Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 11,321 to 11,340 of 56,066
  1. Barbie Trial -- Day 16 -- Three civil parties testify

    15:51 President Cerdini calls a civil party, Mrs. Alice Arnault, née Zohar, to the stand; the civil party presents herself to the court 15:52 Mrs. Arnault describes her arrest in July 1944, by a member of the Gestapo; he explained to her that she had been denominated by someone called 'Le Boiteux,' and that there was a 5,000 franc prize on her head; she was quickly transferred to Montluc, and then sent on the August 11 transport to Drancy and then to Auschwitz; the witness was then transfered to a forced labor camp in Kratszau, where she worked in a factory 15:58 President Cerdini comments ...

  2. Gabriel Schutzengel papers

    The Gabriel Schutzengel papers include Gabriel’s Hungarian identification card and two diaries describing his experiences. The first diary, 1939-1949, is a handwritten account, in Hungarian, about German occupation. The entries include his time in a forced labor camp, the deportation of his mother and sister, as well as details about the fate of Jews in Hungary, particularly in Komárom and Budapest. Gabriel’s memoir, titled "Machzor” is typewritten in English and categorized into sections. The memoir describes the German presence and occupation and includes family trees.

  3. German advance; officers confer; German wounded; mail and packages at the front

    Reel 2: 00:00:00 German military advance with horse-drawn camouflaged artillery. Men digging holes. Troops advance on horseback. German soldier operates a radio; views of/from the radio tower. The camera pans across the landscape from the radio tower, a large column of smoke is visible in the distance, figures moving across an open field. Panning shots of a small military camp at the edge of a tree line; soldiers dig a trench, operate a radio. CU of a Russian prisoner (Asian features) digging a trench. 00:02.18 Group of men taken prisoner, in civilian clothing, caps. Marched off under guard...

  4. Agro-Joint in Simferopol

    CU of a plane ticket, dated 1936. Plane takes off. Map of Crimea. Morris Troper is shown arriving in Simferopol. Intertitles describe Troper's activities. He leaves for a trip to Jonkoi via car with Mr. Zaichek, the chief agronom.

  5. Lea Berkman photograph collection

    The Lea Berkman photograph collection consits of 22 photographs depicting twins Lucyina Cuker and Irka Cuker and the Cuker family in Radom, Poland, prior to World War II.

  6. Barbie Trial -- Day 9 -- A witness testifies and is questioned

    14:54 The witness, Michel Thomas, recounts his escape from the Milles deportation camp in September 1942, his subsequent arrival in Lyon in order to recruit Resistance members, and his presence at the UGIF on the day of the raid in February 1943, where he had gone to recruit young Jews into the Resistance 15:02 The witness comments on the Swiss authorities' lack of help or protection toward Jews fleeing France 15:03 The witness recounts his memory of the UGIF raid 15:09 The witness recalls his encounter with Barbie 15:20 The witness implores Cerdini to compel Barbie to appear before him in ...

  7. Fanny Flam papers

    The papers consist of correspondence, documents, identification cards, and a notebook containing pieces of coupons and ration cards that relate to the experiences of Fanny Herman, donor, and her family during their pre-World War II life in Belgium, during their time in hiding in the south of France, and during their escape to Switzerland.

  8. Barbie Trial -- Day 5 -- The Izieu Telex

    17:40 An argument between several lawyers from the prosecution and defense ensues because President Cerdini allows defense lawyer Vergès to handle the Telex D'Izieu and remove it from its protective plastic. Several lawyers become very upset, because they are afraid Vergès will tear or otherwise destroy the evidence 17:43 A prosecutor asks that the Telex be examined by the jurors and civil parties; explains why it was necessary to remove it from the plastic (because it was difficult to read some of the text through the covering) 17:51 President Cerdini reads a written statement from Barbie,...

  9. canceled envelope with an Arthur Szyk designed stamp

    “Save Human Lives” poster stamp used on an envelope sent in March 1944 to Edwin Howe Halsted, Jr. in Ohio, from his aunt, Mrs. Donald Budd Armstrong, in New York. It has an image of two distressed looking children: a young girl and a boy with side curls and yarmulke with Star of David armbands. These stamps were sold by the Emergency Committee to Save the Jewish People of Europe, in order to raise money to stop the genocide of Jews in Europe and to raise awareness that those most at risk were children and the elderly. The stamp was created by Arthur Szyk, a Jewish emigre artist originally f...

  10. Barbie Trial -- Day 1 -- Opening statements

    14:52:00 Lawyer Ravez of the prosecution, makes his opening statement. He brings up the application of a law passed on December 12, 1964, article 639, concerning the Code of Criminal Procedure, concerning crimes against humanity. 15:01:00 Lawyer Ravez describes the events which happened to Mr. Robert Cohen during the Holocaust, which bring him to testify against Klaus Barbie. He was a 7 year old Jewish child when his parents were sent to Auschwitz. He was the only Jew to survive, out of the entire hotel. Living at L'Hotel de France in St. Claude. 15:08:00 Lawyer Nordmann asks the Presiding ...

  11. Selected records from the General Files of the Police for Foreigners

    Contains materials related to the observation, registration, and internment of foreigners in Belgium before, during and immediately after the war and to Belgian immigration policies. Also contains information on the control of alien registration and immigration by the Belgian Police for Foreigners.

  12. Edmund Friedel photograph collection

    The collection consists of 23 post-liberation photographs taken by Edmund Friedel [donor's brother] who was a member of the United States Army Medical Corps during World War II.

  13. Barbie Trial -- Day 5 -- Sealed documents are admitted into evidence

    18:26 President Cerdini oversees the public sealing of the documents admitted into evidence. 18:43 Cerdini calls a recess.

  14. Barbie Trial -- Day 5 -- Discussion of the UGIF and Izieu raids

    16:23 President Cerdini continues presenting an exhibit relating to the raid at the UGIF [Union générale des Israélites de France] in Lyon on February 9, 1943 16:25 A clerk reads a report signed by Barbie on the 11th of February 1943 16:29 Cerdini presents Barbie's reaction to being shown the report 16:31 Prosecution lawyer Klarsfeld gives further arguments relating to Barbie's report from February 11, 1943 16:34 Cerdini introduces into evidence a telegram sent by Barbie on February 11, 1943 16:35 Clerk reads the telegram 16:37 Jury examines the telegram (French translation), and Barbie's s...