Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 18,281 to 18,300 of 55,889
  1. March of Time -- outtakes -- Tito at Ambassador Allen's reception in Slovenia

    Reception given by US ambassador George V. Allen at his summer home, Villa Podkoron in Bled, Slovenia. For the first time in recent years, Marshal Tito was able to attend the reception. Guests included leading members of the Yugoslav Government and the Diplomatic Corps, many came to Bled specifically for the occasion. After cocktails, dinner was served to the guests, who sat a small tables in the garden. Tito left at midnight. Roll 1: Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Eduard Kardelj (wearing glasses) and Mrs. Kardelj arrive at the gates of the villa and are received by Ambassador Allen in...

  2. Delousing of DPs

    (LIB 6846) Delousing of DPs, Schwabisch Gmund, Germany, May 29, 1945. MSs, children of DP camp refill spray gun containers with insecticide powder. VS, US Army personnel using insecticide powder in air compressing machines and spray guns to delouse DPs in camp. The bodies of the DPs are sprayed as well as their outer garments and bedclothes.

  3. Truman desk

    President Truman meets with his cabinet: Oscar L. Chapman, William Averill Harriman, Maj. Gen. Phillip B. Fleming, John R. Steelman, Lewis B. Schwellenbach, Clinton P. Anderson, Robert E. Hannegan, James Forrestal, Robert A. Lovett, John W. Snyder, Tom C. Clark. Scenes of men at the table. Shots of President Truman at his desk.

  4. US Army weapons tested

    Staff Film Report, no. 65; Combat Bulletin, no. 65 Reel 2: Shows details in transporting, emplacing, manipulating, and firing the "Little David," the Army's 914mm mortar. 09:04:50 "Activities on Okinawa" US soldier is reunited with parts of his native family on Okinawa. On Okinawa, coral is dug, crushed by machines, hauled in trucks, and used to repair Kadena airstrip. Motors from wrecked trucks are steam cleaned and repaired. An M-4 tank is rigged with antipersonnel mines; General Hodges watches tests of the apparatus. Shows scenes during and after an ammunition dump fire; General F.C. Wal...

  5. Jewish Lads Brigade Camp, Walmar

    MLS of spectators at Walmar camp. MS boys in uniform in line inspected by Field Marshall William Birdwood. MLS of boys marching in rank, 1400 boys in camp. MS of marching wearing caps and white diagonal buckle, eyes right, tents in BG. MS Field Marshall on review stand. (camp been in operation since 1894). MLS reverse angle as boys go by. Birdwood speaking, then boys raise caps in salute as seen from behind speaker at podium. Narrator ends piece "Shalom Alechem" humor?

  6. March of Time -- outtakes -- Arrival of Romanian refugees

    Arrival of 600 Romanian Jewish refugees (liberated by Russians) near Haifa [coming from concentration camp in Trans-Dniestrie]. LS ship docked. MS refugees wave handkerchiefs. Authorities go aboard. LS ship with soldiers carryng arms; ambulances in FG. Unloading baggage with Commandant Morgan, Sea Transport Naval Officer, in FG. Refugees exit ship down gangplank; elderly, mothers with children. Filled baggage wagon passes in front of ship. Young refugees dance the "Hora" on the bridge of the ship. Refugees pass crowded train and board another. Arrival of train in Athlit camp. Members of the...

  7. Oral history interview with Joseph Levy

  8. Calling card brought to the US by an Austrian refugee

    Calling card for Ruth Phillip found in the autograph album, 1994.53.6.1, owned by Irene Rosenthal. Irene fled Nazi ruled Austria for the United States in March 1940. German troops marched over the border into Austria in March 1938. The next day, Austria was annexed to Nazi Germany. Anti-Jewish legislation was enacted to strip Jews of their civil rights. The November 1938 Kristallnacht pogrom vandalized Jewish businesses and homes and destroyed most of the synagogues in Austria. Irene received a visa to leave Austria in March and sailed that month from Genoa, Italy, to New York.

  9. Oral testimony of Harry Bibring

  10. Prayer book

  11. Border control; Dachau and crematory

    (Munich 283) Border Control Security, Vicinity of Hof, Germany, June 20, 1946. LS, troopers of the 28th Constabulary Squad leaving command post "on the double" at Bad Steben, near Russian border, and getting into jeeps and M-8 armored cars. Jeeps and M-8 squadron travelling through town of Bad Steben on way to border. Scenes of the squadron moving through countryside past RR and station at Lichtenberg. Two jeeps and an M-8 taking their postions at border. Shot from top of jeep showing sign at roadway, "American Territory." Russian guard seen on other side. MS of sign giving warning that una...

  12. March of Time -- outtakes -- Diplomatic mail section; Div of Near Eastern Affairs; Div of Far Eastern Affairs; Div of European Affairs

    665 PP (02:20:15) Sign, "Diplomatic Pouch and Mail Section." Man carrying bundle to mail section. Sorting packages and mail. CU, Buenos Aires, Rome, Berlin, and Shanghai bins. CUs mail. Woman at gate. Sign, "Positively No Admittance." Men gather at desk, looking at map. Interamerican Highway highlighted on map. "Division of Near Eastern Affairs" sign. Man pointing at map. CUs, map, Ethiopia. 665 QQ (02:27:02) "Division of Far Eastern Affairs." Men at desk, in office, talking. CU, draft telegram for Shanghai. Men in office. Department of State Division of European Affairs notebook. Telegraph...

  13. Interview of prisoners, Dachau

    (LIB 6560) Interview of Prisoners, Dachau, Germany, May 5, 1945. MSs, CUs continuation of interview of the Dutch Reverend Van Gestel. MSs off-screen voice interview of Mr. Haullot [Arthur Haulot Dachau, Dachau prisoner number 39095] of Belgium and Mr. Haussermann [Oskar Häusermann, Dachau prisoner number 23878] of Germany. (Both men speak in German.) They relate their experiences in prison camps.

  14. Judgment and sentencing at Medical trial

    (Munich 619) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Judgment and Sentencing, Nuremberg, Germany. The voice of Justice Walter Beals is heard reading the judgment. Cut-ins, defendants sitting in box as voice of Judge Beals gives summary as to why the defendants were tried and convicted. MLS, Judge Crawford reading judgment. Note: Siegfried Ruff, Weltz, Rostock, Blome, Romberg, Schaefer, and Pokorny were found not guilty.

  15. Interview of prisoners, Dachau

    (LIB 6561) Interview of Prisoners, Dachau, Germany, May 5, 1945. MSs, CUs off-screen voice interviews Mr. Demagala of Poland. Mr. Demagala explains how the prisoners were used for medical experiments by German doctors. MSs Father Michalowsky, a Polish priest, tells his experiences as a prisoner of the Nazis, as does another Polish prisoner. MSs, CUs Mr. Cirkowietz, a German medic who worked in the malaria section of the camp, relates his experiences. MSs Dr. Hassarek of Czechoslovakia tells how he was hung by his wrists. (All prisoners speak in German).

  16. Allied troops in Pacific; German generals in Africa; German surrender to Russia

    Records world-wide war activities. Reel 4: (1942-43) Allied troops fight in New Guinea jungles. British armor routs the enemy in Egypt, capturing many Italians. US and British troops land in French North Africa. Shows the scuttled French fleet. A Russian pincer entraps Germans; Romanians and Germans (including 24 generals) surrender. Shows Generals MacArthur, Alexander, and Montgomery.

  17. March of Time -- outtakes -- Jewish services and market scenes in postwar Germany

    1248 G: 02:05:51:15 to 02:09:15:28: LS, man places poster announcing resuming of religious services on door of synagogue. CU. LS, reopening of synagogue: "Kottbuser Ufer Synagogue." One man, on a ladder, fixes the curtain on the altar. Two men bring flowers, another man fixes the lights, other men bring in the Torah. LS men bringing the Torah into the synagogue. LS, INT of Kottbuser Ufer Synagogue, while faithful put on Tallit. VSs, religious service, viewed from different angles. American soldier attends services. CUs, American GI talking with a German during the service. 1248 J: 02:09:18:...

  18. Print

    Portfolio containing 24 reproductions of drawings created by George Zielezinski soon after he was liberated from Dachau concentration camp in April 1945. The drawings depict different aspects of life and death in the concentration camp.

  19. March of Time -- outtakes -- Drancy, France; Repatriation

    1252 K (07:01:12-07:04:00): Concentration Camp for Collaborationists, Drancy, France. LS entire courtyard. Traveling shots of people walking about in the courtyard. Shots taken from an auto. LS and MS people standing about. Shot looking up of girls leaning out of windows. Collaborationists filing through doorway escorted by ?? man. 1252 O (07:04:02-07:12:34): Repatriation of French War Prisoners and Civilians, Paris, France. French war prisoners wait on airfield. CU prisoner sitting at side of small tricolor. Close shots of prisoners waiting for planes; march toward planes and board some. C...

  20. Interview of prisoners, Dachau

    (LIB 6558) Interview of Prisoners, Dachau, Germany, May 5, 1945. MCUs American officer (off-screen) interviews Professor Popovitch, Yugoslavian prisoner, who relates his experience in German prison camps. MCUs Captain Boullard, Dutch officer, is interviewed by off-screen voice. The Captain was taken prisoner in Holland and later transferred to Dachau. (Prisoners speak English).