Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 9,281 to 9,300 of 56,066
  1. Edward E. Harriman report

    Contains a report written by Edward E. Harriman (donor’s paternal uncle by marriage) after the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp, accompanied by pasted-in photographs, describing the conditions in the camp. The report was released by the military censor on June 14, 1945.

  2. Flemish Nationalist meeting in Brussels

    Flemish nationalist meeting in Brussels. Uniformed members of the Vlaamsch Nationaal Verbond (Flemish National Union; VNV) march into an indoor stadium. Some of the men play drums. Hendrik Elias, head of the VNV, enters the stadium accompanied by German officers and VNV members. Shots of the crowded stadium and a banner reading "Winterhulp." Elias stands at the podium. Good CUs of some of the audience members, many of whom wear uniforms. A couple of women wear nurse uniforms. The audience applauds.

  3. German invasion of Norway

    German planes fly over the mountains of Norway. Planes land at Fornebu airbase outside Oslo and German soldiers unload weapons. A German soldier stands next to a sign, "Fliegerhorst- Kdtr. Oslo Fornebu". The narration explains that a British plane has been shot down while smoke rises from a tree-covered area beyond the runway. Bf 109s pass low overhead in squadron formation. German soldiers performing various activities, including a German soldier talking on a field telephone and aiming guns toward the sky. Good shots of German sailors on the deck of a ship. Swastika painted on the foredeck...

  4. Badge with a Polish eagle on a castle worn by a Jewish medical officer, 2nd Polish Corps

    Uniform patch with a Polish eagle on a red castle issued to Dr. Edmund Lusthaus when he served in the 2nd Polish Corps from 1941-1945. Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, and seventeen days later, the Soviet Army invaded from the east. Lusthaus was captured and taken to a camp for Polish prisoners of war in Novosibirsk, Siberia, where he served as a physician. When Germany invaded the Soviet Union in 1941, Polish POWs were released to join the fighting. Lusthaus joined the volunteer Polish Army of the East, known as Anders Army. In August 1942, the unit left Soviet territory and be...

  5. Invasion of Yugoslavia

    R. 2 of 4 Volksdeutsch help German Pioniere (equivalent to the Army Corps of Engineers) lay boards to serve as a new bridge where one was destroyed. The civilians and the Pionere share water and food. A column of German soldiers passes a column of Serbian POWs walking in the opposite direction down the road. Good CUs of POWs, who gaze at the camera with hostile expressions. Among the POWs is a group of Serbian soldiers who wear black uniforms (perhaps officers). Shot of a crowd of POWs and German soldiers, including at least one officer. April 8, 1941: General von Weichs, Generaloberst of t...

  6. The Gans and Schmidek families collection

    Collection of correspondence (including post cards), a certificate issued by the British Red Cross, and family photographs documenting the experiences of the Gans and Schmidek families in Hungary and Palestine before and during the Holocaust

  7. Ms. Nancy Mendelsohn collection

    Contains photographic prints illustrating the post-war experiences of Arje and Gitel Rzemieniak; their daughter Nechama, born in post-war Germany; and their friend Abraham Wolowczyk. Includes plays, articles, and announcements illustrating the post-war participation of Abraham Wolowczyk as an actor with the Munich Jewish Theatre.

  8. Jews at forced labor removing snow

    A title on the screen describes the very cold conditions under which the Reichsbahn is operating in Russia. Panning shots of snow covered train tracks and steaming locomotives. 01:36:19 Title on screen: Sowjetrussische Gefangene und Juden arbeiten in Minsk an der Beseitigung der Schneemassen [Soviet prisoners and Jews work on snow removal in Minsk]. High angle shot of women and men, many of them with badges affixed to the front and back of their jackets, removing snow from train tracks. More scenes showing the operation of trains in extremely cold and snowy weather. Shots of train cars and ...

  9. Parade of Naval soldiers

    Probably April 20 (Hitler's birthday). Naval soldiers with drums parading on Michaelerplatz, Augustinerstrasse, in front of Palais Palffy, Albertina ramp, Phillipshof, and Kaertnerstrasse.

  10. Volksdeutsch return to Germany from USSR

    Ethnic Germans (Volksdeutsch) return to Germany from the Soviet Union. Long line of horse-drawn carts traveling through heavy snow. The narration states that this is the largest emigration in modern times and that 135,00 ethnic Germans will arrive in Germany from Eastern Europe. Nazi officers greet refugees as they cross a bridge in their carts. These Volkdeutsch are from Volynia in Western Russia. Shot of a banner which reads "Grossdeutschland grüßt Euch [Greater Germany greets you]." Panning shot of many covered wagons with horses in a field. Shots of individual refugees wearing furs. The...

  11. Mathieu Muller collection

    Documents and correspondence related to the experiences of donor's father, the attorney Matthieu Muller, President of the Agudat Yisrael in France. Many of the documents relate to his rescue work together with George Mandel-Mantello in Geneva, Switzerland during the war. Also includes one photograph of Jews lined up in front of the Immigration Office of the Swiss Legation, Budapest, seeking protection. Verso is stamped "Schweizerische Gesandtschaft Budapest."

  12. Shmuel Elhanan collection

    Collection of telegrams and family photos sent from Minsk and Kovno, including a Polyfoto of Shmuel Elhanan [donor] and his brothers in Kovno.

  13. Woman's gold wrist watch kept with a Jewish concentration camp inmate

    Gold wrist watch carried by Marga Gussinoff throughout her imprisonment in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp and Vittel internment camp from 1943-1944. The wrist band was added to the watch after the war. In 1943, Marga and her mother, Sarah, were arrested by the Gestapo at their apartment in Berlin, Germany. Her sister, Eva, was in hiding with a German woman at the time, but joined them after their arrest. The Gestapo demanded that they turn over all their money and jewelry, but 20 year old Marga "being that I was rebellious, I had this watch, a gold watch, and I decided not to give it to t...

  14. Buchenwald

    Intertitle: "Buchenwald" Human remains in crematoria at Buchenwald. Pile of bones. Survivors and GIs gathered around corpses in courtyard at Buchenwald camp. More shots of the dead, and CUs of the barely living. Doctors inspecting wounds. Intertitle: "Arrogant German citizens are forced to make a tour." German civilians, mostly women, filing into the camp. Intertitle: "Lampshades and pictures made of human skin." MSs, table in the courtyard displaying lampshades, tattoos, shrunken heads. Various shots of the German civilians gathered around the display. Intertitle: "A German officer is forc...

  15. Fritz Hippler's marriage ceremony

    Fritz Hippler, the head of the film department in the Propaganda Ministry and director of Der ewige Jude (The Eternal Jew), gets out of a car with his bride and two men. Inside the registry office a man behind the desk greets them with a Hitler salute. The clerk or judge performs the marriage ceremony and Hippler and his wife sign documents. Smiling, they exit the building and depart in their car.

  16. German invasion of Yugoslavia

    German troops struggle through the muddy Serbian countryside in vehicles and on foot. A column of troops crossing a bridge. German troops encounter resistance in a town. Sign in Cyrillic on a building. A Slovenian or Croatian soldier (according to the IWM) smiles as he surrenders his weapon to a German. The German dashes it on the ground and breaks it. Destroyed buildings. A soldier posts a sign that reads Kirsch. Germans search civilians, including a man who, the narration says sarcastically, knew nothing about the revolver that he was carrying. Captured Yugoslav soldiers march down the st...

  17. Children playing with mother

    Peter and Eva Schur chase a ball with their mother.

  18. Temporary religious buildings during siege of Tobruk

    Australian soldiers fire a Howitzer. Pan of destroyed military vehicles in a desert. A shrapnel damaged school named for Benito Mussolini that is now being used to hold church services for Allied soldiers. The camera pans down from the minaret of a mosque to a hand-painted sign on the building that reads: "Out of Bounds Musulman Church." Camera pans around the exterior of a Catholic church with a statue of the Virgin Mary outside. Damage shown to a hospital mosque. A soldier walks into a heavily damaged building with a sign reading, "Out of Bounds Jewish Soldiers Synagogue." Panning shot of...

  19. Family in Olomouc; farming

    Hanna is blowing up balloons and playing with them at the garden in Olmuetz, with a few family onlookers. They move into the garden. These women are dressed nicely. They all walk in the hills (farmland?) 02:12:34 Probably Stanislawow - numerous men digging in the ground, Benno is in a white shirt. A wheelbarrow is brought to them. Child, probably Babeta (Alyssa Sperber), with the rake. Pan landscape, farm, Lieberman family. Emanuel Sperber with his wife, Nelly. Thomas Sperber drives the tractor, his father Emanuel (balding and seen from behind) walks towards the tractor.

  20. Wochenschau cameramen at work

    The opening titles are superimposed over an image of a cameraman filming. Scenes of Hitler standing on the balcony on the night he became Chancellor, followed by good shots of rallies, flags, Hitler reviewing crowds, intercut with good shots of cameramen at work, sometimes in odd places or angles, such as crouched on the running board of a car. The narrator says that in the new Germany, where the state is fused with the folk, and the Fuehrer is fused with the community, the newsreel cameraman has an obligation to history. 01:55:09 Model of the Propaganda Ministry building. The narrator says...