Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 8,761 to 8,780 of 56,066
  1. Wehrmacht activity in USSR

    Amateur footage shot by a Wehrmacht soldier somewhere in the USSR. German artillery fires upon wooden houses in a Russian village. CUS (dark) of toldiers loading howitzers. 00:43:01 Nice shots of German troops advancing across a field toward the smoldering village. Camera pans across the Russian countryside as prisoners are marched into the fields. Two Soviet soldiers stand at gunpoint with their hands in the air while a German soldier checks their pockets. German troops march down a country road. Soviet POWs are marched down a muddy, wooded road. Some of them wheel bicycles. 00:44:10 A Sov...

  2. W.B. Curtis, III collection

    Photo album: containing photographs primarily taken by William Bostwick Curtis, III (donor's stepfather) documenting the liberation of the Nordhausen concentration camp; images show victims, newly liberated prisoners, rockets and munitions built at the factory, American soldiers at work and rest, as well as general scenery; dated 1945

  3. Frieda Loewy collection

    Scrapbook: created by Frieda Bedriska Loewy (donor's aunt) in the Theresienstadt concentration camp in the Czech Republic during her internment. Scrapbook begins with the date December 22, 1942 and concludes with documentation and drawings indicating Frieda's movement before war's end to Sweden.

  4. Donald A. Perera collection

    Collection of two Red Cross letters written between Olga Pincherle (donor's paternal aunt) and her brother and his wife, Lionello and Carolyn Perera, in New York City; dated 1942; sent between New York, NY and Gorizia, Italy.

  5. Guderian's forces in Warsaw and the USSR

    1941/1942 footage shot by a member of Heinz Guderian's 29th infantry division, before it left Warsaw for the Soviet Union, and during the invasion of the USSR. A group of women and small children, likely Polish peasants, walk across a field. A German soldier walks a motorcycle across a small stream but it gets stuck in the mud. Cut to the central train station in Warsaw with signs in German and Polish. Civilians and German soldiers stand in front of the station. German military cemetery with many rows of neatly kept graves. Soldiers visit graves; each is marked by an Iron Cross. The names o...

  6. SS training at shooting range at Hebertshausen, near Dachau

    Onscreen title reads: "Das Kleinkaliberschiessen" [small caliber shooting]. Several SS men train at a shooting range, built specially for the SS in 1937, at Hebertshausen, near Dachau. The men confer, shoot at targets, and inspect their weapons. Approximately four thousand Soviet prisoners of war were shot at this location between 1941 and the end of the war.

  7. Text only flier advertising the sale of three antisemitic books

    Text only circular advertising three antisemitic books published by Hammer-Verlag in Leipzig, Germany, in 1936: “Guidebook for the Jewish Question” by Theodor Fritsch, “The International Jew” by Henry Ford, and “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” It has an excerpt from a November 28, 1930, letter from Hitler to Fritsch that describes Fritsch’s book as essential for the Nazi movement. The publishing house, Hammer-Verlag, was founded by Fritsch (1852-1933) in Leipzig in 1902. His son, also Theodor Fritsch (1895-1946), was a bookseller and Nazi Party member. He inherited the publishing hous...

  8. Dachau prisoners at home of baker; candlesticks made in Allach

    This footage was shot by a baker who supplied bread to Dachau concentration camp. See Stories 1282, 1283, and 1284 for related footage. The family (and others?) of the baker gathered around the family dining table, eating and celebrating a first communion. One of the girls is dressed in white with a headband of white flowers. There are two candlesticks on the table, holding lit candles. The candlesticks were made by prisoners in Allach, a subcamp of Dachau, where there was a porcelain manufacturing factory. Several views of people eating; all of them are women and girls, except for one very...

  9. Desecrated section of a Torah scroll used as postal package wrapping

    Section of a desecrated Torah scroll used to wrap a parcel and addressed in multiple locations to the Schmid family in Munich, Germany. It was posted between 1941-1944.

  10. Strafing; VE day in Paris; American airmen at Moosburg prison camp; Red Cross food packages

    Airplanes parked. Plane taxis away from parking area, passes camera. CU, red nose, parked planes. Strafing train, German town. MCU, German ranking officers climb aboard plane. Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg's plane taking off. Nose of aircraft in FG, formation flies overhead. Strafing on road, strafing parked aircraft. (4/19/45 366 FG 391st SQ RAFAEL) German officers awaiting air evacuation to England. They board plane. GIs standing around as they watch German officers climb in plane. Door of plane is closed. Crowd of Parisians as they parade through the streets for VE-Day in Paris. CU, Eternal Light...

  11. Goebbels' residence; German civilians and policemen; bomb damage in Berlin

    Airplanes bomb from the air. (KELLEY SFP 186 BERLIN T185) Berlin damage. Highway sign in yellow, "Berlin-Mitte." 02:30:05 LS, Goebbels' residence, civilians pass by in FG. Another angle showing bomb damage. German traffic cop gives direction to civilians. LS, large column of German policemen marching down street, policemen directing traffic in FG. CU, bomb damaged building with graffiti. CU, old German woman. LS, bomb damaged buildings in Berlin and civilians. Several shots and angles. CU, sign "Ihr lebt - wenn der Nazismus Stirbt! KPD." CUs, individual civilians in side view, one taking no...

  12. St. Stephen's Day in Budapest

    A Catholic procession for St. Stephen's Day travels through Pest, the urban district of Budapest that lay east of the Danube River. An arrangement of troops stand at attention as the procession passes through an open square. The celebration probably takes place on August 20 when a case containing the relics of St. Stephen’s right hand is proceeded throughout the streets of Budapest.

  13. Star of David badge with Jude given to German Jewish woman

    Used Star of David badge given to 18 year old Bettina Mayer in Deggendorf displaced persons camp in 1945 by another camp resident. It was worn by the unknown person in Cologne, Germany, and it was given to Bettina because she was originally from Cologne. Jews were ordered to were a Judenstern badge at all times to identify them as Jews. Bettina, her parents, Siegmund and Johannette, and her brother, Albert, were deported in 1941 from Cologne to the Riga ghetto in German occupied Latvia. In September 1943, they were deported to Kaiserwald concentration camp. Johannette died of starvation in ...

  14. Maya Peretz collection

    Photographs illustrating the pre-war lives of the Gerstman family and extended relatives in Stanislawow, Poland [present day Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine] and Kalusz, Poland [present-day Ukraine]. Also included are images of Maja Gerstman [donor] in hiding during the second world war with Katerina Diachenko in Ukraine as well as post-war images and identification documents of Maja in Poland and Israel, where she later immigrated. Images include pre and post war photographs of Maja’s mother Miriam Helfgot Gerstman, and father Marek Gerstman, as well as extended relatives who did not survive the ...

  15. Engraved medallion presented to Mordechai Chaim Rumkowski, head of the Jewish Council, by bakers in the Łódź ghetto

    Large engraved badge presented to Mordechai Chaim Rumkowski, the Älteste der Juden [Elder of the Jews] of the Litzmannstadt (formerly Łódź) ghetto in 1943 by the workers of bakery number 7, in recognition of his management of their bakery. It was acquired in postwar Germany by a United States serviceman. The ghetto was established in early February 1940 by the Germans following their occupation of Poland in September 1939. An Ältestenrat [Council of Elders] was appointed to administer ghetto services. Prewar Łódź was a thriving industrial city and the ghetto became an important manufacturin...

  16. Charles Vogel papers

    The Charles Vogel papers consist of documents, diaries and testimonies, correspondence, photographs, and newspaper clippings acquired by Charles Vogel during his efforts to document and record what occurred to the 350 American soldiers held prisoner at Berga an der Elster. The collection also includes originals and photocopies of trial documents relating to the war crimes trial of Erwin Metz and Ludwig Merz. Correspondence includes letters sent from Charles to Berga survivors and family members regarding his efforts to collect information to present to the War Department and letters from su...

  17. Oral history interview with Anna Wolf

  18. Amateur footage filmed on the Eastern front by a German soldier

    Date: Fall/winter 1941 - 1942. Panning shots of a Russian village, with thatched-roof peasant huts and a tall white Russian orthodox church. 00:06:25 A Wehrmacht officer stands beside a road sign that indicates the village is near Roslavl, in the Smolensk Oblast', a province in the Ukraine along the border between Poland and the USSR. Cut to a once-grand, stone, Neoclassical building (church, theater, administrative building?) now in disrepair, with many German soldiers walking about. German soldiers with horse-drawn wagons march down a road through a destroyed section of city or town, poss...

  19. Alpert family collection

    Collection of photographs of the Ptaszek family in Warsaw, Poland before the war; the Berger family (Berta Berger with her siblings in the Jaworzno ghetto), Abraham Ptaszek Alpert and Bertha Berger Alpert in Marburg, Germany immediately after the liberation, at their wedding, with their baby Sabina Rose; and images of Sabina Rose Alpert as baby in Marburg, 1925-1949. Includes documents relating to the Alpert family's timein Germany 1945-1947 and their immigration to the US in 1947. Also includes audio cassettes on which Mr. Abraham Alpert recorded his memoirs later published as “Spark of Li...

  20. Hitler Youth photograph collection

    Five photographic prints depicting Hitler Youth and Hitler Maidens. Depictions include a boy and girl who appear to be older teenagers, both wearing Hitler Youth uniforms in all but one image; final image appears to be family photograph in which both boy and girl are included, but not in uniform. Geography unknown.