Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 11,001 to 11,020 of 56,066
  1. Henri Clogenson collection

    Consists of one manuscript, in German, regarding Langenstein-Zwieberge, a subcamp of Buchenwald, entitled "Erinnerung an Langenstein-Zwieberge Aussenlager von Buchenwald" by Paul Le Goupil and Roger Leroyer. Also includes the testimonies, in French, of Henri Clogenson, a survivor of Langenstein regarding his experiences in the Holocaust, including his experiences in Auschwitz.

  2. "Autobiography and Memoirs of Zeida Harry Barr"

    Consists of one memoir, 64 pages, entitled "Autobiography and Memoirs of Zeida Harry Barr," written by Mr. Harry Barr, originally of Maków-Mazowiecki, Poland. Mr. Barr describes his childhood and family in Maków-Mazowiecki, his immigration to Australia in 1939, his wartime and post-war life in Australia, and his work with the Jewish community. Collection includes 3 copies of the memoir.

  3. Dachau liberation photographs

    Consists of 55 photographs taken after the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp. Includes photographs of corpses, various buildings in Dachau and photographs of survivors' post-liberation and life in the displaced persons camp.

  4. William B. Duff collection

    Consists of photographs of the liberation of the Buchenwald concentration camp as well as photographs of the repatriation of survivors. The photographs were taken by William B. Duff, a member of the medical detachment of the 117th Infantry division. Also includes Mr. Duff's medic's armband, as well as a copy of the July 10, 1945 issue of "Army Talks," which discusses Buchenwald, and clippings regarding Mr. Duff's service and the brutality of the SS.

  5. Alexander Loewinger collection

    Consists of three DVD-ROMs containing a videotaped oral history with Alexander Loewinger, originally of Reteag, Romania. In the oral history, Mr. Loewinger discusses his childhood in Reteag, the events leading up to his deportation in 1944, and his experiences in the Dej Bungar ghetto and the Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Magdeburg, and Swalber concentration camps. He also discusses his post-war experiences in Europe and in the United States. Also includes four copyprints of pre-war and wartime family photographs.

  6. Archiv der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinde Wien - Wiener Bestand Archive of the Jewish Community Vienna-Vienna component collection

    Contains the Holocaust related archival records of the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien (Jewish Community Vienna), including material predating the annexation of Austria to Nazi Germany in 1938, and post war records related to social welfare cases and personal inquiries from survivors worldwide received by the Jewish Community Vienna, Cataloging is in process (Sept. 2020)

  7. Personal papers of Mark Aguf

    Contains letters sent by Mark Aguf to his relatives as well as letters received by Mark Aguf from his wife and close relatives who were evacuated from Kyiv to Central Asia. Correspondence relates to problems with the apartment in Kyiv, everyday life of evacuees, their re-evacuation to Kyiv, and the Mark's active service in the Soviet (Red) Army of 1917-1921. The collection also contains poems written by Mark Aguf during and after the war, and memoirs of Mark's father, Mikhail Aguf "V gornile revolucii: Vospomynanyia" (In the hearth of Revolution: Memoirs) completed circa 1966 in Kyiv. Mikha...

  8. Hella and Heinz Wartski memoirs

    Consists of one memoir, 77 pages, split into two parts. Part I, entitled, "Auschwitz and Freudenthal," was written by Hella Wartski, originally of Uszhorod-Ungvàr, Hungary. She writes about her life in Hungary, her 1994 deportation to Auschwitz, and her transfer to Freudenthal, where she was liberated in 1945. Mrs. Wartski and two of her sisters were the only survivors of her family. Part II of the memoir is entitled "Surviving the Holocaust," by Heinz Wartski, originally of Danzig. He describes the antisemitism of the 1930s and his family's escape to Italy, where they remained until liber...

  9. Works of Moisey Beregovsky

    Contains a copy of the typed manuscript of the book "Purimshpili" with author' handwritten remarks and the Jewish folk musical and theatrical performances (Akhvesharoshshil) with the text and musical scores. Also contains copies of the handwritten musical scores (volume 3, part 1 & 2) from the Moisey Beregovskiy monograph "Jewish Musical Folklore."

  10. "The Butterfly"

    Consists of one musical score entitled "The Butterfly," by Seymour Sherman. The music and lyrics were inspired by a poem from "I Never Saw Another Butterfly" by Pavel Friedmann. Mr. Sherman composed the score for a 2003 Yom Hashoah service.

  11. Case files from the Australian Jewish Welfare and Relief Society

    This collection includes approximately 12,000 personal case files containing information on Jews trying to immigrate to Australia as well as family search files from the Archives of the Australian Jewish Welfare and Relief Society (AJWRS) (now Jewish Care) between 1946 and 1954. Also included is correspondence with Jewish organizations, such as HIAS (the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) and the Joint (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee), as well as with the Federal Immigration Department, and included are 3,036 AJWRS registration cards, a collection of scrapbooks including newspaper ...

  12. Galina Guterman collection

    Consists of two photographs of the Guterman family in Pińsk, dated 1915 and 1930. Those photographed perished in the Holocaust. Also includes one memoir of David Feldman, originally of Warsaw, Poland. Mr. Feldman, a cousin of Galina Guterman [donor], was arrested in Białystok for not carrying identification papers. He spent several years imprisoned in Siberia before joining the Polish Army upon his release. He served in the Middle East and remained in Israel after the war.

  13. Records of the Moscow State Jewish Theatre (GOSET) (Fond 2307 and Fond 2308)

    Contains records related to the history of the Soviet culture and theater, Jewish theater, Jewish avant-garde art and the Kremlin's policy toward Jewish society and culture from 1919 until the early 1950s. The collection contains correspondence with ministries, state organizations, authors, administration, plays, notes (with comments of censors) and the personal archives of Aleksey Granovskiy, Solomon Mikhoels, and other actors and writers. Also contains press reports from the Soviet and foreign periodicals about the theater and its tours in Europe, posters, drawings, theater programs and d...

  14. Records of the Moscow State Jewish Theatre School (MGETU) (Fond 2308)

    Contains records related to the history of the Soviet culture and theater, the Jewish School Theater, Jewish avant-garde art and the Kremlin's policy toward Jewish society and culture from 1919 until the early 1950s. The collection contains minutes of the educational bureau, reports on the progress in studies, photos of performances, biographies and photos of actors, personal files of employees, personal files of students, newspaper clippings related to the Jewish Theater performances, lists of the Young Communist League members, lists of awarded employees, lists of students, historical ess...

  15. Isidore Guttenberg collection

    The notebook was used as an autograph book that contains the signatures of some of the defendants in the International Military Tribunals in Nuremberg, Germany, after World War II. An entry pass for Isidore Guttenberg to the Palce of Justice and a magazine clipping about Nuremberg Prison were added to the collection.

  16. Erich Arnold papers

    The papers consist of a letter and photograph relating to Erich Arnold and his desire to emigrate from Germany immediately following World War II.

  17. Julius Neumark photograph collection

    The collection consists of five black and white photographs relating to the experiences of Julius Neumark during the Holocaust. Included are a photo of Julius's parents before World War II; a photo of Julius as a child; and three photos of his rescuers, Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Bieliajev.

  18. Ety Rosinski-Moncarz photograph collection

    The collection consists of four photographs relating to the experiences of Ety Rosinski-Moncarz during the Holocaust. Several of the photographs depicts Ety and other girls at a convent preparing for their first communion, and one photograph shows Ety walking along a street in Binche, Belgium, with her aunt, Betty Szyper, and her cousin, Albert Szyper.

  19. Frances Hoytash Caminer photographs

    Consists of 13 photographs from the collection of Frances Hoytash Caminer. Though born in the United States, Frances and her family spent 1928-1938 in Prague, Czechoslovakia. The photographs depict Frances and her family in Prague during the 1930s. Included are photographs of her uncle Otto and his son Peter, and her uncle and aunt Julius and Walda Eisner with their children, Lily, and Jirka, all of whom perished during the Holocaust.

  20. "When there is life, there is hope" : Marcel Chagnac memoir

    Consists of one memoir, 24 pages, in French, entitled "When there is life, there is hope," by Marcel Chagnac, originally of Nancy, France. Mr. Chagnac was arrested in an attempt to escape to Switzerland in 1942 and was sent to Drancy. He was deported to Auschwitz in February 1943 and was quickly sent to the Goleszów (Poland) labor camp. He was forced to participate in a death march to Oranienburg and Ravensbrück, where he was liberated on May 1, 1945. Includes an English translation as well as a CD-ROM containing illustrations and photographs.