Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 8,801 to 8,820 of 56,066
  1. Renate Fleischer Fajer collection

    The Renate Fleischer Fajer collection consists of correspondence and notes written by Else Kroner to her son Heinz Kroner in Breslau, Germany after her arrest on February 27, 1943, as well as a letter written by Heinz Kroner to his neighbor in the period between his mother's deportation and his own on March 24, 1943. Also included are photographs depicting members of the Kroner and Fleischer families in Breslau, Germany and later in São Paulo, Brazil. There is also a photograph of Renate Fleischer Fajer with her husband Dr. Abram Fajer in Scotland, 1950s. The documents relate to the Fleisch...

  2. Booklet

  3. Clara Lefkowitz Kempler papers

    The Clara Lefkowitz Kempler papers include a handmade diary created at the Sömmerda slave labor that describes a death march near the end of the war and photographs depicting Clara and Jacob Kempler with family and friends at the Landsberg am Lech and Leipheim displaced persons camps after the war. The collection also includes two post-war identification cards for Jacob Kempler, three photographs reproduced and published by Zvi-Hirsh Kadushin (George Kadish), and four postcards depicting Landsberg am Lech, Bremen, Marseille, and Holocaust victims. The handmade diary was created at the Sömme...

  4. German advance into USSR; fighting at Stalingrad (?)

    Views of Kharkiv, Ukraine city center. The buildings appear largely intact and the leaves are on the trees, indicating that it is summer, probably 1942. German soldiers travel the streets in vehicle and on foot and bicycle. View of a statue of Taras Shevchenko, which has been left standing. Nice street scenes. A German soldier walks past with a young local woman. 01:45:51 Bridge over a river, with German troops and vehicles heading in one direction and a couple of Russian peasant women heading the other. Troops in the field, which appears to be the southern steppe. German vehicles travel ov...

  5. Cipora Rozensztajn Hurwitz photograph collection

    Fourteen (14) original photographs: Images of Feiga Cipora Rozenstajn (donor) and her family in Hrubieszow, Poland before the war and after the war in Lublin, Hrubieszow, and Bad Reichenhal DP camp in Germany. Three (3) copy photographs: images of the Rozensztajn and Zauberman families in Hrubieszow before the war and portrait of Shalom Rozensztajn (donor's brother).

  6. Charles A. Vogenberger photograph collection

    Collection of photographs documenting the Nordhausen concentration camp after liberation, including images of the burial of former prisoners in a mass grave; dated April 1945; some captioned on verso in English. The photographs were taken by Sgt. Charles A. Vogenberger (donor’s father), who served with the U.S. Army as a member of the 273rd Ordnance Company attached to the 1st Infantry Division.

  7. Hela Sooaar letter

    Consists of a letter written by Mrs. Hela Sooaar describing her experiences on a death march from Grunberg to Bergen-Belsen with her sister, Rozia Feder Waltioux, and also her post-war experiences. Also includes one photograph of Mrs. Sooaar, taken in 2003.

  8. Flossenbuerg liberated; POW hospital in Florence

    (LIB 6223) Probably April 30, 1945. Camera pans from left to right showing an overview of the Flossenbuerg slave labor camp, barracks on hillside, trees and mountains in BG. German civilians gathered at entrance to camp. Inscriptions on concrete gate post. Sign: "Vorsicht! Hochspannung Lebensgefahr" and "Arbeit Macht Frei". CU, electrified barbed wire around top of fence and guard towers. Makeshift handwritten banner on picket fence, "Prisoners Happy End! Welcome!". INT, CU, four naked male survivors: two Jewish, one French, one Polish, with numbers tattooed on their chests. Multiple takes....

  9. Boris Gurevich papers

    The Boris Gurevich papers are comprised of over fifty letters Boris wrote to his brother and sister while in the Red Army between 1942 and 1944. The majority of the letters are to his sister in Andijan. In them, Boris enquires frequently about her health and food availability and describes his situation as a student in military training and later, as a soldier. Many of his letters describe his health, food rations, his uniforms, and his daily activities in training and in his free time. He often reports that he is happy, especially so while living in Rybinsk, where he lived with a friend, M...

  10. Reine Behar Yulzari collection

    Collection of three photographs documenting the experiences of Reine Behar (donor) and her family in Bulgaria during the time period surrounding the Holocaust. Photos depict Reine and her parents pre-war, Reine with friends on the streets of Sofia, Bulgaria, and Reine's mother; Photo album of the Behar family in Sofia and other cities in Bulgaria before and during the Holocaust.

  11. Outing of the Dachau amateur film club, 1943

    Title onscreen reads: "Auf Wiedersehn in Dachau, 1943" [Farewell in Dachau, 1943]. This outing was shot by a baker who supplied bread to Dachau concentration camp. See Stories 1282, 1283, and 1285 for related footage. Another title reads: "Der Ausflug des BDFA, 1943" [Outing of the amateur film club, 1943) Good color. Members of the club are shown gathered outside, talking and laughing. One of the men is a high-ranking uniformed SS officer who was also a member of the film club. The officer gives a Hitler salute to one of the women in the group. Members of the club stroll through the town o...

  12. Hana Engel photograph collection

    Consists of two photographs: one a prewar image of Ania Szymkiewicz Engel (donor) and her mother, Regina, walking in the street in Łódź, Poland; the second an image of Hana Engel in Tel Aviv, dated 1948. Ania attended Abba Gymnasium before the war and the ghetto high school. In August 1944, she and her mother were deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau, where Regina was murdered. Hana was liberated in May 1945 in Theresienstadt and in 1946 she arrived in Palestine where she was reunited with her father.

  13. Synagogue demolition; Jerusalem scenes; Zloczow pogrom; Dachau baker

    Excerpts from Michael Kuball's documentary "Soul of a Century," with narration (sound quality is bad). The first scenes show the demolition of the Dortmund synagogue in October 1938. A handwritten title reads: "Where the good Dortmund beer is brewed (Dortmund Union Brewery), October 1938". Cut to Hitler Youth marching in Hamburg, 1941, and then to the battleship Bismarck firing a salute. Another title reads "A great day for Hamburg! Launching of the battleship Bismarck". Another title: "Leak of natural gas in Neuengamme, July 1939" A natural gas tower spews gas into the air. 00:52:04 ***The...

  14. Gerald Bergman collection

    Contains a postcard, dated December 17, 1939 sent by Symcha, Zhenya and Luba Bergman (donor’s paternal grandfather and aunts) in Krasnystaw, Poland, addressed to H. Bergman (Hershel Harry Bergman, donor’s father) in Brooklyn, NY; the text reads (in translation), “Dear Son, How are things with you? How do you feel? We are feeling well; the whole family is well! Your brother Jankel is in the POW camp in Germany. Best regards and kisses from your parents and family. Symcha Bergman.” Also two photographic portraits of Sara and Symcha Bergman (donor’s paternal grandparents) in Krasnystaw, Poland...

  15. Adele Szamet Rubinstein collection

    Collection of photographs depicting members of the Szamet and Weiss families in Hungary before, during, and after the war in Displaced Persons camps; a collection of documents relating to Adele Szamet’s (donor) life after the liberation from the Mauthausen and Gunskirchen concentration camps, which she survived with her mother, Irene Weiss Szamet. The Szamet family lived in Hajdúböszörmény, Hungary; they were forced into a ghetto and later transferred to the Debrecen ghetto; in June 1944 they were deported to the Strasshof camp in Austria and from there to the Mauthausen concentration camp ...

  16. Bill and Rose Wyman collection

    Contains three photographs and one ID card issued to Bill Wyman.

  17. Unknown ghetto

    A doctor examines patients. This footage seems unrelated in subject matter to the ghetto footage that follows. 00:14:49 An elderly man wearing an armband supports himself on a building wall as he walks slowly along a sidewalk in an unidentified Jewish ghetto. A woman appears in a doorway and speaks to him. Shot of a swastika flag hanging from a building. Several Jews sit or stand in front of the doorway. Jewish children wearing armbands playfully salute the cameraman (a major in the Luftwaffe). Two Jewish men doff their hats as German soldiers pass by.

  18. Dorrit Westheimer collection

    Contains documents, photographs, and correspondence illustrating the experiences of Dorrit Feuerstein, born 1936 in Ústí nad Labem, the former Czechoslovakia, and her parents Marianne and Edmund Feuerstein, who fled persecution to France in 1939 and then ultimately to the United Kingdom, where the family remained through the end of the second World War.

  19. Pogrom in Zloczow, July 1941

    Brief panning shot of water and the shore. The next scenes show the Zloczow pogrom, which took place from July 1 - 4, 1941. Before the Soviets retreated from Zloczow, the NKVD murdered several hundred civilians at Zamek prison. Many of those killed were Ukrainian nationalists, but some Jews and Poles were also murdered. The bodies were buried in four mass graves. After the Germans occupied Zloczow, the Jews were blamed for the murders and a pogrom ensued. Corpses litter a muddy, grassy area. These are most likely the bodies of those murdered by the NKVD. 00:47:30 A crowd of bystanders, incl...

  20. Their Names Can Still Be Remembered Deras namn kan ännu viskas: vittnesmål från gettot I Łódź

    Contains an English translation of a manuscript written in Sweden by Mala Maroko Freund.