Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 11,301 to 11,320 of 56,066
  1. Barbie Trial -- Day 10 -- Victims testify

    Lise Lesevre: Resistance member. She was arrested by the Gestapo on March 13, 1943 while she carried a letter addressed to Didier, the false name of a Resistance leader. She was then interrogated and tortured by Barbie: hung by hand cuffs with spikes, forced under freezing water in a bathtub, and beaten with a spiked ball against her back which broke a vertebrae. She was condemned to death by a German military tribunal for "terrorism" but was placed in the wrong cell and deported to Ravensbruck instead. Her husband died at Dachau and her son was killed in a detention center in Neuengamme at...

  2. Barbie Trial -- Day 4 -- Barbie's activities in Bolivia

    15:15 Witness Gustavo Sanchez describes the takeover of General Banzer in 1970. 15:23 Sanchez discusses the range of crimes Barbie commited while in Bolivia, including illegal drug trafficking. 15:46 Sanchez discusses the action taken by the Bolivian and Italian Governments and Interpol against the organization headed by Barbie, the "Grooms of Death." 15:52 Lawyer Nordmann and Sanchez discuss the Bolivian military identification of Klaus Altmann, a letter written to his bodyguard, and his loyalty commitment.

  3. buildings/churches in Europe

    VS, EXT, establishing shots of buildings, churches, etc. Location is Europe, but a more exact location is not known, possibly France.

  4. Photographic portrait of Vladka Meed

    Color image of Vladka Meed seated before a of painting of her husband, Benjamin Meed.

  5. Barbie Trial -- Day 15 -- Two civil parties testify

    17:22 President Cerdini calls the next civil party, Mr. Isidore Friedler, to the stand; Mr. Friedler presents himself to the court 17:23 The civil party testifies; Mr. Friedler was living in Belgium with his extended family when the Nazis invaded in 1940; they fled for the French free zone, but he was arrested and sent to the Agde work camp before volunteering to go to Germany as a laborer; he worked in Poland as a translator before being allowed to return to France; upon his return to France, he sought to gain entry into the Resistance, and was arrested by the French police and sent to Com...

  6. Soap from Bergen-Belsen concentration camp

    Bar of soap issued to 15-year-old Erwin Dankner in June 1944 in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Germany. The soap was never used. Erwin, his parents, Henry and Catherina, and his brother, Anthony, arrived in Bergen-Belsen by train from Budapest, Hungary, as part of a rescue effort organized by Rezso Kasztner. Later in 1944, the family was transferred to safety in Switzerland.

  7. Heinz Loewy postcard

    The collection consists of a postcard received by Heinz Loewy (later Henry Long), who fled to Shanghai, China after surviving imprisonment in several German concentration camps from 1936-1939. The postcard was written by Siegmund "Israel" Meyersohn in Berlin, Germany and dated 17 April 1941.

  8. Unused Nazi banner with a swastika found by a US soldier

    Unused Nazi banner found by an American soldier, Earl Kinne, in a boxcar near Ludwigslust, Germany, in 1945. Kinne and a fellow soldier were ordered to go to Ludwigslust, a small town in Germany, to take the townspeople to Wöbbelin, a nearby sub-camp of the Neuengamme concentration camp, to witness the unburied bodies and other evidence of the atrocities that had been committed there by the Nazi government. The United States Army forced the townspeople to bury the dead. Earl found several newly manufactured Nazi flags, rolled in bundles, in a boxcar near the camp. The flags had never been u...

  9. Barbie Trial -- Day 15 -- Elie Wiesel and two other witnesses testify

    15:02 Witness Elie Wiesel testifies, describing the particular emotional challenges of life in the camps as a child; Prosecutor Jakubowicz asks the witness to give his opinion on the definition of a crime against humanity 15:09 Mr. Wiesel describes genocide as, "a philosophy, more than a war strategy." He describes the uniqueness of the Nazi genocide, and explains his opinion that we should never compare it to other genocidal acts, because "to compare is to minimize." He comments on France's complicity in the Holocaust, saying that France's actions should be put to trial, but not in conjunc...

  10. Nordhausen liberation photographs

    Consists of four photographs taken after the liberation of the Nordhausen labor camp. They depict bodies of victims, the remains of a fire used to burn victims, and a cemetery erected after their burial. The photographs are from the collection of James A. Melka, a Private First Class in the United States Army during World War II.

  11. Dunson family at Christian mission

    At the Kiamichi Mountain Christian Mission in Nashoba, Oklahoma, where Harold Dunson and his family were sent as missionaries in 1947. EXT, couple posing in countryside. Young blonde girl (the donor, Joy Marshall) posing. EXT, shots of trees, etc. Footage changes from color to black and white. Group of men working in a garage on a car. MS, man on horse and three children on mule (all three on the same mule). Children then start taking turns on horse and mule. MS, MLS, man at river's edge, VS of river, switches back to color footage. VS, men building structure in a clearing. Various generati...

  12. Barbie Trial -- Day 2 -- Barbie's career in the SS

    The examination of Klaus Barbie's career in the SS continues.

  13. Frankfurt radio station at a Hitler Youth camp

    A clip from a film about the government-run Frankfurt radio station. The "radio wagon" traveling down the streets of Frankfurt, then down a dirt road. The vehicle arrives at a Hitler Youth camp and records the boys at various activitities, including exercise, eating and singing. Good shots of the youth, including one of a young boy holding a shield with an SS symbol on it.