Strafing; VE day in Paris; American airmen at Moosburg prison camp; Red Cross food packages

Language of Description
Alt. Identifiers
  • 2010.479.1
  • RG-60.1264
Level of Description
  • Silent
EHRI Partner


Scope and Content

Airplanes parked. Plane taxis away from parking area, passes camera. CU, red nose, parked planes. Strafing train, German town. MCU, German ranking officers climb aboard plane. Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg's plane taking off. Nose of aircraft in FG, formation flies overhead. Strafing on road, strafing parked aircraft. (4/19/45 366 FG 391st SQ RAFAEL) German officers awaiting air evacuation to England. They board plane. GIs standing around as they watch German officers climb in plane. Door of plane is closed. Crowd of Parisians as they parade through the streets for VE-Day in Paris. CU, Eternal Light under Arc de Triomphe. Panning up to Unknown Soldier's Grave decorated with flowers and civilians paying respects (some wearing prison camp uniforms). MCU, Parisians applaud. CU, floral piece of Free French insignia carried by two British soldiers. Ceremonies around Tomb of Unknown Soldiers. Loud speaker. Airplane dives and goes into a Victory Roll. 02:05:30 MS, through barbed wire of American airmen in Moosburg prison camp - Stalag 7A. They cook outside tents. Two American airmen as they cook bacon over improvised stove. Two airmen as they eat K-rations. They cook Red Cross provisions. American airmen exercise and sunbathe at prison camp. Four airplanes fly overhead. CU, American airman. Prison camp identification tag around neck of airman. Men standing around Red Cross food packages. They stack Red Cross food packages. Swiss Red Cross truck delivering food to camp. CU, insignia of Swiss International Red Cross on truck. Displayed contents of Red Cross food package. Men cook and sit around in camp. Group of American airmen as they wave to camera. They lounge on bales of hay, tents in BG. Men cook food over improvised stove. CU, refuse pit, panning to makeshift tent and homemade oven with airmen cooking. LS, men working in camp, cooking, exercising, etc. CU, American airmen with patch over right eye. Bunker outside of prison camp. Liberated American airmen as he reads stars and stripes. CU, more airmen. CU, another airmen wearing a German hat. CU, African-American pilot (Lt.). MS, American airmen stand around panning barracks, bicycle, barbed wire. (CARTER 5/7/45 VE DAY)


  • Moosburg - Prisoner of war (POW) camp known as Stalag 7A which housed 29,284 Allied prisoners, including Francis J. Morrissey of Dayton, Ohio. (Half were Americans, mostly Air Corps; included among remainder were Russian, British and French prisoners.)




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