Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 8,841 to 8,860 of 56,066
  1. Sándor Eppler collection

    Consists of photocopies of letters and telegrams of condolence received by members of the Eppler family after the death of Sándor Eppler in 1942. The collection also contains photocopies of eulogies and newspaper clippings. Sándor Eppler was the General Secretary of the Hungarian Jewish community, and represented the community at the Evian Conference in 1938.

  2. Mass surrender at Chemnitz; liberated POWs and DPs; Germans move out of Czechoslovakia; bomb damage

    Men overlook a factory. German prisoners walking on road, surrendering (part of the mass surrender of the German army around Chemnitz). One walks barefoot. Wrecked German vehicle. CU, U.S. 9th armored soldier, patch on shoulder. German in cockpit of plane as he puts his hands up. American officer frisks him. MPs take him away. German aircraft is towed with truck. German aircraft lands on American-held airfield. Long line of German trucks bring in surrendering army. German officer rides horse, surrendering, civilians on street. Men with horse-drawn vehicles come in for surrender. Men follow ...

  3. Barbara Garfinkel Goldlust collection

    Contains documents, correspondence, photographs, and postcards illustrating the Garfinkel family's efforts to sponsor Juda Cichowicz, who was living in Poland. Includes correspondence from her maternal relatives in Nazi-occupied Poland.

  4. Ruth Haas Sadovnik collection

    The Ruth Haas Sadovnik collection consists of identification documents, photographs, naturalization documents, financial documents, and a childhood memoir relating to the experiences of Ruth Haas Sadovnik who was sent from Berlin, Germany to England on a KThe Ruth Haas Sadovnik collection consists of identification documents, photographs, naturalization documents, financial documents, and a childhood memoir entitled “Twice a Refugee” relating to the experiences of Ruth Haas Sadovnik who was sent from Berlin, Germany to England on a Kindertransport on July 3, 1939. The childhood memoir was w...

  5. William Stanton photograph collection

    Black and white photograph depicting corpses piled on ground and on a cart, survivors and barracks visible in the background at the Mauthausen concentration camp in Austria. On the verso is a handwritten inscription in blue ink: "Mauthausen / Concentration / Camp / near Linz, Austria / May 1945." The photograph was brought home from the war by Sgt. William Stanton of Vermont who served with the 11th Armored Division of the U.S. Army.

  6. Joan Diamond collection

    The collection includes family photographs of the Stein family in Turaszowka, Poland, dated 1934, taken on the occasion of the visit of Joan Stein (now Joan Diamond) and her parents from the United States and a postcard sent to Ben Stein from his family in Poland telling him that the situation there is not well, dated May 26, 1940, in German. Also included are two travel journals kept by Olga Stein, Ben’s wife, during their visits from Passaic, NJ back to Europe to visit family in Poland and Czechslovakia. The journals primarily detail their travel, family, and relatives who were drafted in...

  7. German Extermination Camps - Auschwitz and Birkenau

    Contains a copy of a report entitled "German Extermination Camps - Auschwitz and Birkenau" written by escapees from the camp (unnamed in the report, later identified as Rudolf Vrba and Alfred Wetzler) in April 1944. The report was distributed in the United States by the War Refugee Board in November 1944.

  8. Henry Werdinger collection

    Documents and photographs illustrating the experiences of Heinrich [Henryk] Werdinger (donor). Born in Borysław, Poland, he was arrested and interned as a slave laborer in Borysław, in 1942 for Karpathen Oel AG. In April 1944, he was first transferred to the Płaszow concentration camp, and then to the Mauthausen concentration camp in Austria in August 1944, where he was liberated in May 1945. His immediate family perished. Included in the collection are photographs that document pre-war life in Borysław, postwar documents and photographs which illustrate Heinrich’s wartime experiences and p...

  9. Anti-Jewish sign on a streetcar in Belgrade

    Busy street scene in Belgrade. Buildings, piles of rubble, horse-drawn carts and cars. 00:49:42 A streetcar passes by with a sign that reads "Fuer Juden Verboten" [Jews forbidden]. Two men cross the street. Panning shot of the city, including smokestacks and a river (either the Danube or the Sava).

  10. Bachmann family papers

    The collection contains a journal written by Werner Bachmann of Göttingen, Germany describing his family's journey from Hamburg, Germany to New York on 27 December 1937 through 6 January1938 on board the SS Washington. Accompanying Werner was his wife Erika Grafenberg Bachmann and their baby daughter, Ruth Bachmann. Werner also described their journey from New York to San Francisco 22 January-7 February 1938. Also included are 9 pre-war family photographs of Ruth with various family members in Offenbach, and 4 post-war family photographs.

  11. Miriam Korber papers

    The Miriam Korber papers contain a diary and photographs concerning the Holocaust experiences of Miriam, a teenager from Câmpulung Moldovenesc, Romania who was interned in the Djurin Ghetto in Transnistria, Romania (present day Moldova) from 1941 until her liberation in 1944. The diary begins in 1941 shortly after Miriam’s deportation and concludes in 1944. The photographs primarily depict Miriam’s family in Câmpulung before the war and a few photographs of Miriam after the war.

  12. Sam Szyja Braun collection

    Contains a displaced persons certificate issued by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) to Szyja Braun in Bad Cannstatt, Germany, dated 1949; photographs depicting Szyja Braun, his brother Salomon Braun and friends they met in the displaced persons camp; and a declaration of intention filed by Sam (Szyja) Braun on February 21, 1950 regarding his intention of becoming a U.S. citizen. Szyja Yeshajahu Sam Braun was born in Breslau on May 18, 1919. He was a son of Eliasz and Gusta Alstock Braun. The family lived in Brody. Szyje and his two brothers, Salomon and Willie were the only survivors...

  13. Nechama Vaisman diary

    The Nechama Vaisman diary consists of a photocopy of the handwritten diary of Nechama Vaisman, originally of Mogiliev-Podolski, Ukraine, written between January 1942 and July 1943 while Vaisman was confined to a ghetto.

  14. Boris Wolosoff collection

    Consists of records relating to the emigration and post-war experiences of Boris Wolosoff, originally from Russia. Mr. Wolosoff emigrated to Germany in the 1923 and to France in 1936. He arrived in the United States in 1941. Also includes a handmade album of photographs and drawings entitled, "Souvenir du Masgellier Vos Petits," dated August 31, 1941, created by chidlren in the Masgelier children's home as a gift to Mr. Wolosoff, who was the director of the OSE home there from 1937-1941.

  15. Albert and Pola Altschul collection

    Contains a poem written from memory by Pola Altschul, and one document issued to Albert Altschul.

  16. Prewar Jewish life in Budapest

    Peter Veres climbs the stairs and plays at an outdoor pool. His mother Kati Krausz Veres, in the dark jacket, drips water on Peter’s head. Father George fetches Peter’s toy from the pool. Armin Veres, George’s father, plays with Peter and his cousin Andrew Jakab (the son of George's sister Agi; he was 5 months older than Peter) on Armin's apartment balcony at 15 Lipot Korut in Pest. Sari (George's mother) joins them and holds Peter and Andrew. Armin, toddler Andrew, mother Agi Jakab (George's sister), and Sari walk towards the camera outdoors on a dirt road. Kati and Peter sit on a balcony....

  17. Fred Frankel collection

    Consists of 12 photographs taken in the Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camp of David Frankel (born Towia Frenkiel) and Lili Frydman (later Frankel), and their son, Abraham Frankel. Includes photographs of their wedding on May 19, 1946 in the displaced persons camp, the Frankels with groups of friends, and a photograph labeled 1940, which the donor believes to be a photograph of a crematorium at Auschwitz, circa 1940, which Lili Frankel obtained from an unknown source.

  18. Soep family collection

    Consists of a certificate stating that the Soep family were nationalized citizens of El Salvador. The document was stamped and signed by George Mantello on February 6, 1944 in Geneva, Switzerland.

  19. Ahnenpass

    Contains an "Ahnenpass" issued to Karl Haiblen (donor's father) that documents his family ancestry to prove that he was of "pure Aryan blood." Dated October 6th, 1938; Tübingen, Germany.

  20. Hitler's Hatchet Man!

    Contains a leaflet entitled "Hitler's Hatchet Man!" presenting the text of a speech delivered to Dormont Rotary Club, Pittsburgh, July 1939, by James R. Cox.