Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 5,861 to 5,880 of 56,066
  1. City children

    Street kids in Berlin, Playground in Neukölln, Sail on the Havel

  2. Chamysz family photograph collection

    The collection contains pre-war photographs of brothers Jacob, Josef, and Samuel Chamysz and their families in Lwów, Poland (present day Lviv, Ukraine). Also included is a letter with multiple authors dated 27 April 1921.

  3. Esther Schimmel collection

    Contains receipts for monies sent to Aron Siedlecki in Ostrów Mazowiecka, Poland and to Amalia Kresch in Sanok, Poland, sent from Esther Schimmel in Saint Louis, Missouri. Small green receipts included in collection indicate monies being sent to Poland as early as 1935. The relationship between the three people is unknown.

  4. Marokus family collection

    Documents and correspondence illustrating the efforts of Leon Marokus, who immigrated to the United States in 1938 from Poland and worked to bring over his wife Lajcia and daughters Henryka and Pola, who were in Lwow, Poland and unable to leave. Includes pre-war correspondence between Leon and various organizations including the US Department of State as well as post-war correspondence concerning his youngest daughter Pola, who was hidden in Lwow and potentially survived. The correspondence documents Leon's exhaustive but unsuccessful efforts to find Pola or her rescuer Anna Chodek over mor...

  5. Propaganda Kompanie; Jewish quarter of Krakow

    PK 666 camera in Krakow and on the eastern front. PK 666 filmed in the Lublin ghetto. 02:44 Propagandakompanie armband. Target practice, camp Potsdam. 06:23 Poland "Kielce", winter. 08:25 Krakow: Jewish quarter. Tram "Not for Jews". Sign on Jewish shop. 11:48 Camera of the PK unit, Jewish quarter, Jews waiting in line, armbands, Polish police. 14:15 Narrow-gauge railway, "Zagnansk", at locomotive "Radom". 14:57 Landser with boats over river, "Skawina", civilians, ragged children. 18:35 Landser with portable fire launcher. 27:30 Beginning of the Russian campaign (1941), stage, village, motor...

  6. Training film for the German Army

    German army training film, 1943. Armored personnel fighters of the Bundeswehr are trained on armored non-combat weapons.

  7. POWs?; city views

    Unknown location, perhaps nearby Zloczow as covered in film frames directly preceding this sequence (RG-60.1872), possibly in summer 1941. Column of men (soldiers? POWs?) walk along a country road, somecovered in dirt. Hundreds of local women (Ukrainian?) with headscarves in an open area. Destroyed military trucks, tanks, houses and trains. Soldiers fix a military car, one fuses metal onto the fender. 10:05:54 Panoramic, high-angle view of a city on a river, possibly Lwiw. Street views, shops. 10:07:10 Return to boat seen in RG-60.1872, German soldiers lounging shirtless. View of another bo...

  8. De Kadt family at home in warmer weather

    Toddler Wilhelmina (Willie) and a baby picnic on the lawn with three adults; 01:02:39 Willie gets a haircut outdoors (because she had eczema) and roams naked in the grass; 01:06:09 Willie is sprayed with water by an adult standing behind the camera, and bathes in a metal tub outdoors. She holds a teddy bear and plays in the yard with glasses; 01:10:42 Willie carries a bouquet of flowers across the lawn toward the camera.

  9. Yona and Foa family memoirs

    Two unpublished memoirs, related to the Holocaust experiences of the Yona and Foa families, of Turin Italy: “A Memoir of an Immigrant who Escaped the Holocaust in 1940,” by Eva Yona Deykin, 53 pages, typescript; and“Memoires of David Yona,” by David Yona, typescript, 223 pages. The memoir by Eva Yona Deykin relates the history of the families of both of her parents, David Yona and Anna Foa, their life in Turin after their marriage in 1932, the arrest of Anna Foa's brother, Vittorio Foa, for his anti-fascist activities in 1935, and his betrayal by the writer Pettigrilli (Dino Segre), who had...

  10. Sardine address label

    Label with pre-printed destination address of Lager Birkenau Bei Neubrunn and a typed name, Edita Weissova. One of a set of four Lisbon pre-printed sardine address labels from Gremio dos Exportadores de Conservas de Peixe for registered shipping to different concentration camps including Bergen-Belsen, Lager Barneveld, and Birkenau bei Neubrunn.

  11. Remembrance ceremonies for Heydrich in Prague, Brno, Plzen, and Tabor

    Official Czech newsreel folowing the assassination of Heydrich. The Czech government proclaims their loyalty to the Germans in a remembrance ceremony. “Cesky ZVUKOVÝ TÝDENÍK” “Prag-Praha” “KTULIA AKTUALITÀ” Church of Our Lady Before Tyn in Prague - a mass demonstration in Old Town Square on June 2, 1942. Stage with Czech coat of arms. Crowd. Astronomical Clock Tower. People stand and sit on the Jan Hus Memorial. The square is packed. German officials walk towards the grandstand. Around 60,000 people have gathered in the square (the German minority in Prague was significant). Aerial view. Dr...

  12. Germans Fleeing from the Eastern Territories

    Crowds of people travelling through the snow and elements, ocean, freight ships, fire.

  13. Bund Deutscher Mädel album (Rosenthal, Germany)

    Album, with title page of "Landjahrlager Rosenthal, 1941," and a photograph of an unidentified younog woman. The contents include handwritten texts with the following headings: "Worte für die Fahne," containing quotations from a variety of sources, including Hitler, Nietzsche, Himmler, Hölderlin, Frederick the Great, and Tolstoy, among others, and unattributed verses, "Der 9. November 1923," containing narrative texts and verses about the attempted coup by Nazis in Munich in 1923; and a variety of essays on other themes. The latter part of the book includes a mimeographed about race and gen...

  14. German-American Bund

    German-American Bund (DAB) at Camp Bergwald, New Jersey, in 1939-1940 in color and black and white.

  15. The Frank family celebrates Christmas; children ski; baby

    At home in Schoberhof, the Franks and their nanny exit the doorway of the vacation home. Norman gives the family dog a treat. Nanny with baby. Norman sits near a stack of chairs and furniture. A man takes a picture of Brigitte with baby Niklas (or Michael?), then shows Norman how the camera works. Mother wraps presents; CUs Norman. CUs, toy train. Hans and Brigitte sit together as Brigitte bounces the baby on her knee. A boy lights the candles on the Christmas tree. The family with five children sit for a portrait photo (with a spotlight flash). CU of a record player. Man (father of Hans Fr...

  16. Russian Campaign, private films

    heavy industry, construction, railways, industrial plants, large production hall, horse cart, ferry, airfield, shooting from a flying plane

  17. Western Campaign: France

    Refugees, destroyed tanks, dinghy, military exercise with a smoke bomb, formal service, watch on the Atlantic Ocean.

  18. Primo Levi manuscript collection

    The Primo Levi manuscript collection consists of the typescript text of a working draft of Primo Levi's original manuscript Se questo è un Uomo [If This Is a Man], which recounted his experiences as a prisoner at Auschwitz, and was later published as Survival in Auschwitz. Contains handwritten corrections and additions in red pencil; and includes 10 of the 17 chapters that were eventually included in the final publication. Many of the texts conclude with the date on which they were written, along with Levi’s name.

  19. Western Campaign

    Soldiers, medals, marching through snow, swastika, soldiers' graves, train, coast guard, pistol shooting drills, military band