generals of the Eastern and Western Military Districts. The war crimes program was centralized in the Office of the Theater Judge Advocate, US Forces European Theater in ...

  20. Records of the Office of the Judge Advocate General (Army) French war crimes cases

    Consists of microfilm reels containing depositions, photographs, and descriptions of incidents relating to alleged war crimes committed in France by German troops, the SS, and the Gestapo given to War Crimes Group, United States Forces, European Command (EUCOM). The incidents described involve episodes of murder, torture, and arson directed at French civilians during the Holocaust.