Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 11,021 to 11,040 of 56,066
  1. "Escape from Treblinka"

    Consists of one videocassette, approximately 10 minutes, entitled "Escape from Treblinka." The video relates the Holocaust experiences of Edward Weinstein, originally of Losice, Poland. Mr. Weinstein was deported to Treblinka in August 1942 and escaped on September 9, 1942. He spent the remainder of the war in hiding in the Polish countryside until the area was liberated in July 1944. The video uses photographs and home movies of a 1993 trip to Poland, to tell Mr. Weinstein's story.

  2. "Mutti"

    Consists of two DVD-ROMs entitled "Mutti," produced by Ralph Harpuder. "Mutti" tells the life story of Gerda Lewin Harpuder Stummer, born in Berlin, Germany in 1905, through the use of documents, family photographs, and home movies set to music. Mrs. Stummer escaped Nazi Germany through Shanghai before making her way to the United States and settling in California.

  3. Bernstein family letter

    Consists of one letter, dated March 23, 1942 from Leopold Neuman in Montbrison, France to Mrs. S. G. Normand of Kansas City, MO. In the letter, Mr. Neuman tells Mrs. Normand that he has spoken to her brother, who had the surname of Bernstein and was in Paris with his family, and urges her to continue to try to get American visas to bring the family to the United States. Also includes copies of two articles written by Roland Leiser about the letter.

  4. "Schimbarea Locului de Deportare, din Ghetoul Kanatkauti, Deportat intr-un lagar de Munca German-Varvarovka"

    Consists of one memoir, 22 pages, entitled "Schimbarea Locului de Deportare, din Ghetoul Kanatkauti, Deportat intr-un lagar de Munca German-Varvarovka" by Ron Michael. The memoir describes Mr. Michael's Holocaust experiences in Transnistria, in the Knatkauti and Varvarovka ghettos.

  5. Selected records from the Prefettura di Trieste

    This collection contains documents on Italy’s fascist racial laws and their implementation in the city and region of Trieste; a registry of Jews in 1938; lists of Jews deported from Trieste and Adriatic region; and lists of Jewish refugees to Palestine. Documents mention the Risiera di San Sabba transit camp, part of Operationszone Adriatisches Küstenland (OZAK), a German-occupied enclave on the Adriatic coast. The records also concern Jewish communities in the coastal provinces of Fiume, Gorizia, Pola, Trieste, and Zara.

  6. Records of seized Jewish property in Trieste

    Contains records related to Oscar Casa, the accountant in charge of Jewish property seized by authority of the German administrators of Trieste, Italy.

  7. Records of the Trieste Court of Appeals

    This collection contains various records concerning the legal discrimination against and expulsion of Jews from various professions in Trieste and the Adriatic coast during the war. It also contains postwar court records concerning the restitution of expropriated Jewish property.

  8. Records of the Allied Military Government of Trieste related to restitution claims

    contains records related to restitution for personal property confiscated during the war. The records concern the Jewish community of Trieste and their processing of claims through the Allied Military Government, Property and Claims Division of the Office of the Comptroller.

  9. Henry Morgenthau, Jr. photographs

    Consists of 23 large black and white photographs taken of Henry Morgenthau, Jr., the Secretary of the Treasury under Franklin D. Roosevelt. Also includes photographs of other influential figures in the Roosevelt administration and photographs of Henry Morgenthau, Sr., the United States Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire during the Armenian genocide.

  10. Frieda Szpigner Aharonson collection

    Consists of photographs, documents, and a transcript related to the Holocaust experiences of Frieda (Fryda) Szpigner Aharonson, originally of Stanislawów, Poland. Her family perished in Treblinka, but Frieda was saved by Aleksandra Gawrych, who hid her in her house in Stanislawów, and a nun, Marjanna Reszko, the mother superior of a convent in Ignacow. Includes copies of family photographs as well as a photograph of Mother Superior Reszko and a photograph of a memorial to Mrs. Gawrych's husband, Jan Gawrych, who was executed in 1943. Also includes the translation (in Hebrew) of an oral hi...

  11. Lilly Felddegen papers

    This collection contains primarily correspondence with some documents and pamphlets pertaining to Lily Felddegen’s rescue of the Belgian children of La Hille and efforts to bring them to the United States with the assistance of HIAS and several other wartime rescue organizations. Series 1, Refugee Project: general information, contains letters, newspaper clippings, and booklets requesting assistance for children in Belgium and the rest of Western Europe. Series 2, Refugee assistance: Names of Child Refugees and of Organizations Providing Assistance, contains files with the names of refugee ...

  12. Nordhausen liberation photographs

    Consists of seven photographs taken after the liberation of the Nordhausen concentration camp. Includes photographs of corpses as well as survivors.

  13. "Sefer Maasim Tovim" photograph

    Consists of one photograph of two girls holding a "Sefer Maasim Tovim" in Be̜drin, Poland, in the 1930s. On the right is Ester Krel and Libele Rubinsztajn is on the left.

  14. Warsaw liquidation photographs

    Consists of nine photographs from a photograph album used as evidence in the Nuremberg war crimes trials. The photographs depict the German liquidation of the Warsaw ghetto. Also contains one large photograph of soldiers working inside a mass grave.

  15. Janet Moskowitz photographs

    Consists of six photographs from the collection of Jadzia Zuchter (now Janet Moskowitz), originally of Be̜dzin, Poland. Includes pre-war photographs of Jadzia and of family and friends, many of whom perished in the Holocaust, as well as a photograph of Jadzia and her husband, Mosze in a displaced persons camp in Germany.

  16. Jeffrey Cymbler photographs

    Consists of family photographs from the collection of Jeffrey Cymbler. Includes photographs of the Cymbler family in pre-war Be̜dzin, photographs of the Leizorek family, who immigrated from Be̜dzin to Buenos Aires in 1940, and photographs of war-torn Be̜dzin. Please also see 1997.A.0119 for more information on the Cymbler family.

  17. Lev Dumer collection

    Consists of copies of articles from the American newspaper "Kcmamu," which is published in Russian, regarding the Holocaust in the Soviet Union, focusing on the Holocaust in Odessa. Also includes one videocassette, on which Mr. Lev Dumer explains the story of an "Odessan Anne Frank," a girl named Lusya Kaliska, who spent the war in hiding.

  18. Lists of prisoners in the Miranda de Ebro Camp

    The collection contains lists of prisoners in the Miranda de Ebro Camp; 1940-1947 Miranda was the central camp in Spain for foreign prisoners. This camp was used for several kinds of prisoners. The three main categories were: international brigadiers (captured during the Civil War); male prisoners who illegally crossed the border (women were not held in military camps, but provincial prisons); and German military personnel and German collaborators interned in the so-called Campo Aleman. Some of the inmates were Jews. The photocopied lists include the name plus nationality of inmates. The el...

  19. Records concerning Jewish owned real property in the Trieste region

    Consists of an inventory of Jewish-owned real estate in the Trieste and Adriatic regions. The census was taken during the war to facilitate expropriation. Also included are records about the confiscation of Jewish property in the city of Trieste and the Adriatic coastal towns of Gorizia, Fiume, and Pola.