Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,161 to 20,180 of 56,066
  1. Arrest and release notices from the Jewish prison in the Vilnius ghetto

    Consists of 13 arrest and release notices issued by the Arrestpolizei of the Vilnius (Wilno) ghetto from Jul. to November 1942. In most cases the name of the defendant and a description of the alleged crime are provided.

  2. Stanley Kowalski papers

    Includes two typescripts written by Stanley Kowalski concerning the town of Jazłowiec, Poland. The first typescript (in English) is a copy of pages 158 through 180 of a larger manuscript entitled "Jazlowiec, the Town Lost in History." The second typescript (35 pages) is in Polish. Both typescripts describe events in the vicinity of Jazłowiec, Poland, during World War II.

  3. Articles concerning remembrance of the Jewish community of Ostrowiec, Poland

    Consists of three articles from the "Forward" newspaper (New York), circa 1947, written by Sam Streitman. The articles relate to the fifth anniversary of the destruction of the Jewish community in "Ostrowce," Poland (apparently a reference to Ostrowiec). Also included is a photograph (black-and-white with partial coloring added) of Chawa and Frieda Borensztein, sisters of the donor's father. Both women perished at Treblinka, as did other members of the donor's family. On the reverse side of the photo is the annotation "1913."

  4. "A tale of one city : Piotrków Trybunalski"

    Consists of "A tale of one city: Piotrków Trybunalski," a scrapbook compiled by Ben Giladi in January 1992. The 41-page scrapbook contains materials including photographs, maps, and document copies relating to Jewish life in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland, before World War II and the tragedy of the Holocaust as it affected Jewish residents.

  5. "True friends"

    Consists of a copy of "True friends" by Klaus Driessen. The manuscript describes how the writer's mother, Mati Driessen, a German costume designer, rescued her friend and business partner, Lilli Wolff, a German Jew, from Nazi persecution.

  6. "Testimonies and evocations presented to the leadership of the Yad Vashem Memorial"

    Photocopy of typewritten manuscript by Mircea Petru G. Sion, a Romanian Christian, regarding his assistance to Jews during the Holocaust.

  7. Pessel Piri Gans memoir

    Contains information about Pessel (Piri) Gantz, a Slovakian Jew, and her family's struggle to survive the Holocaust assisted by gentile friends.

  8. Otto Heilig papers

    Collection consists of one typescript text, 10 pages, written by Otto Heilig in 1972, describing the history of the Bata shoe company of Zlin, Czech Republic, and the efforts of the company’s owner, Jan Bata, to help Jewish employees emigrate after the annexation of the Sudetenland by Germany in 1938. Heilig was one of the Jewish employees of Bata who was sent abroad in 1938 as a company representative, in order to enable him to emigrate. The typescript was sent as an unsolicited article for publication in the National Jewish Monthly in 1972, along with photographs of Thomas and Jan Bata, a...

  9. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 50 kronen note

    Scrip, valued at 50 kronen, issued in the Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto-labor camp in 1943. All currency was confiscated from deportees upon entry and replaced with scrip and ration coupons that could be exchanged only in the camp. The Theresienstadt camp existed for 3.5 years, from November 24, 1941 to May 9, 1945. It was located in a region of Czechoslovakia occupied by Germany, renamed the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and made part of the Greater German Reich.

  10. 45th Division News [Newspaper]

    Given by an American soldier to Abe Speisman after his liberation, May 1945, Germany.

  11. "Shmai Israel" poem

    Consists of "Shmai Israel" ("Hear, O Israel") written by Olga Zaslavsky. The poem, in Yiddish, relates to the massacre of Soviet Jews at Babi Yar. The poem is accompanied by a typed English translation.

  12. "Arbeitslager marsch"

    Consists of a photograph copy of "Arbeitslager marsch" composed by Heinrich Krol in 1941 while imprisoned at Auschwitz. The piece includes parts for strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion instruments.

  13. Records relating to children's art from Terezin at the University of Oregon Museum of Art

    Contains information about Thomas Ballinger's involvement in arranging for exhibit of childrens art from Terezin with the State Jewish Museum in Prague at the University of Oregon and various other institutions in the United States in 1969 and 1970.

  14. "We will never die" script

    "We will never die" script is a photocopy of a script for the play "We Will Never Die," written by Ben Hecht and performed at various locations across the United States in 1943 to raise awareness of atrocities being committed against Jews in German-occupied Europe. Handwritten annotations may be from Kurt Weill, whose name appears on the title page.

  15. SS dagger and sheath

    The dagger and sheath were found by Bert Sherman in a German jeep, March 1944, Devonshire, England.

  16. Gomel Oblast Archive records

    Consists of microfilmed documents relating to the activities of various oblast government offices in the vicinity of Gomel. Included is information concerning reprisal actions by Germans against partisan activity, the liquidation of the ghetto at Monastyrek, the confiscation of Jewish property and livestock, and arrests of Roma.

  17. Mogilev Oblast Archive records

    These files relate to the activities of various Mogilev city administration offices and German occupation agencies in the Mogilev area during World War II. Included is information about criminal proceedings, the persecution of Soviet Jews, the confiscation of Jewish property, reprisals against Jewish and partisan resistance, regulations for mixed marriages, the Mogilev ghetto, the transit of refugees, Einsatzkommando activities, forced labor, census statistics, and partisan clashes with police forces.

  18. Records relating to crimes against Serbs, Jews, and other Yugoslav peoples during World War II

    Contains information concerning the persecution of Serbs and Yugoslav Jews, atrocities committed by the Ustaša (Ustashi), the forced resettlement of Yugoslavs, and the killing of Orthodox priests.

  19. Records of the Institut für Deutsche Ostarbeit (Sygn.113)

    Contains information about German annexation of Polish land through the years; German colonization in Poland and Eastern Europe; "race science"; population statistics for Kraków, Poland, through the years; birth statistics for several Polish towns and villages; activities of Einsatzgruppen; statistics for Catholic churches in the Kraków area; and the history of the Polish nobility from circa 1300 to circa 1600.

  20. Records fo the Waffen SS - SS Standortverwaltung Kraków (Poland) (Sygn.114)

    Records about uniform and dress regulations for SS and Wehrmacht personnel, the distribution of clothing in the Kraków area, and transports of clothing from Auschwitz and other camps to Kraków.