Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 5,681 to 5,700 of 56,066
  1. Bayreuth in 1934

    Olympic Games, motor race with Silver Arrows, motorcycle race in Hanover

  2. Frank family at Kressendorf; high-ranking official visits Wawel castle

    The Frank family eats indoors at Kressendorf winter garden. Norman and his friend Voigt pretend to sleep on the balcony. 01:19:41 HAS exterior street views, and the Wawel castle inner courtyard. [Hans Frank set up residence in Wawel after being named Governor-General of the German-occupied Polish territories in October 1939.] Procession of marching band and troops in the courtyard. 01:20:06 A high-ranking Nazi official marches out and salutes the troops. Official photographers capture the moment. 01:21:20 In color, CU of document stating "An die polnische Bevoelkerung" [To the Polish Popula...

  3. Diary of Jakow Tobaisz

    Contains a photocopy of a diary written by Jakow Tobias (December 12, 1900 - September 17, 1970), kept ; written in Karakulino, Russia between 1941-1946.

  4. Appenzeller family collection

    Collection of documents, correspondence and photographs relating to Adam Emmanuel Appenzeller (donor's father), b. November 20, 1889 in Krakow and Josefa Peppi Appenzeller (donor's mother) b. March 16, 1902 in Jurcoutz, Bukovina.

  5. Transcripts from Adolf Eichmann trial

    Documents, mimeographed, from the trial of Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem, 1961. Includes text of the opening address by the prosecution (Gideon Hausner), and minutes of sessions 15 and 16 of the trial. The documents were collected by Michel Levant, while he was an observer at the trial. Levant's family had emigrated from France prior to the German invasion in 1940, and he later served in the United States Air Force, attaining the rank of Brigadier General, and was on active duty with the Air Force while he was observing the Eichmann Trial.

  6. Condensed milk factory owned by the de Kadt family

    Angle view of the front of the original factory building of De Nieuw Beemster at Tuingracht 32, De Rijp, with the half-finished building visible next-door; a man stands on a beam and peers down into the new building from above; panning the construction site; various shots of mixing and laying cement; 01:04:45 A suited man and a man in a white coat pose together in front of the partially-built brick walls of the new building; close-ups of scaffolding; 01:06:05 A group of men hoist the building's main rafter, with a large Dutch flag attached; close-up of the flag against a cloudy sky; aerial ...

  7. Sim Ashkenazi collection

    Documents of Sim Ashkenazi (donor's late husband) relating to his attendance at the gymnasia in Russe, Bulgaria and at Clement Ochridsky University, Sofia as well as document from the Spanish Consulate in Bulgaria; class photo, gymnasia in Russe, Bulgaria, 1941-1942; photo album documenting the Ashkenazi family in Bulgaria and Israel during the Holocaust

  8. Glass family photograph

    Photographic print: black and white image of Wanda, Marian and Andrzej Glass seated together indoors with bookshelf and window behind them; handwritten inscription on verso; taken in New York after their journey from Poland; dated May 5, 1941; in Polish

  9. Ohrdruf liberation photo

    Photographic print: black and white image of American soldier standing next to open trailer loaded with corpses; caption handwritten on verso: “Murdered slaves about to get a decent burial / Ohrdruf, Germany”; dated April-May 1945; in English

  10. UNRRA selected records AG-018-027 : Sweden Mission

    Cables, miscellaneous correspondence, statistics, lists of unaccompanied children, search requests, minutes of meetings, and status reports from the UNRRA Swedish Mission Office relating to efforts to assist the Displaced Persons camps in Sweden after the war.

  11. County Command of the State Police in Radom Komenda Powiatowa Policji Państwowej w Radomiu (Sygn. 1049)

    Reports and information from police officers and police informers pertaining to political, social and labor organizations and local interaction between Poles and Jews.

  12. Trip to East Prussia, 1937

    Amateur travelogue, railways. Essen, Dortmund, drive through Ruhrgebiet to Hamm, train Cologne-Berlin, Minden, Hannover Linden, Königsberg color, harbor, memory, Excursion from Heilsberg to the voting monument at Allenstein, Cranz 1937, to Cranzbeek, steamer, Rossitten, moose, excursion to the Amber Coast, Mikolajki, boat trip, Masuria color, Kurhaus Rudzanny, Pillau color

  13. Masaryk narrates montage about the suffering of Czechoslovakia during WWII

    THE CZECHOSLOVAKIAN DOCUMENTARY UNIT PRESENTS A LETTER FROM PRAGUE No.1 A special newsreel produced by: JIRI WEISS, edited by: FRANTISEK SADEK, music by: VILEM TAUSKY This film was shot for an anti-Nazi exhibition in London. Foreign Minister Jan Masaryk sitting at his desk speaking to the camera. He says that he has been writing letters to his friends abroad, and that they are worried about certain problems. He says these friends are worried about our serving justice to the Germans and the transferral of the Czech population. He wishes the Germans could see what they left in their wake, so ...

  14. Brandeis family correspondence

    Contains a letter written by Louise and Betty Brandeis, distant relatives of Justice Louis D. Brandeis, dated April 16, 1938 in Vienna. In the letter the two sisters ask Justice Brandeis to help them to come to the United States since life under the new anti-Jewish laws made it impossible for them to work. Justice Brandeis noted on the first page that he received the letter on May 13 (1938). According to a ship manifest, the two sisters sailed on board the SS Europa from Cherbourg, France arriving in New York on July 20, 1938.

  15. Berlin, Horsemen of the SS Campaign, 1939

    Polish Campaign, war prisoners. Hans Frank. Roma wagon.

  16. Avraham Slitinsky letters

    Consists of more than 300 letters and several paper items written by soldier Avraham Slitinsky, while he served in the Jewish Brigade of the British Army in Eindehoven, Delft, Brussels, Antwerp, London, Italy and other places in Europe. Written to his wife Michal who lived in Tel Aviv, the letters describe life in the British Army and Europe. Some of the topics mentioned in the letters insclude a dispute between British officers and the Brigade soldiers concerning raising a Hebrew flag in the camp; first encounters with Jewish refugees; several letters from Germany with descriptions of Germ...

  17. Farajn fun Jidisze Literatn un Żurnalistn in Pojln Association of Yiddish Writers and Journalists in Poland Związek Literatów i Dziennikarzy Żydowskich w Polsce (Sygn. 368)

    Minutes, reports, programs, correspondence, personal files of members and staff of the Association, as well as candidates applying for membership. These materials contain information related to the pre-and-postwar life of individual persons. Also included are financial files, such as preliminary budgets, approved budgets and cash reports, as well as other financial documents. The last part consists of records of the Jewish Theater Council.

  18. Letter requesting release from marriage obligation (chalitzah), written by a Holocaust survivor at the St. Ottilien displaced persons camp.

    One letter, handwritten, 5 pages, dated 26 May 1946, from Sara Rudney, writing from the St. Ottilien displaced persons camp, to her brother-in-law, Saul Rudney, presumably in Baltimore, Maryland, asking from release from her halakhic obligations to marry him after the death of her husband during the Holocaust. In the letter, Sara Rudney describes the circumstances of the death of her husband, Moishe, at the age of 36 on 31 December 1944, in the Landsberg concentration camp, and notes that her rabbi has instructed her to obtain chalitzah from her brother-in-law. She mentions the loss of most...

  19. Rosmarie Meldola Haarburger letter

    Contains a letter written by Dr. Rosmarie Meldola Haarburger [donor's maternal aunt] on August 1, 1945 in Amsterdam, immediately after her liberation and recuperation from the Aschersleben concentration camp, a subcamp of Buchenwald. Dr. Meldola was deported to Auschwitz in August 1944 and tattooed with prisoner number A-25140. In December 1944 she was transferred to Bergen Belsen concentration camp, and in March 1945 she was taken to the subcamp of Buchenwald. Dr. Meldola wrote this letter to her three sisters in the US: Erika, Grete and Were Luise (donor's mother) in which she described h...

  20. Paris Worlds Fair 1937; Travel Films; Saw mill in East Prussia

    Private films. 10:00:00 - 10:17:38 also M 2857. Color: World Exhibition in Paris 1937, at night, street scenes, trip to the Seine, site of the world exhibition.10:05:03 Exhibition center in color and black and white. 10:12:07 Pavilion, at night and inside. 10:17:31 - 10:44:28 also M 3082. Color: Travelogue with title cards in German. Versailles. Autobahn. Heidelberg. Trip on the Rhine. Alpine trip in 1938. Innsbruck. Hohenschwans. 10:44:57 Black and white: East Prussia: timber loading, Treideln, sawmill. 10:50:42 Haffausflug. 10:52:30 Masuria. 10:56:49 Allenstein and voting memorial. 10:57:...