Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 9,241 to 9,260 of 56,066
  1. Sidney Moskowitz collection

    Contains correspondence between Luba Lewin (donor's mother) in Vienna, Austria, and Samuel Moskowitz (donor's father) in New York and Washington, DC. Includes photographic portraits of Luba Lewin and Samuel Moskowitz, dated 1945-1946. Luba was born in Krasnik, Poland and survived the Holocaust on false papers as Regina Wisniewska. Samuel was an American soldier serving in Vienna, and the two fell in love. Luba awaited her immigration permit in Vienna and the two corresponded extensively until she arrived in the US in November 1946. Luba and Samuel married and built their family in Washingto...

  2. Military personnel in Vienna

    Bus with German military personnel, inscription "Goeppingen" (a town in Baden-Wuertemberg where an air training ground and airfield was situated). Military vehicle. Austrian soldier greeting Germans in Goeppingen bus.

  3. Ruth Vickers collection

    Collection of materials documenting the experience of Ruth Blumenfeld (donor) during theHolocaust. Includes photographs from Trzebinia, Poland, with armbands and Star of David patches visible on people's clothing; correspondence written to her in the camps; an ORT diploma; pattern books; and identity card from the Landsberg DP camp.

  4. Sidonia Neiman photograph collection

    Contains photographs documenting the experiences of Sidonia Weisz [donor] born in Vac, Romania (present day Hungary). She was deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau in 1944, where she took on the roll of spiritual leader for a group of women, many of whom are depicted in post-liberation images. Among the people photographed are Leah Weisz, Suri Green, Miriam Weisz, Liebel Koopchick, Idy Green, Rivka Green, Goldi Freund, Loisunnok Fritzlatoil, Ruchy Forcash, and Chaiy Forcash. The group was transferred transferred to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, where they were eventually liberated. Include...

  5. Hanna plays alone, then with Thomas and Lieberman family adults in the yard of their home, and finally bathing

    Hanna plays with a very small wagon. Around her neck is some kind of purse. She puts many things in the wagon, and then walks around pulling it. She runs into another girl. Benedikt holds his daughter. Grandfather Sperber (older man with beard) hugs Thomas. Hanna gives Thomas a kiss, and then they play. The car drives past, they look on in wonderment. They walk up to the car with a nurse, and get in. Cut to the children in a wash basin taking a bath. They both splash wildly and play with sticks.

  6. Leo Glenn photograph collection

    Photographs illustrating the post-war life of Holocaust survivor Leo Glenn who temporarily lived in the Foehrenwald displaced persons camp in Germany.

  7. Pre-war rare Jewish books from the Ivano-Frankivsk State Archive

    Consists of rare Jewish and Jewish themed books published in Eastern Europe before World War II. Most of the books are in Polish, with one exception being written in German. Authors included are: J. Delacroix, Leon Streit, Lazar Schachner, Dawny and Obecny, Wladyslaw Studnicki, Janusz Konrad Urbach, Dr. Josef S. Bloch, Dr. Majer Balaban, and a publication by the Inz. Mieczyszlaw Wojcicki.

  8. Children play

    A town, pan to a massive stack of cut wood. The children walk about. It is summertime. With the help of Ella, they create a teeter-totter with a wooden beam. The children pose for the camera after playing a bit. Grandfather Sperber (older man with beard) with a horse and cart. CUs, another older man wearing a unique cap, holding a kitten.

  9. Oral testimony of Gertrude Weinfeld Bettelheim

  10. Lis Schermeister swimming at the sea

    Lis (donor's mother and eldest of the three girls) in a sweater and swim cap at the beach with her father, Bernhard Schermeister.

  11. Four clips from propaganda film about the 1934 Reich Party Day

    01:02:22 to 01:02:47 Opening sequences from Triumph of the Will, panning down from the Nazi eagle and swastika down to the title of the film. 01:02:50 to 01:03:03 An enthusiastic crowds greets Hitler with cheers and salutes as he arrives in Nuremberg by plane on September 5, 1934 for the sixth Reich Party Day. 01:03:06 to 01:03:23 A smiling woman holding a young girl hands Hitler flowers as he rides down the street in an open car in Nuremberg. Cheering crowds line the street. CU on smiling young girls and a panning shot of young children leaning forward trying to see Hitler. 01:03:26 to 01:...

  12. Celebrating May Day in Vienna

    May 1 (or the day before). Maypoles at Schwarzenbergplatz. Hotel Imperial. Shell Motor Oil Company headquarters on Schubertring (Schwarzenbergplatz #16). 01:04:40 Heinrichshof building on Opernring (opposite Opera House). 01:04:44 Flagship store "Backhausen & Soehne". 01:04:48 The Museum of Art History on Museumsstrasse. 01:04:54 Heldentor (Burgring) dressed with Nazi insignia and "Ehrt die Opfer der Arbeit". 01:04:59 Austrians, three women on bench, congregate at decorated Heldenplatz. SA erecting maypole. Unknown man (probably same as man in Prater garden with boy at 01:03:56) talking...

  13. Lieberman family at their house in Nahariya, Palestine

    Pans of the horizon (probably in Ein Sara, Palestine). A gate and fence are seen, beyond that is a large house, barns, car, and forest. CU, man. Shots of the fields, the car with steering wheel on the right hand side, profile of Emanuel (with glasses), a person on a bicycle, and people walking about the structure. Nelly points to a tree and climbs the stairs of the white Lieberman House in Nahariya. Benedikt follows.

  14. Men at a logging factory

    Men in traditional dress roll a log onto a large pile. These are all felled trees. Six men labor to get it going. They finally get it there and look at the camera. Brief glimpse of the children in dark winter coats at 02:05:36.

  15. Falkenhausen resigns as military governor of Belgium and northern France

    General Alexander von Falkenhausen officially relinquishes his position as military governor of Belgium and northern France on July 18, 1944 in Brussels. Long shot then CU of Falkenhausen at a podium in front of an audience of men in Nazi uniforms. The location is the offices of the Belgian senate. Shot of Josef Grohe, the new Reichskommissar of the civilian government (the transition from military to civilian government was decreed on July 13, 1944), and General der Infanterie Martin Grase sitting in the front row of the audience. Grase gets up to speak, followed by Grohe. LS of Grohe at t...

  16. Claudia Leder Bookspan collection

    Collection of documents relating to Lore Felsenthal (donor's mother) and Toni Stein (donor's grandmother); their flight from Germany through Belgium; their imprisonment in the Gurs concentration camp; and their arrival to the US in June 1941. Also includes documents and photographs relating to Eugenia Leder Mayer (donor's paternal aunt), who was deported from Italy to Theresienstadt in 1943 and did not survive.

  17. Hitler bust in Vienna; Nazi propaganda

    Loos-Haus, Michaelerplatz, a "Hitler Altar" set up. Slogan painted on top reads "Gleiches Blut gehoert in ein gemeinsames Reich" ["Shared blood belongs in a shared Reich"]. Guard at altar. Passers-by saluting. Bust. LS. Shell headquarters, now with Hitler poster and inscription, "Ein Volk Ein Reich Ein Fuehrer" (official slogan for the referendum on April 10 "One people, one Reich, one Leader.") Propaganda. Pedestrians. Poodle arranged as a still life before a shopping window dressed with a "Hitler Altar". Schwarzenbergplatz and the fountain, viewed from in front of Palais Schwarzenberg. Co...

  18. Private family sequence; folklore ensemble

    Family shots (probably), including CU of a couple and a Tyrolian folklore ensemble with musical instruments. Probably takes place on Heldenplatz. No swastikas visible.

  19. Star of David badge with a yellow star on a black circle worn by a Jewish Romanian woman

    Circular cloth Star of David patch that 21 year old Angela Weissmann was forced to wear in Piatra Neamt, Romania, ca. 1941-1945. In November 1940, the fascist government of General Antonescu joined the Axis Alliance. They immediately put in place policies to persecute Jews, such as the requirement that Jews wear a Jewish star badge on their clothing at all times. The antisemitic regime also supported increasingly violent attacks and pogroms against the Jewish population.

  20. Lieberman family at the park in prewar Olomouc

    In very grainy footage, Hanna runs about, holding a stick and clothed for warmth in a park in Olmuetz. The family walks towards the camera. Then dressed for spring, jumping off a stoop with Harriet.