Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 42,941 to 42,960 of 55,888
  1. Delegatura Rzadu RP na Kraj

    • Government Delegation for Poland

    In terms of Holocaust research, the most important departments of the Delegation were as follows: Departament Spraw Wewnętrznych (Department of Internal Affairs – Security), above all files 26-28, whose content includes the personal files of Jews who collaborated with the Germans, and registration data from the Warsaw ghetto for the years 1941-1943. These are some of the most important documents for anyone researching the Polish Underground State. Departament Informacji i Prasy (Department of Information and Press), which covers areas such as radio tapping, reviews of the underground press,...

  2. Ministère des Finances. Archives de Carl Requette, liquidateur du Commissariat belge au rapatriement

    • Ministry of Finance. Carl Requette Archives, liquidator of the Belgian Repatriation Commission

    The documents in this fonds are either the specific products of Carl Requette's activity as liquidator or copies and original documents collected by him to serve as debt instruments or documentation. They come from the archives of the Belgian Commission for Repatriation (C.B.R.) as well as files transmitted by the Ministry of Public Health concerning Minister Marteaux's "hospital re-equipment" operation. Within its limited volume, the fonds has a considerable documentary value. It shines a light on Carl Requette's work as liquidator, but also that of the C.B.R. By including the documents th...

  3. Ministère de la Justice. Administration de la Sûreté publique. Police des étrangers. Dossiers généraux 2e série (Versement 2003)

    • Department of Justice. Public Security Administration. Foreign Police. General Files Series 2 (2003 Transfer)

    This fonds is, above all, a source of information on the role of the State in Belgian society, although its wealth goes far beyond this particular aspect of Belgium's political and social history. All the activities in which foreigners were involved on Belgian territory are mentioned. This ranges from religious orders to circuses and musicians, as well as (universal) exhibitions. The establishment of foreign companies was also the responsibility of the Foreign Police. Moreover, a multitude of subjects concerning foreigners such as the carrying of weapons, gambling, education, etc. were deal...

  4. Ministère des Affaires économiques. Direction de l'organisation professionnelle

    • Ministry of Economic Affairs. Directorate of Professional Organisation

    The archives inventoried here constitute a mine of information for anyone interested in the organisation and operations of the Belgian economy under German occupation, economic collaboration, or the persecution of Jews.

  5. Administration de la Sûreté Publique. Service de la Police des Étrangers. Dossiers individuels ouverts entre 1835 et 1912 (nos 1 – 999.999).)

    • Public Security Administration. Foreign Police Department. Individual files opened between 1835 and 1912 (no. 1 - 999.999.999).

    The Foreign Police opened an individual file on each foreigner who entered the country. The files are numbered in the order assigned to them when they were first opened. These files generally consisted of: a declaration of registration in a municipality, references to the family and professional situation and the period during which the foreigner wished to remain in Belgium; relocations and changes of residence; civil status records, including marriage, birth and death certificates; the files dating back to the 19th century contain few photos except for the files of so-called "dangerous" fo...

  6. Préfecture de Constantine. Service des questions juives et des sociétés secrètes

    • Prefecture of Constantine. Jewish Affairs and Secret Societies Department

    A note to the Secretary General for Administration dated 4 March 1942 (FR ANOM 93/3G1) details its remit: A - Status of Jews: requests to maintain the political status of French citizens, prohibited professions, requests to remain in prohibited professions, studies and interpretation of texts concerning Jews, directives to be provided to divisions B - Secret societies: Among other things, note to the Secretary General, undated, but written after March 1942 (FR ANOM 93/3G1), reviews the department’s establishment and reports on the department at that moment. It is worthwhile giving providing...

  7. Radios privées

    • Private radio stations

    Private radio stations since 1945 Several fonds from various private radio and programme companies acquired by the Ina (Institut National de l’Audiovisuel) or transferred as part of deposits and donations: La Voix de l'Amérique (1947–1975): this fonds includes programmes broadcast by the Parisian station of "La Voix de L' Amérique", a programme company broadcasting from North America. Gaston l'Herbier Fonds: selection of programmes broadcast mainly on Radio Luxembourg / RTL between 1947 and 1980. The fonds was created by radio technician Gaston L'Herbier during his professional career a...

  8. Archives de l'institut d'étude des questions juives

    • Archives of the Institute for the Study of Jewish Affairs

    The fonds of the Institute for the Study of Jewish Affairs (IEQJ) held by the Defence Historical Service (Vincennes) consists of the files of Captain Paul Sézille, Secretary of the IEQJ in 1941 and 1942 and organiser of the exhibition "Le Juif et la France" (The Jew and France), which was exhibited from September 1941 onwards. It also contains documents on the activity of this institute and another anti-semitic organisation called the Groupement des amis anti-juifs (Association of Anti-Jewish Friends).

  9. Fonds avant-guerre / guerre des ondes

    • Pre-war fonds / war of the airwaves

    Pre-war (1933–1940) The fonds includes programmes broadcast on state radio stations and private stations. - Public stations: Paris PTT, Radio Paris, Poste Colonial - Private stations: Poste Parisien, Radio cité, Radio Nîmes, Radio 37 Agence sonore Radio Actualités Françaises: several copies of material and reports that had been recorded on discs for distribution to different radio stations War of the airwaves (1940–1944) The fonds consists of radio recordings from different radio stations broadcasting: - In occupied areas: Radio Paris - In the free zone: Radio Vichy - In Free France...

  10. Le monde concentrationnaire

    • Le monde concentrationnaire (radio documentary series)

    Le monde concentrationnaire is made up of the following episodes: - Les juifs (The Jews) - La pensée détruite (Devastated thinking) - Le moral (Morality) - Melk (Milk) - Le message des témoins (The witnesses' message) - Un système économique (An economic system) - L'arrivée au camp (Arrival at the camp) - Résistance médicale (Medical resistance) - Compiègne-triage (Compiègne-triage) - La quarantaine (Quarantine) - L'exemple de Buchenwald (The Buchenwald example) - La solidarité (Solidarity) - L'heure de la libération (The Liberation) - Le monde concentrationnaire : émission du 26 avril 19...

  11. Radio publiques

    • Public radio stations

    Public radio since 1945 Programmes broadcast on the national and regional stations of RDF (Radiodiffusion Française, 1945–1949), RTF (Radiodiffusion télévision française, 1949–1964), ORTF (Office de radiodiffusion télévision française, 1964–1974), France Régions 3 (FR3) Radio (1975–1982) and Radio France (since 1982). SORAFOM / OCORA Fonds (1955–1968) This collection includes programmes from SORAFOM (Société de radiodiffusion de la France d'outre-mer) which were broadcast between 1955 and 1962 as well as documents from OCORA (Office de coopération radiophonique) broadcast between 19...

  12. Historia Mówiona

    • Oral History

    The collection contains the spoken testimonies of the inhabitants of Lublin registered since 1969.

  13. Archiwum Historii Mówionej

    • Archive of Oral History

    Archiwum Historii Mówionej to zbiór relacji „Świadków Czasu”, nagrywanych w formacie audio i wideo. Rejestrowane w Muzeum i poza nim świadectwa związane są z wydarzeniami, jakie miały miejsce w Poznaniu i Wielkopolsce w okresie II wojny światowej. Więźniowie obozów koncentracyjnych, robotnicy przymusowi, wysiedleni, mieszkańcy okupowanej Wielkopolski w swoich osobistych i niezmiernie emocjonujących relacjach przybliżają nam wydarzenia z lat 1939–1945. Dział naukowy i edukacyjny od kilku lat opracowują biografie z Archiwum Historii Mówionej, dzięki którym nauka historii w Muzeum – mimo upływ...

  14. Международный военный трибунал для главных немецких преступников (Нюрнбергский процесс). Нюрнберг.

    • International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg (The Nuremberg trials)

    Opis 1, 2916 files, 1945-1947 Agreement, rules and regulations of the tribunal, notifications, orders, reports, decoding of sound records of the open sessions, and reports from the close sessions. Letter of indictment, materials from Commonwealth counsel and counsel for the defence. Speeches of the accusers and defending counsels. statutory declaration (mascot); Affidavits of the sides. Interrogation reports of the defendance and accuisation. Sentence of the Nuremberg trial, opinions of the court members. Opis 2, 431 files, 1938-1946 The main specifics of the Opis 2 is the precise discripti...

  15. Records of the Subprefect of Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun County

    • Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun vármegye alispánjának iratai

    The fond of the records of the Subprefect is one of the key collections pertaining to the history of the Jewish communities and the Holocaust in Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun County. The most relevant parts are the following: IV.B. 408.a-b. Classified and Administrative records, 1876-1944 The survived material from the years 1938-1943 (Boxes 240-259), include records concerning the implementation of the anti-Jewish laws and instances of bureaucratic and illegal antisemitic measures, including the withdrawal of trade licences and permits, quitting rental agreements of Jews, exclusion of Jews from t...

  16. Военнопленные Орловского концлагеря (1941-1943)

    • Orel camp for war prisoners (1941-1943)

    Книги записей больных, раненых и умерших военнопленных, алфавитные книги, тетради регистрации военнопленных.

  17. Ростовская областная комиссия по учету ущерба и злодеяний, причиненных немецкими оккупантами

    • Rostov Regional Commission for Accounting for Damage and Atrocities Caused by German Occupants

    Акты о зверствах немецко-фашистских оккупантов по районам Ростовской области. Списки лиц, угнанных в Германию по районам города Ростова. Доклад ЧГК об итогах работы по учету ущерба, нанесенного немецко-фашистскими оккупантами (далее – НФО) по Ростовской области. Постановление Ростовской областной комиссии по учету зверств и ущерба, нанесенных НФО по Ростовской области.

  18. Майкопский райком КПСС

    • Maikop District Party Committee

    Акты убытков, нанесенных НФЗ хозяйственной деятельности района после оккупации. Переписка с партийными организациями других районов края о коммунистах, находившихся на оккупированной территории. Списки партизан, расстрелянных немцами. Объяснительные записки членов партии по вопросам поведения коммунистов, списки коммунистов, находившихся на оккупированной территории.

  19. Исполнительный комитет Ейского городского Совета народных депутатов

    • Executive Committee of the Yeysk City Council of People's Deputies

    Постановления, решения крайисполкома о работе Совета. Протоколы и решения сессий Совета. Документы о работе постоянных комиссий. Акты об ущербе, причинѐнном немецко-фашистскими захватчиками. Документы городской чрезвычайной комиссии по расследованию злодеяний немецко-фашистских захватчиков. Списки лиц угнанных в Германию и репатриированных, граждан эвакуированных и проживающих на территории г. Ейска за 1943 г., лиц работавших при немцах. Алфавит физически уничтоженных лиц немцами. Документы по оформлению пенсии семьям погибших воинов. Планы мероприятий по восстановлению народного хозяйства ...