Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 9,201 to 9,220 of 56,066
  1. Corpses after Russian massacre; bodies; Jews beaten

    "Agfa 1941" Overturned train. Exhumation of victims of the NKVD in Brygidki prison in Lviv in the summer of 1941. Laying out the bodies of officers and soldiers. Crowd gathered around bodies. (VQ, very soft, dark) Women poking at bodies which are being laid out in the courtyard, sweeping them clean? Woman running after and beating a man in the crowd. Soldiers pull her back and comfort her. Woman keening. A Ukrainian militiaman, recognizable by his armband, beating a Jewish man in Brygidki prison in Lviv. This was during the "prison action" of the Lviv pogrom of 1941. Many bodies laid out in...

  2. Chaim Kaplan diary

    The Chaim Kaplan diary consists, in its entirety, of a diary that Kaplan maintained in Hebrew, from 1933 to 1942. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum obtained three original volumes of this diary in 2009, consisting of: Book 3, dating from April 4, 1935 to August 4, 1936 (pages 1-390); Book 7, consisting of entries from August 30, 1939 to December 23, 1939 (pages 53-280); and other fragments, dating from May 7, 1942 to July 2, 1942, paginated from 230-309. While earlier entries focus on personal matters and events, Kaplan made a conscious choice to chronicle Jewish life and external...

  3. Horthy at agricultural fair

    The Agricultural Fair in Budapest. Regent of Hungary Admiral Miklos Horthy arrives at the fair with his wife, Magda, and daughter. Horthy shakes hands with Reich Minister Walther Darre. Shots of men riding horses in formation. CU of a building with the words, "M. Kir. Klkereskedelmi Nivatal Kiållitåsa". Shots of some of the pavilions and agricultural machinery on display. CU of a map of Europe with what appear to be trade routes marked as part of a display. Horthy and his party view walk around the fairgrounds. 01:11:30 cameraman filming Horthy is visible.

  4. Ruth Daneshgar collection

    Photographs and correspondence concerning the Alexander family: Simon, Nelly (donor's parents), and Ruth, who were interned in France. Simon and Nelly were deported; Ruth survived by fleeing to Switzerland.

  5. World War I veterans take a trip

    Street scenes with well-dressed civilians and shops (this could be another day-trip taken by Johannes Vosskamp and his contemporaries from Duisburg). Signs show "Schenkwirtschaft Theod. Hünnekens", "Dortmunder...", and "Tivoli Beer". 01:06:15 Johannes Vosskamp, in a dark suit and bowtie, smoking, exits a building with others, including women and a uniformed soldier. Buses line the streets of the unknown city/village with a river. The well-dressed day-trippers (men and women) walk through a park and sit at a long table having refreshments with coffee. The group boards buses, with Vosskamp at...

  6. Liberation of Belgium

    Footage shot by Belgian cameramen. British troops are welcomed by crowds in the streets of Antwerp. A group of people wave to the cameraman from a balcony hung with a Belgian flag. HAS of people running down the street. A fire burns in a building that had been used by the Germans. Firemen attempt to put out the fire. More shots of happy Belgian citizens greeting British troops. Angry people surround collaborators. People on bicycles watch as German soldiers are marched down the street. Firemen spray water into a burning building. A woman pats a dog on a British tank. German soldiers march d...

  7. Fascist recruits from various countries

    Sequence of images of SS volunteers from several countries. The shots change quickly from one location to the next so the time codes given may not be entirely accurate. Estonian SS volunteers at roll call (induction?). Men in civilian clothes and in uniform. CU of a patch on one man's arm that reads "Estland." An older officer wears a cap with a Death's Head insignia. 01:05:29 Ukrainian volunteers stand at attention holding banners. Men holding banners, one written in Ukrainian flanked by two banners with SS insignia. Men, some of them in native dress, march down the street holding swastika...

  8. NOTICE! NOTICE! Text only wanted poster listing people sentenced to death for crimes against the German government in occupied Poland

    Warning announcement issued in Zakapone, Poland, on October 31, 1943, by the Chief of SS and Police in the Krakow District. The poster announces that the 27 listed persons have been charged with various crimes committed against the German government in Poland and sentenced to death. Persons 1-6 for participation in the roving bands, person 7 for illegal weapons possession, persons 8-9 and 11-27 for illegal activities, and person 10 for participation in a terrorist group. Although the sentence has been carried out on the first five people, the remaining people may be pardoned if no further a...

  9. Hitler visits troops in the last days

    A frail-looking Hitler visits soldiers in the East. He greets military officers and sits at a desk with a map in front of him. Hitler exits the building and is greeted by saluting soldiers. Hitler drives off in a car. Deutsche Wochenschau eagle graphic on screen.

  10. Judith Korot collection

    Contains documents, letters, and photographs illustrating the Grunberger and Freimann families in Slovakia during the Holocaust.

  11. Lieberman family relaxes on the terrace in prewar Poland; Hanna and Thomas bathe

    The family is in the yard. Hanna and Thomas run around unclothed. High angle shots looking down at the porch, where the family eats. Includes Thomas, Benedikt, Heinrich, Hanna, and Magda. CUs, Emanuel (with glasses) and Nelly. The children bathing in the wash tub with Benedikt.

  12. Baby Babeta and Lieberman family in prewar Poland; Hanna plays in the river

    Thomas stands near a baby carriage with young Babeta laying inside. Shots of baby Babeta. Numerous Lieberman family members pose for the camera with the baby sitting up in the carriage. Includes view of Grandfather Sperber (older man with a beard). The Lieberman family is now at a river, probably near Chryplin, swimming.

  13. Goebbels visits troops in the last days

    Goebbels visits the front town of Lauban (Luban, Poland) on March 6th, 1945. He meets with General Ferdinand Schoerner. Goebbels greets troops, including 16 year old Hitler Youth member Wilhelm Huebner, on the market square of the town. View of the square shot through a broken window pane. Goebbels speaks to the soldiers. Graphic shots of dead civilians from the same area. The narrator describes the perpetrators as Untermenschen and the associates of Roosevelt's Christian soldiers. Original sound of Goebbels giving a speech in Goerlitz. He says that the German soldiers will show no mercy to...

  14. Czech recruits swear allegiance to Hitler

    Somewhat dark shots of German officials saluting Czech recruits. The officials watch as the recruits sign an oath of allegiance to Adolf Hitler as Protector of Bohemia and Moravia according to a decree of 8 March 1940. CU of the oath reveals that it is written in both Czech and German.

  15. American POWs captured at the Battle of the Bulge

    Capture of American POWs at the Battle of the Bulge in December, 1944. The soldiers exit a house with their hands raised. Destroyed tanks, one of which bears the motto "America First." Sepp Dietrich at the front. A field littered with war materiel, including destroyed Sherman tanks. American POWs, some of them wounded, struggle through the mud. Germans shoot at American bombers. Children wave at a passing German tank in a "German village." General Walther Model directs his troops in various activities. A column of American POWs trudges past the camera. The camera lingers on the faces of Afr...

  16. Children bathe and play outdoors; Benedikt and Ella wade in a cold river; Hanna scoots around

    The two children, Thomas and Hanna, are in the wash tub, playing and splashing. Hanna gets out and is put into a little robe, which she quickly loses after the nurse empties the tub and flips it over. They play on top of the overturned wash tub. Now dressed, they are carried around by their parents. Benedikt and Ella, the parents, are at the bank of a small river, attempting to endure the cold water. They wade out further. Cut to Hanna scooting herself around on a short stool, learning how to use a potty.

  17. Family car and women knitting in prewar Vienna

    The family car (new?), which was later confiscated by the Nazis, along with a revolver and some gold coins. Peter rides a toy car and plays ball. Sign reads "19. Hannplatz." CUs, women knit.

  18. Commemoration of the death of Milan Stefanik

    A ceremony commemorates the death of Slovak general Milan Stefanik, who was an instrumental figure in the cause of Czechoslovak sovereignty. Crowds gathered on a hilltop near a memorial tomb for Stefanik. Shot of soldiers standing watch at the memorial, looking down at the crowd. A minster speaks to the crowd as soldiers stand at attention. CUs of officers and civilians. Shots of women in traditional dress as planes fly overhead. Portrait of Stefanik fades to reveal shot of the memorial tomb.

  19. Denmark under occupation

    Ufa logo onscreen. View of the Royal Palace in Copenhagen. Guards march on the snow-covered courtyard. Cars arrive for a traditional New Year's reception with the king (the king is not seen). One of the cars carries a German general in the backseat. Changing of the guard, then shots of men in bowler hats walking toward the palace. A man drives a horse-drawn carriage through the courtyard.

  20. Book

    Children's book, Der Struwwelpeter, read by 11year old Beatrice (Trixie) Westheimer when she was a hidden child in German occupied Belgium. It was originally written in 1945 and is a series of illustrated rhymes that tell fables about the unfortunate consequences that befall ill-behaved children. Trixie and her family fled Germany in 1939, joining relatives in Belgium. In May 1940, Germany occupied Belgium and in July 1942, the family went into hiding. Trixie and her cousin Henri were hidden on a farm and baptized as Catholics. In February1943, her parents Julius and Meta were deported; her...