Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 5,661 to 5,680 of 56,066
  1. Cooperative Bank of Industrialists and Merchants in Częstochowa Bank Spółdzielczy Przemysłowców i Kupców w Częstochowie (Sygn. 1419)

    Financial records of one of the Jewish banks in Częstochowa, included are: the records of the opening balance during liquidation of 1941, and other liquidation files of the bank.

  2. Beach; fire brigades; carnival; parades; Bremen ship

    Klappholttal, island of Sylt. Infantry. Luftwaffe. Fire brigades. Berlin in 1935. Stralau draught. Berlin radio tower. Reinhold Tiling’s rocket. Slapstick routine. Child in uniform. Train. Shepherd Launching of the SMS “Bremen”.

  3. Shmul and Szajndla Borensztajn collection

    Collection of photographs, documents, and correspondence relating to Shmul Borensztajn, from Warsaw, and Szajndla Lojwasser Borensztajn, from Izbica (donor's grandparents), who fled German-occupied Poland to Soviet territory with their children, Zygmunt, Jakob, Hershel, and Fela, along with Shmul’s parents, Sender and Chava Borensztajn. Zygmunt joined the Mir Yeshiva and reached Shanghai; Jakob was sent by the Soviets to Archangelsk, where he died. The rest of the Borensztajn family were deported to a forced labor camp in Siberia. Shmul and Szaindla were married in the camp with a ketubah, ...

  4. French Campaign

    Guards, Paris, jockeys, cabaret, women with hats

  5. Germans awaiting deportation from Horovice; Soviet soldiers arrive in town; funeral procession

    Brief shot filmed in the 1960s of a group of young children and people standing in the street in Hořovice. 00:12 Town hall in Palacky Square in 1945 with a group of Germans awaiting deportation. German troops leave. Trucks. Soldiers walk along a road, carrying gear. A member of the Revolutionary Guard on the phone. They set up a machine that acts as a telescope/binocular for them to enhance their sight of the surrounding area and monitor airspace. They look over a map. Two soldiers look out other tools used for better vision. Armed civilians in the square. Soldiers on the rooftop. Men in a ...

  6. Regina Gruber and Tuvia Sheres papers

    The collection contains correspondence, identification papers, photographs, testimonies, and restitution claims documenting the experiences of Regina Gruber and Tuvia Sheres in Poland, Lithuania, and Italy during the Holocaust, and their post-war experiences in Italy prior to immigrating to Canada. Included are papers regarding their time as displaced persons in Bari, Italy; and their work with the Joint Distribution Committee; their immigration to Canada; testimonies; and restitution claims. The restitution papers also reflect Regina's attempts to reclaim funds from a Swiss bank that her f...

  7. Personal case files from the Australian Jewish Welfare Society, Sydney

    Personal case files of Jewish refugees who immigrated to Australia between 1937-1960s. Records include photos, emigration questionnaires, registration cards, requests for landing permits, personal documents, correspondence with Joint & HIAS, some information about personal experiences during the war, and family search requests.

  8. Occupied Paris in color, North African campaign in color, Greece, The country and people of Russia

    Airforce, transport aircraft, Meditteranean Sea, water tap, soldiers writing and smoking, shelter, hospital ship, wounded people, peasant women

  9. German and Austrian mountain hunters

    A propaganda film by Wolfgang Gorter. The 1st Mountain Division Mittenwald in the Caucasus 1939 - 1942. The footage for this film comes from the camera of a mountain hunter of the former 1st Mountain Division Mittelwald. Includes fight at 50 degrees below zero, flagging on the 5,633 meter high Elbrus and daily life of the soldiers in an occupied country.

  10. Judische Kultusgemeinde in Prag Gmina Żydowska w Pradze Jewish Community in Prague Židovská náboženská obec v Praze Żidovska Nabożenska Obec v Pradze (Sygn.102)

    Correspondence from the Foreign Department of the Jewish Community in Prague (Transfer Auslandsabteilung Israelitische Kultusgemeinde in Prag), November 1939 to July 1940. The Jewish Community staff had to send copies of replies to the Head Office of Emigration of Jews (Zentralstelle fuer Auswanderung der Juden). The letters from the Jewish Prague community had to be concise and refer only to emigration matters: including possibilities of departure, the route, information about affidavits, visas and other required documents, fees, transportation costs, lodging, deposits, etc. Included is co...

  11. Ciechanowiecki and Miller families photograph collection

    The collection contains prewar photographs of Chaim Yaakov Ciechanowiecki and Hinka Miller, and their families in Poland; postwar photographs in a displaced persons camp in Cremona, Italy; and modern color photographs of family members.

  12. Railway construction regiment

    Private film. Eastern Front 1940/41 Ukraine? Poland? Laborers.

  13. Adam Leczycki photograph collection

    The collection contains prewar photographs of Adam Leczycki (born Abram Leczycki) and his family in Łódź, Poland, and postwar photographs of him in Israel.

  14. Regions in East Prussia

    Village in Masuria, different regions East Prussia, village life, Ermlander horse, Trakehner, Stud Trakehnen, Gutswirtschaft, field work in a four-wheeler, Memel lowlands, downtown Königsberg, downtown, fish market and downtown, drive on the Pregel through Königsberg, harbor, Modern Königsberg

  15. The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Cyprus Operation, 1945-1949

    Personal letters, petitions, and newspapers published by the deportees. Records contain accounts of the aid activities of the AJJDC in the British detainee camps, including correspondence with the British authorities, medical care, educational programs, welfare activity, immigration to Mandatory Palestine and Israel, and eyewitness accounts of conditions in the camps written by the AJJDC administration. It also consists of many documents related to activities of the British soldiers.

  16. Rubin Family photographs

    The collection consists of photographs primarily depicting Sucher and Lola Rubin and their son Jack in the Foehrenwald displaced persons camp between 1945 and 1949. Some photographs may also have been taken at the Landsberg displaced persons camp.

  17. Robert Bogart collection

    Color glass slides of the proceedings of the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany taken by Robert Bogart (donor's father) who as a US Army Signal Corps photographer; copy photographs of the Stroop Report photographs; photo of the Nuremberg Trial taken by a fellow photographer.

  18. Luftwaffe (partly in color)

    Replacement Fighter Group 50, hunting group, bull fight, Parisian brothel scenes

  19. Records of the Stockholm Office of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee

    Records of AJJDC’s Stockholm office during the years 1941-1967. The majority of the materials focus on the Stockholm office’s activities during World War II and in the postwar period from 1944-1949. Included are records of the AJJDC’s collaborations with other organizations to assist survivors, such as its work with the Red Cross on the White Buses. This project, headed by Count Folke Bernadotte, a Swedish diplomat and then-president of the Swedish Red Cross, provided packages and medical care to survivors in concentration camps, as well as bringing concentration camp inmates to safety in S...