Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 5,741 to 5,760 of 56,066
  1. Polish campaign; Lukow; Jews with armbands; Russian campaign; Holland

    Various private films beginning in France, beach life. 10:14:51 March 23, 1940: Poland: City of Lukow, Polish farmers. 10:15:14 Jews with armbands, Jewish children offer goods for sale (veal tray). 10:16:44 At the squadron of II / RR 22: Village idyll, ducks, horses are examined. 10:16:49 Sign: "Wehrmacht block. No one is allowed to enter without permission for anyone not belonging to the Wehrmacht". Germans and Poles. 10:18:06 Veterinary Staff. 10:18:18 Polish women farmers beat flax, drawing well, threshing on the threshing floor. 10:19:21 Obstacle riding: Colonel von Bruch, Lieutenant Mi...

  2. Katzenberg and Ermann families collection

    Contains photographs, postcards, identification cards, and other documents concerning the Ermann and Katzenberg families. Includes a photograph of Elza Ermann Kolvitz and her son Hans; two postcards sent to Switzerland from Lidi Katzenberg, who was on a kibbutz; one postcard from Leo Ermann to his wife, dated July 7, 1944; one postcard sent to Toni Katzenberg (donor's mother) in Brissago, Switzerland from Leo Ermann on April 30, 1944; one Ausweis (identification card) issued to Toni Katzenberg, Saarbrucken, December 17, 1934; one Ausweis (identification card) issued to Henriette Ermann, Saa...

  3. Daily life and religious celebrations in Austria in summer 1939

    Filmed by the local photography shop owner. “Die Aufnahmen Stammen aus dem Photohaus Risch- Lau R. Mathis in Landeck.” In color, men women and children in traditional Austrian dress, some holding large flags. They watch a priest perform a sermon outdoors. Changes to black and white as people walk along. People look down from a balcony. A woman leans out an open window, smiling. Marching band. [cut to white] Three men talk. People walk through the street, sign on the right, “HOTEL GOLDENER ADLER” (in Innsbruck). People in small buses line the streets. A man waves from the window of the first...

  4. Intelligence report: "A review of German activities in the field of Biological Warfare"

    One report, mimeographed, 131 pages, titled "A Review of German Activities in the Field of Biological Warfare," compiled by staff in the ALSOS Mission of the Military Intelligence Section of the U.S. Department of War, 12 September 1945. The report, originally classified as secret, reviewed the history, development and activities of research and development of biological weapons by the German military between 1940 and 1945. One of the four authors of the report was Jesse W. Hofer, U.S.N.R., who was the father of the donor.

  5. Blue Division

    A unit of Spanish volunteers and conscripts who served in the German Army on the Eastern Front of the Second World War

  6. Cooperative Bank with limited shares for the Productivity of Jews in Warsaw Bank Spółdzielczy dla Prodyktywizacji Żydów w Warszawie (Sygn. 242)

    Minutes of sessions, a register of members and shareholders, activities of the bank, including the budget preliminaries and balances, cash reports of regional offices, crediting of Jewish cooperatives and individual loans, records of the Provincial Committee of Jews in Lublin, including reports, and payrolls of the regional office staff.

  7. Lida Duciak and Wasyl Iszczenko collection

    Contains an “Arbeitsbuch für Ausländer” (employment record book for foreign workers) issued to Lida Duciak (donor’s mother), who was forced to work on a farm in Germany; an “Arbeitskarte” (worker’s ID card) issued to Lida Daciuk on May 13, 1942; a birth certificate (copy), issued for Lida Duciak, certifying that she was born on September 12, 1922 to a Ukrainian Orthodox family, issued on August 3, 1942; a “Good Conduct Statement” for Wasyl Iszczenko and Lidia Iszczenko, residing in a Stephanskirchen DP camp, issued on October 20, 1949; a copy of a birth certificate issued to Wassyl Iszczenk...

  8. Warshawiak family collection

    Contains photographs, documents, and correspondence illustrating the experiences of Regina Szajnbek and her husband Beresh Warshawiak, who both survived multiple concentration camps and then met and married in the Bergen-Belsen Displaced Persons camp, where they gave birth to their daughter Blima (donor).

  9. Parade

    Spectators, Optik shop. Man on stilts distributes papers to crowd. HAS, parading on cobbled street. Floats. Sign: "Nachbarschaft. Zur alten Poft". More floats. Crowds line the parade route. Legion Condor airplane. Motorcycle. HAS, local Nazi official salutes in open car with "1000 jaehrige Reich" banner.

  10. Selected records of the commune Końskie Akta gminy Końskie (Sygn. 528)

    Correspondence and German ordinances, registers and statistics of the commune inhabitants, lists of Polish and German dead soldiers in the battle in Kazanów and Sierosławice (September 9, 1939); various German orders for forced labor and rules against Jews (e.g. marking Jewish people and their shops with the Star of David).

  11. Politics in the forest; Goering's estate at Carinhall

    “Politik im Walde” [Politics in the forest]. Göring in the forest in red leather pants with the British Ambassador Nevile Henderson. They stand by two trees. Göring takes something off the street and puts it down on a bench. They talk. Göring stands with his hands on his hips. “Agfa 1938” Color. Large estate in the forest. Göring’s Carinhall in the Schorfheide forest. A bronze sculpture of a woman sits atop stone blocks in an entryway. Stone arches. Plants. Scenes inside the house: artwork, maid. The trees outside shot through the arches. A garden surrounded by a walking path, decorated wit...

  12. Jewish forced laborers

    12:00:00 - 12:27:58 refer to M 3048 12:28:06 Cameraman films himself in the mirror. 12:30:53 Everyday winter, summer: staff eats outdoors, HK flag. 12:32:53 "Warsaw 52 KM", guard soldier presents rifle, market, winter, Jews. 12:37:58 Polish children at Landsern, dead horse, market day, winter, cart dirt, 12:44:12 Summer, Landser started, "bulletin board" stage. 12:48:10 Winter: column marching, house cleaning, field kitchen, Polish market, Winter, ruins, child in rags collects from garbage. 12:51:10 Polish market, winter, ruins. 12:52:11 shot unit. 12:5...

  13. Polish State Police Station in Opoczno Policja Państwowa w Opocznie (Sygn. 772)

    Police Station Books, 1940-1943. The Station Books noted all operations of the police in Opoczno area; and contain numerous references to Jewish residents.

  14. German soldiers in Russia; POWs

    14:00:00 - 14:15:05 Winter in Russian village. German solderis. Destroyed buildings, rubble. Russian Women. Ice. (M 3041) 14:15:05 b/w: train tracks, German soldiers, totally destroyed train, partisans. 14:15:50 Pan across forested terrain, several destroyed Russian trucks, two soldiers inspect remains. 14:16:24 Winter, wind whirls up snow, two horses pull cars (picture jumps). The extreme cold affects the cameras so that the film can no longer be transported cleanly. 14:16:33 Soldiers in drill suits are cleaning wooden carts. In the background horses with saddles (different settings). 14:1...

  15. Romania in color

    German soldier's home movies. Family, civilian, domestic scenes. Krad, with car, private swimming pool, trucking, guns, women and soldiers on the street, snow shovelling soldiers in 1941, picnic in the forest

  16. Ella Spiegler papers

    Birth certificate, passport, autograph book, newsletter, photograph, and other documents related to the immigration of Ella Spiegler (later Goldstein), who left Austria for the United States in 1939 as one of the fifty children sponsored by Gilbert and Eleanor Kraus. The Stammbuch is a booklet that was given to Ella before her departure from Vienna in 1939, and in which friends and relatives wrote poetry, greetings, drew pictures, and left other expressions that wished her well as she prepared to leave her homeland. However, since her father, Wilhelm, was the first family member who was abl...

  17. Boat tour on the Alster, 1920s

    Canoeing on the Alster

  18. Occupied France

    Cafe with soldiers, Montmartre, street scenes, flight over Paris, landing, Louvre

  19. Freikorps, NSDAP

    Various recordings Kapp-Putsch, Freikorps, Lütwitz, early NSDAP, Hindenburg, inauguration of the Freikorps monument in Schliersee, vigilante groups in Munich etc.