Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 10,881 to 10,900 of 56,066
  1. Selected records from the Kansallisarkisto (Finnish National Archive)

    Contains correspondence of the Jewish Congregation of Helsinki, primarily concerning aid to Jewish refugees and Soviet Jewish POWs in Finland. Also contains documents created by the Finnish State Police, the Finnish Ministry of Justice (Oikeusministeriö), and Finnish Prime Minister T.M. Kivimäki, all related to Jewish refugee issues and aid.

  2. Max Birnbach collection

    Consists of correspondence, postcards, and forms related to the efforts of Maximillian Birnbach to emigrate from Switzerland during the war and his efforts to assist family and friends in Vienna to do the same. Also includes post-war correspondence regarding attempts to find missing loved ones. The majority of the correspondence dates from 1938-1942 and from 1946-1948.

  3. Manuel Berman collection

    Consists of one Hitler Youth training filmstrip (in a case); three small Nazi propaganda booklets entitled "1934 Der Führer Macht Geschichte," "1935 Der Führer Macht Geschichte" and "Des Führers Kampf im Osten 1." Also includes photographs (with negatives), taken after the liberation of Dachau, of various buildings and structures, including the crematorium. Manuel Berman [donor] took the photographs while on a visit offered to United States Army soldiers in the area of Dachau.

  4. Dr. Wanda Rein Folman photograph collection

    The collection consists of three photographs of Marta Rein and Wanda Rein Folman with friends.

  5. Boleslaw Kalinski papers

    The collection consists of two documents and a copy print relating to the experiences of Boleslaw Kalinski. Includes an identification card ("Arbeitskarte") number 61156 issued to Artur Gliksman [donor's younger brother, born May 20, 1930, who was killed in Auschwitz-Birkenau in August 1944], residing at 14 Brzezinska Street, Apt 19, in the ghetto in Łódź, Poland, stating that he is employed in the electrician workshop in the ghetto; a membership card issued to Boleslaw Kalinski on October 27, 1945, and stating that he is a member of "Zwiazek Walki Mlodych," a Communist youth organization...

  6. Helena Krystyna Singer photograph collection

    The collection consists of four photographs of Helena Krystyna Singer [donor's mother] taken while she was working in a military hospital in Tengeru, Tanzania, in 1945 and 1946.

  7. Josef Schwartz photograph collection

    The collection consists of 48 photographs from Łodź, Poland, before World War II and of the Łodź ghetto. The collection illustrates the Szwarc family before the war and during their imprisonment in the Łodź ghetto.

  8. Czeisler and Paszor families papers

    The papers consist of three documents and 11 photographs relating to the life of Gyorgy Czeisler (George Levoy; donor's husband) who worked at the Swedish embassy in Budapest, Hungary, as a driver and on occasion worked with Raoul Wallenberg. The documents include a certificate of Gyorgy Czeisler's employment with the Swedish embassy signed by Wallenberg, a request for his examption from wearing a Star of David badge, and his Swedish Schutzpass. Also included are photographs of the Czeisler and Paszor [donor's] families and experiences in Hungary during the Holocaust.

  9. Chaim Melamed papers

    The Chaim Melamed papers consists of postcards, correspondence, and photographs relating to the Melamed family before, during, and after World War II in Łódź, Poland, and Hannover, Germany. Pictured in the photographs are Chaim Melamed, Maryla Melamed, Peretz Lipka, Dawid Lipka, Isuchor Melamed and Fajga Melamed.

  10. Gabrielle Kahn Gilbert memoir

    Consists of one memoir, 9 pages, describing the pre-war, wartime, and post-war experiences of Gabriele (now Gabrielle) Kahn, originally of Mannheim, Germany. Gabriele's family was prominent in Germany, but fled the country in 1933, moving first to Paris, and then to the Netherlands. There, the family lived in Amsterdam, Amstelveen, and Blaricum, including a period of time in hiding, before escaping to the United States in 1941 by using Dr. Richard Kahn's (Gabriele's father) professional connections. Includes memories of Gabriele's psychological reactions to her pre-war, wartime, and post-wa...

  11. "Rundbrief an die Spender für die überlebenden Juden in Lettland und Litauen"

    Consists of 22 issues of a newsletter entitled "Rundbrief an die Spender für die überlebenden Juden in Lettland und Litauen" (newletters aimed at Latvian Holocaust survivors), published by Wolf Middelmann in Göttingen, Germany, from 1994-2004. The newsletters focus on financial support for survivors and their families.

  12. Nordhausen liberation photographs

    Consists of eight photographs taken by Sgt. Jim Scheets of the United States Army at the liberation of the Nordhausen concentration camp. Sgt. Scheets wrote captions on the backs of the photographs, which depict the burial of corpses.

  13. Dachau liberation photographs

    Consists of ten photographs taken upon the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp. Photographs depict survivors and the Dachau camp grounds. These photographs are donated in memory of Captain Leon Strauss, who took the photographs.

  14. Fogel, Mermelstein, and Klarman families photograph collection

    The collection consists of six photographs of the Fogel family, the Mermelstein family, and the Klarman family and their life in Botragy, Batyu (Vuzlove, Ukraine), and Szuszko, Czechoslovakia before the Holocaust. The photographs picture both Holocaust victims and survivors. There is also a photograph taken of sisters Irene and Serena Fogel upon their arrival in New York in 1947.

  15. Colonel John Hinkel collection

    Consists of three documents from the collection of Colonel John Hinkel, a paratrooper who fought in the Italian campaign during World War II. Included are a military identification card, a small pamphlet instructing American soldiers on relations with German citizens, and a visitor's pass to the Dachau concentration camp for 15 July 1945. Colonel (then Major) Hinkel escorted Father Edmund Walsh, a Jesuit consultant to Justice Robert Jackson, on his tour of the camp.

  16. "Marian"

    Consists of a videocassette and DVD, each containing a documentary entitled "Marian." The documentary, 46 minutes long, juxtaposes an exhibition of Marian Kołodziej's post-war artwork with an oral history interview about his experiences. Mr. Kołodziej was a Catholic prisoner in Auschwitz from 1940-1944, and was liberated from Ebensee. By depicting their faces, his artwork focuses on the demoralization of the victims and prisoners in the camps.

  17. "The Yellow Armband"

    Consists of one memoir, 39 pages, titled "The Yellow Armband," by Zalmen Feuerwerker (now Sol Feuer), originally of Sighet, Romania. Mr. Feuer describes his experiences in a labor battalion, his time in the Buchenwald concentration camp, his experiences repairing railway tracks as part of a labor battalion which survived frequent Allied bombings, and his liberation from the Dachau concentration camp. Mr. Feuer concentrates on the story of his four closest friends, Zoli (a soccer player), Rozi (a religious scholar), Mendl (a holy man), and Doc (Dr. Friedman). Only Mr. Feuer (Freiu) and Rozi ...

  18. Dora Apsan collection

    The diary was written by Dora Apsan immediately following her liberation from Weisswasser, an I.G. Farben forced labor factory. In the diary, Dora recounts her family's final days in the ghetto in Sighet (Sighetu Marmației), Romania; their deportation and arrival in Auschwitz; and her liberation.

  19. Records pertaining to the expropriation of property belonging to Sigmund Freud's sisters

    Contains documents pertaining to the systematic expropriation of Sigmund Freud's sisters' assets by the Nazis, including the plundering of a trust fund set up for the sisters' benefit by their brother, Alexander Freud. Also includes documents from the 1960's and 70's related to a restitution effort.