Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 8,901 to 8,920 of 56,066
  1. "Broken Birds"

    Consists of one manuscript, in paper copy and on CD, entitled "Broken Birds," by Jeannette Katzir. In the manuscript, she describes the Holocaust experiences of her parents, Channa Perschowski Poltzer, originally of Baranavichy, Poland, and Nathan Polczer (Poltzer), originally of Uzhgorod, Czechoslovakia. Channa spent the war as a partisan in the Polish forests, while Nathan was deported to Auschwitz in 1944 and transferred to different camps before being liberated in Germany in 1945. They both immigrated to New York, where they met and married in 1950. The majority of the manuscript is ded...

  2. Registration cards issued at Jewish Committees in Łódź and Gliwice (Sygn. 303/V/428)

    Contains 8209 registration cards issued to Jewish survivors in Łódź and Gliwice by the Central Committee of Jews in Poland (CKŻP).

  3. Records of the World Jewish Congress in Romania

    Contains sixteen-page family questionnaires distributed by the World Jewish Congress in Arad, Birlad, Botoşani, Brăila, Bucharest, Burdujeni, Carei, Cluj, Constanţa, Galaţi, Iasį, Oradea, Rădăuţi, Roman, Timişoara, and Vaslui. Forms include name, address, date and place of birth, occupation/profession, education, and details of persecution under the Antonescu regime (as well as deportations from Transylvania to German-occupied Poland).

  4. Oral history interview with Tilly Meyer

  5. Ceslovas Daukantas collection

    Consists of a copy of a letter to Congressman John F. Kennedy on 3 October 1949, from Ceslovas Daukantas regarding his brother Adolph, a displaced person living in a sanatorium during his recovery from tuberculosis. Mr. Daukantas sought Kennedy's help to have him transferred to a hospital in the American Zone. Also includes a copy of Kennedy's 14 October 1949, response in which he states that he has forwarded the information to the International Refugee Committee (IRC).

  6. Dr. Jesse Hofer collection

    Consists of eight color copyprints taken after the liberation of the Buchenwald concentration camp. Includes images of camp buildings, survivors, corpses, and the bodies of SS officers killed after liberation. Also includes six chapters (approximately 100 pages) of the memoir of Dr. Jesse Hofer, PhD, MD, entitled "From Behind Those Fences." In the memoir, Dr. Hofer describes what he witnessed upon the liberation of Buchenwald and his reflections on what he saw there.

  7. "Neve Diventeremo"

    Consists of one DVD produced by the Italian band "7grani," featuring Mauro, Flavio, and Fabrizio Settegrani. The DVD, entitled "Neve Diventeremo," directed by Luca Tossani, includes an oral history interview with former partisan and Buchenwald survivor Rado Zuccon, as well as a video of the band performing a tribute song, which was shot partially on the grounds of the Buchenwald concentration camp.

  8. Irwin Magad collection

    Consists of one postcard sent by Icek Wajntraub in Dombrowa to Hanna Sara Wajntraub, who was interned in a women's work camp in Grinberg. The postcard is dated March 18, 1942.

  9. Selected records from the State Archives of the Vinnytsia Region related to the history of the Jewish communities before WWII

    Contains a variety of records of the Soviet governmental and Communist Party regional administration on Jewish communities of the Vinnytsia region. Included are statistical information, family lists, documents about schools and reading rooms, the promotion of literacy and vocational training, bylaws of Jewish religious communities, files on Jews who appealed for the reinstatement of their electoral rights, files of Jewish owners of businesses, and inventories of synagogues and prayer houses. The collection also includes records of the Jewish Community Committee (Evobshestkom) for the relief...

  10. Records of the Jewish Community of Patras, Greece

    Consists of correspondence files concerning the postwar activities of the Jewish community of Patras. Topics include restitution, commemoration of Holocaust victims, elections to the Board of the Jewish Community, burial permissions, maintenance of the Jewish cemetery, and disposal of the community’s property. There are also financial records, minutes of Board meetings, and a list of community members.

  11. Jacob Wolf collection

    Consists of one document, 4 pages, handwritten by Jacob (Jake) Wolf on May 27, 1992. In the document, Mr. Wolf writes about his experiences as a German speaking American soldier during World War II, including his memories of the liberation of Buchenwald.

  12. Marsha Stein Sirman collection

    Includes 67 photographs of life in the Bergen Belsen displaced persons camp. Photographs include the birth of Marsha Stein Sirman in a hospital, Glyn-Hughes, in Bergen Belsen. The images depict Marsha by herself, Marsha with her parents, Chana Szulc Stein and Icek Stein, and a German doctor, Dr. Ötker, who helped with Chana's delivery. Other photographs include the wedding of Sala Katzberg Rotrand and Moniek Rotrand. Sala Katzberg Rotrand was the niece of Chana Szulc Stein. There is also a post-war photograph of Moniek Rotrand in a hospital bed in Bergen Belsen with Sala Rotrand, Icek Stein...

  13. Selected collections and records from Central State Archive of the Highest Organs of Government and Administration related to the history of the Jewish communities of Ukraine

    Contains a variety of archival records as well as complete archival collections related to the history of the Jewish communities of Ukraine. Includes the following parts: 1. Ministry of Jewish Affairs of the Ukrainian People’s Republic; 2. Ministry for Jewish Affairs of the Ukrainian State; 3.Central Jewish Committee on Aid to Victims of Pogroms; 4.All-Ukrainian Jewish Committee on Aid to Victims of Pogroms of the Ukrainian People’s Republic; 5.Central Jewish Bureau for Soviet National Minorities at the People’s Commissariat for Education of Ukrainian SSR; 6.Temporary Commissariat for Jewis...

  14. "Positive Experiences Within a Severely Traumatic Framework as Perceived and Narrated by Holocaust Concentration Camp Survivors"

    Consists of one doctoral dissertation, entitled "Positive Experiences Within a Severely Traumatic Framework as Perceived and Narrated by Holocaust Concentration Camp Survivors," by Dr. Anthony Bellen for his PhD in Criminology at Bar-Ilan University in September 2004.

  15. The Joseph Siakkis archives related to the history of the Jewish communities of Greece

    Contains records related to the history of the Jewish communities of Greece. The archives are organized into 28 thematic sections. The most important topics are: 1. History of Greek Jewry and Jewish communities of Thessaloniki, Corfu, Larissa, Volos, Trikala, Zante, Chania, Preveza, Sparta, Chalkis and other major Jewish centers; 2. Antisemitism, Nazi occupation and Holocaust; 3. Collections of Jewish periodicals (Corfu and Athens); 4. Records of the Greek Jewish family names, personal correspondence, literary essays and poetry.

  16. "Max Adler: From Germany to America, 1926-1939"

    Consists of one memoir, 6 pages, entitled "Max Adler: From Germany to America 1926-1939," by Max Adler. In the memoir, Mr. Adler describes the history of his family and the Jewish community in his hometown of Bad Mergentheim, Germany. He describes antisemitism in the 1930s, his memories of Kristallnacht, and leaving on a Kindertransport to the Netherlands in January 1939. Mr. Adler's parents were able to immigrate to the United States in May 1939, and he joined them there in February 1940.

  17. "Reise zum Planeten der Nazis: Langenstein-Zwieberge 1944-1945"

    Consists of one manuscript, 118 pages, in German, entitled "Reise zum Planeten der Nazis: Langenstein-Zwieberge 1944-1945" by Alberto Berti, an Italian partisan. In the memoir, he describes his experiences in the Langenstein-Zwieberg concentration camp. The final chapter, entitled "Dreitausend auf dem Todesmarch," has been translated into English. The translation is included with the text.

  18. "We Will Always Remember"

    Consists of one document, six pages, entitled 'We Will Always Remember," commemorating the life of Eddie H. Willner (Hellmutt Willner), a Holocaust survivor from Germany. The tribute describes Mr. Willner's Holocaust experiences and his friendship with Maurits Swaab, a Dutch man who was transported to various camps with him. Mr. Willner and Mr. Swaab managed to escape from a death march from Langenstein and were liberated by the American Army. They were both able to immigrate to the United States, where they joined the American military.

  19. "A Voice for the Silenced"