Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 5,781 to 5,800 of 56,066
  1. Gliders

    Private film. Gliding school Leba. Lonske Düne. Pomerania. "Moderne Ikarier". "Ein Tag bei Segelfliegern". "Aufnahmen mit Zeiss-Ikon.Kinamo K.S.10".

  2. Trommer and Geldmann families collection

    Contains documents and photographs relating to the Trommer and Geldmann families from Copenhagen; documents include marriage certificate of Moses Diament of Copenhagen, Denmark and Pesa Geldmann of Łódź, Poland, issued in Zbaszyn, Poland on April 22, 1939; Ketubah of Josef Geldmann and Kaja Diament, dated October 27, 1935 in Copenhagen. Josef, son of Moses Geldmann (donor's grandfather) was born on September 9, 1914 in Łódź. Josef's sister Pesia Geldmann married Moses Diament and was able to come to Denmark just before the outbreak of the war. In 1943 the whole family was able to escape to ...

  3. Ford-Eifel automobile

    Ford "Eifel" is a car manufactured by Ford Germany between 1935 and 1940. NSKK men conduct cars during off-road driving, Hitler salute from moving cars, subtitles: "The third day started with rain", car collection point, Wehrmacht soldiers, salute from car at the destination, celebration at Kynsburg, award of the winners (Werner Huth, Breslau), " Exit from Silesia ”, detailed list of the winners. Ford end titles. Pictures by Rolf-Dietrich Nath, Agfa cameraman, later PK film reporter. 10:07:30 gas station, repair Ford, Kynsburg, Lower Silesia, Wroclaw 10:11:06 Nazi women support the driver 1...

  4. Card catalog of evacuees from Latvia

    Card index of citizens evacuated from Latvia in 1941.

  5. Russian campaign

    Russian campaign, June-July 1941. Lithuania, Lithuanian para-military organizations. Russia.

  6. Military maneuvers

    Parade in Berlin, Polish Campaign, French Campaign

  7. Berlin in Color

    Old Berlin, stroll through city, "Reich capital Berlin 1936". The recordings are from the years 1941/42, shot by the professional cameraman Frederick Fuglsang. East-West axis, decorated with swastika flags, traffic towards Brandenburg Gate, Uniformed. Unter den Linden, Radio tower, exhibition halls at the radio tower, Cafe, Hitler Youth, Old library, Hedwigskirche, Scharnhorst monument, Old St. Mary's Church, Theodor Körner Residential building, where Körner lived as a student.

  8. Massacre of Serbs; emaciated children

    Shooting of Serbs, Communists, and Jews in Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia in January or February 1942. In 1941, Nazi groups of Croatian Ustasha conquered the city and prepared to slaughter the Serbs in the city. According to historians, the group of people in the film were either accused for black market activity or part of the "politically unfit" Serbian population. 10:00:57-10:03:20 Emaciated children.

  9. UNRRA selected records AG-018-003 : Bureau of Supply

    Selected records of the UNRRA Bureau of Supply, including the Country Programs Division Operations and Programming Branches: reports on China, Czechoslovakia, Finland, Greece, Italy, and Poland, and other various reports. Other divisions files relating to the coordination and transportation of supplies; including are files of the Agricultural Rehabilitation Division, Industrial Rehabilitation Division, Clothing Textiles, and Footwear Division, Food Division, and Medical and Sanitation Supplies branch.

  10. “Old Guard” of the Nazi Party in 1939

    “Old Guard” of the Nazi Party in 1939. Police festival. Winter Relief. SS-Standarte Germania gives public concert. Day of Commemoration of Heroes. Carnival in 1939. May Day celebrations in 1935

  11. Joseph Starkman collection

    Contains two certificates issued to Sonia Starkman and to Josef Starkman testifying that each served in a Belorussian Partisan unit from June 18, 1942 until July 20, 1944; two temporary certificates issued to Sonia Starkman and to Josef Starkman awarding them medals for fighting as partisans against Germany during the “Patriotic War,” dated: June 22, 1944, in Russian; a “Deutsche Kennkarte” issued to Joseph and Sonja Starkmann, issued in Passau, Germany, dated October 2, 1951; two identity cards issued by Civilian Services attached to Polish Forces entering U.K. issued to Jozef and Zofia Gr...

  12. Displaced persons at Zeilsheim camp around 1947

    Quick pan of men with a flag at the Zeilsheim Displaced Persons camp in Germany. A young child eats an apple and stares at the camera. Posters tacked to tree trunks showing photographs of men and writing in Hebrew. 00:00:38 Outdoors, an archway decorated with a menorah, a star of David, and Hebrew/English inscriptions, including "Jewish Scout Camp". A large number of scouts -- teenaged boys and girls in uniform -- stand in rows while a white flag bearing a star of David is raised. Children and adults march behind the flag bearers. In Wiesbaden (?). A woman, possibly Lorna Adelman, with a wo...

  13. Private German films

    1938: Christmas, family, tram scenes. Fairground, railroad. 06:00 child plays with a shop, various children's toys, "carousel". 09:00 "Löffmgen", summer vacation, carriage rides. 11:03 Railway, Easter, train ride, Waldshut, boat trip. 14:40 A pig is slaughtered. Apprentice wears HJ shirt. 16:50 fire, fire department, deployment fire department, old fire engines. 19:50 1939: Freiburg: fire station, fire brigade routine, exercises. 30:00 Old electric locomotives, fairground, Linnep Castle, private. 36:30 "Beautiful home": Ratingen, Berg. 10:38:45 - 10:46:25 Refer to M 3757 41:23 Getting to kn...

  14. Olympic train

    Olympiazug. Train advertising measures in advance of the 1936 Olympic Games.

  15. Filmed diary of a fighter squadron

    Filmed diary of a fighter squadron, “Green heart”-Squadron West / East. Aerial combat. Messerschmitt Me 323 Gigant. 00:42:35 Knight cross holder General Alfred Keller, chief of Air Fleet 1 and commander East with oak leaf bearer Reinhard Seiler, commander III. JG 54. 00:42:52 General Alfred Keller. 00:42:59 Knight cross holder Reinhard Seiler. 00:45:47 Front reporter with camera. 00:55:00 Brilliant bearer Adolf Galland, Hannes Trautloff (Kommodore JG 54), oak leaf bearer Dietrich Hraback (Kommandeut // JG 54). Galland visiting JG 54. 00:55:44 Hrabak, Heinrich Krafft, Galland and Seiler (fro...

  16. Oral history interview with Herbert Meyer

  17. de Jong family testimonies

    Photocopies of two declarations made by the donor’s parents, Joseph and Celina de Jong, originally of Amsterdam, at the Rijksinstitut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie (present-day NIOD), describing their experiences during the German occupation of the Netherlands during World War II, and their arrest and deportation to concentration camps, including Auschwitz-Birkenau. Donation includes English translations of the Dutch texts, created by the donor.

  18. Dr. Josef Kiefer scrapbooks

    The Dr. Josef Kiefer scrapbooks consist of two albums created by a Wehrmacht medical officer documenting his World War II medical service between August 1939 and May 1940 in the areas of Saarbrucken, Oberstein, and Bad Homburg in Germany and the Moselle region in France. The scrapbooks include photographs of Kiefer, medical examinations, and military life, equipment, and installations, as well as clippings, maps, and Kiefer’s labels and commentary.

  19. Nuremberg; Streicher

    Carnival parade in Nuremberg. 10:07:24 Julius Streicher, panel framed with green: "On August 14, 1937, in the presence of Mr. Gauleiter Julius Streicher, the spade was broken for the Siemens-Schuckert swimming pool". Hitler and Streicher on the Party Rally Grounds