Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 11,281 to 11,300 of 56,066
  1. March of Time -- outtakes -- Allied troops in the French territory of New Caledonia

    Men unload barrels from an American ship in the port of New Caledonia, a French territory in the South Pacific. An American soldier patrols the area. 01:23:00 An American camp in New Caledonia. Soldiers march through the countryside and then dig communication trenches. The March of Time story cards indicate that these are American troops but their helmets look British. 01:25:29 A training exercise in New Caledonia. An American soldier is overwhelmed by an Australian commando, who steals his uniform and then, with some confederates, blows ups a bridge. The commandos hack through the jungle w...

  2. Barbie Trial -- Day 7 -- The defense questions two expert witnesses

    19:12 The defense questions the witnesses as to differences in the handwriting on the arrival notices written on both the Izieu telex and the Marseille telex 19:12 Cerdini asks the witnesses to remain in the area and available to the Court for further questions for a few days 19:15 Cerdini calls a recess

  3. Safety fountain pen used by a courtroom illustrator at the Major War Crimes Trial

    Waterman-style safety fountain pen used by Edward Vebell, 24, to create courtroom sketches at the 1945 Trial of Major German War Criminals before the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany. The sketches were published in the U.S. Army newspaper Stars and Stripes on December 9, 1945. A young commercial artist when he was drafted for the US Army, Vebell was the first staff illustrator for Stars and Stripes. His assignments included combat zones in Italy and France. For the Nuremberg trial assignment, he sat in the press gallery for 3 days and used field glasses to “bore into th...

  4. German radio communications; Gen. Zorn and German military prepare for advance

    Reel 1: 00:00:00 Klappe 2-Lo 55: German soldiers swinging in a double swing with others looking on. Officers looking at orders. Soldiers walking through a field, with one soldier operating a radio(?) in a trench. Two Russian soldiers surrendering to a German soldier, with their hands raised. The German soldier looks at their papers. German soldiers firing a machine gun as other soldiers advance. Military vehicles moving through a town as soldiers mill around. CU of a soldier holding a map gesturing to other soldiers. German soldiers enter a house to search it. Klappe 4-Lo 57: Several differ...

  5. Drawing

  6. Christian mission and bell tower

    At the Kiamichi Mountain Christian Mission in Nashoba, Oklahoma, where Harold Dunson and his family were sent as missionaries in 1947. CU, bell with engraved writing on it (not legible). VS, EXT, young man and older man hoisting bell on crane into position in bell tower. MCU, panning group of young women. MS, bell tolling. MCU, townspeople pulling on chord in bell tower, exiting church. VS, MS, MCU, LS, family on horseback in countryside, man taking photos with still camera. VS, locals piling in and out of pick-up truck, mostly children playing in truck, more children exiting church.

  7. Fritz und Fratz cartoon about India

    Degeto Schmalfilm-Schrank "Fritz und Fratz" "Auf Tigerjagd" Fritz und Fratz cartoon featuring a tiger in India. Scenes show the boys scaring the tiger with a mirror and tempting the animal into a cage.

  8. Margaret Kagan photograph collection

    The collection consists of 25 photographs relating to the experiences of Margaret Kagan and her family before and during World War II. Margarita (Mara) Shtromaite (later Lady Margaret Kagan) was born in Riga, Latvia, and grew up in Kaunas (Kovno), Lithuania.

  9. U.S. soldier erecting phone lines in camp

    On the Aleutian Islands/Kiska. CU, wooden sign in snow with illegible writing on it (camera is out of focus for this shot). MS, small cemetery, wooden crosses in snow. MS, soldier climbing down a tall wooden pole, seems to be a telephone pole. MCU, soldier climbing up pole, putting up phone lines at military base camp. VS, soldiers setting up camp in snow, shoveling snow, hamming it up for the camera, engage in a snowball fight, tackle each other in the snow, etc. MCU, American soldier holding up captured Japanese flag. The flag is very badly torn, and there is writing all over it. Two sold...

  10. German military on Russian front; man hanged for sabotage of German communications

    Reel 1: 00:37:22 Russian peasants standing in the street of a city, camera follows as they walk away. A group of German soldiers talk on a field phone/repair communication lines. A building in the background has the words "Gef. Sammelstelle" hand-painted on it. CUs of soldiers tying telephone wires together. CU of a soldier using a teletype. Different shots of soldiers on horseback and military vehicles crossing a pontoon bridge over a wide river. Camera pans across a wooded area with a large Russian made defensive trench. CU of two signs reading, "Abstände halten. Fliegergefahr!" and "Bozu...

  11. Barbie Trial -- Day 17 -- Victims testify

    14:54:11 Fernand Hahn speaks about prison, SS, and explains that during his deportation to Dachau on in June 1944, Barbie identified himself by name to prisoners at the station saying they would never come back. Hahn says he had not seen Barbie clearly enough to be able to recognize his face after 43 years. 14:55? But he says he remembered Barbie, speaking in French while in a group of German soldiers, as saying that the war was lost for Germany, but that he had put aside "booty" and had a plane ready to take him to South America. 15:16 Judge Cerdini asks Hahn how he could be sure the man w...

  12. Arthur Lubinsky diary

    Diary written by Arthur Lubinsky in which he records his remembrances of his experiences during the Holocaust.

  13. Barbie Trial -- Day 11 -- Witnesses testify

    André Frossard continues his testimony. He replies to questions from the Defense regarding comparisons between torture methods in Algeria and those employed by Klaus Barbie. His discourse includes addressing the problematic distinctions between a War Crime and a Crime Against Humanity. His testimony ends, and the President introduces the next witness, Lucien Margaine. 15:01:00 Lucien Margaine's testimony begins. His describes his capture and experience during World War II as well as opinions on the torture strategies used by Barbie. He is questioned by the prosecution and the defense. His t...

  14. Russian prisoners

    Reel 1: 00:00:00 Russian civilian women roasting grain in troughs over fire pits in a wooded area, German soldiers present. Scenes of women running while carrying baskets and sacks; struggling through an opening in a fence, under the watch of a German soldier. Panning shot of long line of women with bundles waiting. Local men and women watch a long column of Russian prisoners (appears to be both soldiers and civilian men) marching; several CUs of the men in the column. Soviet POWs in a camp mend their clothes, one completely naked. Russian prisoners carrying logs, large mass of prisoners vi...

  15. Strafing the German countryside and railroad lines; American Air Force personnel celebrating; V-E Day in London

    Scenes shot from a plane of the strafing of a town and/or a farm in Germany (lots of green space). An airman holds a slate reading: "SFP 186 Johnson [cameraman] Strip Y-73 Group 362 Sqdn 7 Plane [?] Date 19 May [?] Pilot Hunter" Burning fire that seem to spell out "V-E" shot from the air. A group of smiling American servicemen pose for the camera, holding up the V for victory symbol. Two soldiers stand in front of a sign that reads "Hells Angels 303rd bomb group." They read a Stars & Stripes newspaper which displays the headline "GERMANY QUITS." The marching band of the 8th Air Force pl...

  16. Dorette Luedecke papers

    The collection documents Margarethe Luedecke's [donor's mother] experiences as a forced laborer in Berlin, Germany, during the Holocaust and her brief internment in Theresienstadt concentration camp, from which she gained release through the efforts of her non-Jewish ex-husband. Also included are a last letter from her maternal grandfather before his death in 1942 and post-World War II documentation concerning Dorette Luedecke and her mother.