Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 43,061 to 43,080 of 55,889
  1. Akta Miasta Krakowa

    • Files of the city of Krakow

    The collection contains i.a. the files Akta Starosty miasta Krakowa (Der Stadthauptmann der Stadt Krakau, Governor of the City of Krakow) from the years 1939-1945 – German ordinances; bill posters and public announcements; printed propaganda material; documents of trustee administrative boards and concerning Jewish property and confiscations of such property; materials concerning the liquidation of Jewish organizations and associations; documents directly concerning the history of the ghetto, including a collection of 157 original photographs taken during the resettlement of the Jews into t...

  2. Memories of Occupation in Greece

    The Archive "Memories of the Occupation in Greece" contains 93 testimonies of witnesses of the German occupation of Greece during WW2. The interviews are biographical interviews with witnesses of various experiences such as: Resistance fighters, victims of the massacres, survivors of bombings, Jews in Hiding, Shoah survivors, as well as people who were arrested during raids in Athens and other places and deported to Germany. The archive preserves these testimonies for the future and makes them available for education and research. Register to view the interviews in the archive. The archive ...

  3. Јеврејске општине

    • Jewish communities
    • Jevrejske opštine

    Documents issued by Jewish communities from all parts of Yugoslavia.The fonds preserves the history of many local Jewish communities of Yugoslavia, mainly concerning the period between the end of WWII and the fall of Yugoslavia in 1990.

  4. Савез јеврејских општина Југославије

    • Federation of Jewish Communities of Yugoslavia
    • Savez jevrejskih opština Jugoslavije

    The fonds preserve the material concerning the existence and the functioning of the Federation of the Jewish Communities of Yugoslavia and the local Jewish communities, from 1944 to the dissolution of Yugoslavia in 1992. The documents are still unclassified and the fonds is not open for researchers. Different documents issued by the central organisation of Yugoslav Jews - the Federation and the local Jewish municipalities.

  5. Заповедник Полиције безбедности и Службе безбедности (Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei und Sicherheitsdienst, BdS)

    • Commander of the Security Police and Security Services
    • Zapovednik Policije bezbednosti I Službe bezbednosti (Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei und Sicherheitsdienst)

    The superior German Police authority in occupied Serbia. There are files about interrogations of all German opponents, Jews, sending in concentration camps, executions, relations with Serbian authorities.

  6. Opština grada Beograda

    The fund preserves the materials of the Municipality of Belgrade from 1862 to 1944: City Assembly, City Council, Major, 18 administrative sections (Administrative section, Section for Culture, Section for Transports etc.), correspondence with citizens, Government, other local and national authorities, private entities; relating to the period 1941-194, correspondence with German authorities.

  7. Zbirka matičnih knjiga s područja nadležnosti Državnog arhiva u Zagrebu

    • Collection of registers books from the jurisdiction of the State Archives of the city of Zagreb
    • Državni arhiv u Zagrebu
    • HR-DAZG-870 Zbirka matičnih knjiga s područja nadležnosti Državnog arhiva u Zagrebu
    • English
    • 1677-1949
  8. Redarstvena oblast za grad Zagreb

    • Police District of the City of Zagreb
  9. Matica u ratu palih - Jevreji umrli na frontu

    • The Index of Fallen in the War – Jews killed in War
  10. Odvjetnička pisarnica Licht Aleksander

    • Law Office of Aleksander Licht
    • Državni arhiv u Zagrebu
    • HR-DAZG-96 Odvjetnička pisarnica Licht Aleksander
    • English
    • 1913-1941
    • 65 boxes, 1 book

    The collection contains documentation concerning legal representation in property disputes and disputes of journalists in the publishing and film industries, as well as documentation about the Zionist movement in Croatia and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Dr. Aleksandar Licht (1884−1948) was a Croatian Zionist leader and founder of the Zionist movement in Croatia. Licht was born in the village of Sokolovac, near Koprivnica, to a Croatian Jewish family. As a child he moved with his family to Zagreb. Licht was educated in Zagreb, where he finished elementary and high school. He earned a law degre...

  11. Dobrotvorno društvo "Prehrana" Zagreb

    • The Jewish charity society "Prehrana" in Zagreb

    Founded by Šandor Alexander pl. Sesvetski (April 5, 1866 – December 17, 1929), a Croatian nobleman, industrialist, and philanthropist; he was the younger brother of Samuel David Alexander and a member of the prominent Alexander family of Zagreb.

  12. Gradsko poglavarstvo Zagreb

    • City Administration of Zagreb

    757 books, 2450 boxes. (316.3 m)

  13. Народни одбор Трећег реона града Београда

    • City of Belgrade People's Council of the Third District
    • Narodni odbor Trećeg reona grada Beograda

    The most important parts of the fund are documents of the War Damage Commission of the Third District (Komisija za ratnu štetu Trećeg reona). There are reports about the members of the families and relatives who lost their lives during the German occupation and Holocaust. There are data about their property too.

  14. Народни одбор Другог реона града Београда

    • City of Belgrade People's Council of the Second District
    • Narodni odbor Drugog reona grada Beograda

    The most important parts of the fund are documents of the War Damage Commission of the Second District (Komisija za ratnu štetu Drugog reona) and documents of the Office for the Inheritances of the Second District (Referat za mase Drugog reona). There are reports about the members of the families and relatives who lost their lives during the German occupation and Holocaust. There are data about their property too.

  15. Народни одбор Првог реона града Београда

    • City of Belgrade People's Council of the First district
    • Narodni odbor Prvog reona grada Beograda

    The most important parts of the fund are documents of the War Damage Commission of the First District (Komisija za ratnu štetu Prvog reona) and documents of the Office for the Inheritances of the First District (Referat za mase Prvog reona). There are reports about the members of families and relatives who lost their lives during the German occupation and Holocaust. There are data about their property too.

  16. Управа града Београда

    • Belgrade City administration
    • Uprava grada Beograda

    3.183 boxes, 390 books The most important part of the fund is the Odeljenje specijalne policije (Special police department). This was the central Serbian police organ founded after the German occupation in April/May 1941, including Odeljenje za Jevreje i Cigane/ Sedmo odeljenje (Section for Jews and Gipsies/ Seventh section). There are about 15 000 files about arrested people, register books of the Banjica concentration camp, documents about Srpska državna straža (Serbian state guard) units.

  17. Емигрантска влада Краљевине Југославије

    • Royal Yugoslav Government-in-exile
    • Emigrantska vlada Kraljevine Jugoslavije

    Documents of Yugoslav Government-in-exile during WWII. Original documentsabout activities of dfiferent ministries, among others humanitarian work for Yugoslav POW, refugees, Jews, propaganda regarding War Crimes in Yugoslavia, activities with other Ally governments.

  18. German Occupying Forces 1941-1945

    The fund of German Occupying Forces has in total 315 boxes of the materials of a war period from 1941-1945, arranged and processed in archival manner. The aforementioned archival material applies mainly to combat operations of the German units on Yugoslav territories, various combat reports, checklists of units staffing and documentation of German military and civilian authorities. The fund of German Occupying Forces also has 51 boxes of disorganized archival materials with the reports on operational section work, promotional material and German card files manuscripts. The fund of German Oc...

  19. State Archival Service of the Republic of Moldova

    • Государственная архивная служба Республики Молдова
    • Gosudarstvennaya arkhivnaya sluzhba Respubliki Moldova

    List of 444 Jews shot in the fall of 1941 and buried in mass graves in the cemetery for the victims of Fascism in Dubăsari. The list was compiled by the initiative group that assisted the reconstruction of the monument to the victims of Fascism in Dubăsari on the basis of archival data obtained at the NARM, data given by the Jewish community of Tiraspol, and data obtained from relatives and friends of those who were killed by the Keller's Fascist punitive squad in September 1941

  20. Executive Committee of the Dubăsari district council of workers' deputies

    • Исполнительный комитет Дубоссарского районного совета депутатов трудящихся
    • Ispolnitel'nyy komitet Dubossarskogo rayonnogo soveta deputatov trudyashchikhsya

    Summarized information about the established atrocities committed over the citizens of the USSR by the fascist German criminals in the Dubossary district of the Moldavian SSR. Information about the number of residents of the Dubossary district of the MSSR who were shot by the German invaders. Extract from the consolidated statement of damage and losses caused by the German fascist invaders and their associates on the collective farms of the Dubossary district of the Moldavian SSR during the occupation period