Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 10,841 to 10,860 of 56,066
  1. Central Committee of Jews in Poland. Department of Jewish Culture and Propaganda Centralny Komitet Żydow Polskich (CKŻP). Wydzial Kultury i Propagandy (Sygn. 303/XIII, previously Sygn. 308)

    This collection contains documentation concerning the activity of the Department of Culture and Propaganda of the Central Committee of the Jews in Poland (CKZP) headed by Henryk Szner (beginning in 1948), then by Hersz Smolar. The documents are mainly in draft form, such as reports and texts of radio broadcasts with hand-written corrections or censorship stamps. Accretion of digital images, files 71-75, contain radio broadcasts including texts of Yiddish broadcasts in 1945 from Lublin. Note: This collection changed Sygn. number in ŻIH from Sygn. 308 to Sygn. 303/XIII.

  2. Arie Ben Menachem photograph collection

    The collection consists of 19 vintage copy prints of images taken by Mendel Grossman in the ghetto in Łódź, Poland.

  3. Stahl-Grayower papers

    The papers consist of a letter, two certificates, a document, an identification card, and 18 photographs relating to the Stahl-Grayower family. The collection relates to Charlotte Stahl [donor], her father, who did not survive the Holocaust, and her mother and brothers who all survived numerous concentration camps in the Netherlands and Germany and the post-liberation immigration to Palestine of Charlotte and her brothers.

  4. Jakov Davetsky collection

    Collection includes postcards (1940-1941) from Tsilya Zhidovetskaya to Dina Zhidovetskaya regarding the situation for Jews in Russia, family photographs, a memorial book for the victims of the Babi Yar massacre, a newspaper commemorating the 50th anniversary of Babi Yar, and identification cards identifying Anatoli Oliker as a veteran of World War II.

  5. Association for support of Jewish Palestine (Karen Hayesod). Lithuanian Branch (Fond 590)

    The collection contains correspondence files with local branches of the Karen Hayesod across Lithuania from 1920 to 1940 concerning a registration of local organizations fundraising activities for the Jewish settlements in Palestine before World War II. Also includes minutes and correspondence of Zionist organizations worldwide, local banks, Lithuanian government authorities, bylaws of the organization and its branches, a donors list, cashiers books, and financial reports.

  6. Annelies Sabatowski letters

    The Annelies Sabatowski letters were written by Annelies Sabatowski, originally of Dresden, Germany, on December 30, 1938, and March 6, 1939, to "Gisa" (Gisela "Gisa" Kleinermann, now Goldstein). In the letters, Annelies, a fifth-grade pupil at the Jewish school in Dresden, writes that classes were cancelled for a few months after Kristallnacht, and that she is hoping to be on a transport to England. Annelies and her family (with the exception of a brother, Fritz) were deported to Auschwitz and killed in 1943.

  7. Health Care Organization of the Central Committee of Jews in Poland Towarzystwo Ochrony Zdrowia Ludności Żydowskiej w Polsce przy Centralnym Komitecie Żydow w Polsce (TOZ), Sygn. 324

    Contains records related to the health conditions of Poles and Jews who survived the Holocaust and repatriates returning to Poland from the Soviet Union. The majority of the documents relate to child care, and to cooperation with international organizations.The most complete records are from Łódź, Warsaw, Dzierzoniów, Wrocław, Kraków and Szczecin. Materials include name indexes.

  8. Hygiene Institute der Waffen SS-Polizei, Auschwitz

    Notebooks, protocols and files documented result of medical tests performed on Auschwitz-Birkenau prisoners of the KL Auschwitz-Birkenau prisoners, from April 1943 to January 1945.

  9. The World Jewish Congress London Office records (C2)

    Contains correspondence of the London Office of the World Jewish Congress with organizations from over 130 countries, international bodies including the United Nations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and Jewish organizations, including the Relief Committee for the War-Stricken Jewish Population (RELICO) and the Claims Conference. Also contains legal materials, press clippings and reports of the Institute of Jewish Affairs; anti-Jewish legislation; materials of WJC Plenary Assemblies; minutes of Executive meetings; Neo-Nazi documentation; and the Aryeh Leon Kubowitzki papers, the ...

  10. Rywin family photograph

    Consists of one photograph, circa 1935, of the Rywin family, originally of Wilno, Lithuania. The photograph features Chaya Zlata Ashinowsky with her great-grandchildren, members of the Rywin family. With the exception of Chaya Zlata, who passed away before the war, and Lazarz Rywin, who survived the war, all the family members photographed perished in the Holocaust.

  11. Elsa and Selmar Biener papers

    The Elsa and Selmar Biener papers consists of immigration documents, correspondence, photographs, and financial materials related to the emigration of Elsa and Selmar Biener aboard the MS St. Louis, their disembarkation in England, and their internment on the Isle of Man. The correspondence includes letters and telegrams to / from Selmar and Elsa Biener, their family, and various Jewish aid societies, dated 1929-1968, and undated. The papers also includes receipts for sending registered postal packages, 1940, and a collection of messages written and received by members of the Friedler famil...

  12. Magyarországi Zsidók Deportáltakat Gondozó Országos Bizottsága (DEGOB) card file collection

    Collection contains card files created in Budapest, Hungary, in 1945 and early 1946, by the charitable organization called DEGOB (Magyarországi Zsidók Deportáltakat Gondozó Országos Bizottsága/National Committee of Hungarian Jews Supporting Returning Deportees). The individual cards usually carry the name and personal data of the client, and details about the support she/he received (e.g. financial aid, clothing, food, shelter).

  13. Grynfeld and Grynglas families' papers

    The papers consist of a registration form ("Anmeldung") and eight photographs 2 of which are adhered to documents that contain text relating to the experiences of the Grynfeld-Grynglas familes in Łódź, Poland, and the displaced persons camp in Leipheim, Germany.

  14. Minnie Friedman Piha photograph collection

    The collection consists of a photograph album and 77 loose photographs relating to the experiences of Minnie Friedman Piha [donor's great aunt] while working in the Women's reserve or "WAVES" in post-World War II Germany.

  15. Leo M. Drachsler oral history: Nuremberg, 1946

    Consists of one oral history, circa 1985, of Leo M. Drachsler. Mr. Drachsler, an attorney, relates his memories of his work on the I.G. Farben case during the Nuremberg war crimes trials; his interrogations of Hermann Göring; and of being questioned regarding the suicide of Göring. Also includes photocopied documents including copies of pre-war letters to the United States from European relatives in the Drachsler and Neugeboren families.

  16. Koralek family papers

    Consists of correspondence and documents related to the Holocaust experiences of the family of Oscar Koralek. Includes pre-war letters regarding attempts to secure visas to the United States and affidavits of support as well as a post-war letter describing the experiences of various members of the family and a 1950 issue of "New Neighbors" regarding the arrival of displaced persons to the United States.

  17. Selected records from the Vatican Archives

    Contains records of the Munich nunciature 1865-1959, the nunciature of both Pacelli and Alberto Vasallo-Torregrossa (Indice 1096 A: Archivio della Nunziatura apostolica in Monaco); documents relating to antisemitism and the persecution of Jews (Segreteria di Stato - Sezione per i rapporti con gli Stati Archivio Storico, Indice Affare Ecclesiastici straordinari Baviera, 1922-1939 ("Quarto Periodo"); records of the Berlin nunciature (Indice 1196 Archivio della Nunziatura apostolica in Berlino) exclusively of the nunciature of Pacelli; the Vatican administration (Segreteria di Stato - Sezione ...

  18. Records of the Hungarian Ministry of Internal Affairs

    Collection contains Hungarian Ministry of Internal Affairs (Belügyminisztʹerium) records of Jews who were exempted from the anti-Jewish laws. Reel No. 2 also contains Foreign Ministry (Külügyminisztʹerium) records about interdepartmental issues like the cases of Hungarian Jews who wanted to repatriate after living abroad, foreign nationals of Jewish origin living in Hungary, Hungarian government guarantees issued to emigrating Hungarian Jews, and extradition issues involving Hungarian Jews. Reel No. 2 also contains some late 1944 records of the Arrow Cross-controlled Ministry of Religiou...

  19. Records of the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture

    Collection contains records of the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture (Mezʺogazdasʹagi Minisztʹerium) about Jewish landowners, surveys of agricultural land and other real estate owned by Jews, execution of anti-Jewish measures, requests for exemptions or for postponements of their enforcement, gentile neighbors requesting appropriation of confiscated Jewish property, and decisions regarding the appropriation of Jewish owned land, real estate, and other property.

  20. Selected records from North African colonies

    This collection contains documents pertaining to the treatment of Jews in French North Africa, particularly in Algeria, and the expropriation of their property by Vichy officials. Topics include the "Jewish question," antisemitism, the establishment of camps, refugees from Spain and/or from the International Brigades, the local Jewish community in Algeria, Jews from France, and the commune of Ain Temouchent. Also included are police reports on the general condition of Jews in Algeria, correspondence concerning the 1941-1942 census of the Jewish population; the famous pogrom of Constantine i...