Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 10,561 to 10,580 of 56,066
  1. Selected records from Statistisch-wissenschaftliches Institut des RFSS (NS 48)

    Contains records of the Statistisch-wissenschaftliches Institut des Reichsfuehrers-SS, including statistics on demography and population, war casualties, sickness and death at the Mittelbau camp, water analysis at the Nordhausen camp, Warsaw ghetto statistics, personnel case files, and a name list of Himmler’s friends and associates.

  2. Selected records of the Reichspropagandaleitung (NS 18)

    Contains records created by the Reichspropagandaleitung, including propaganda leaflets, brochures, publication of war reports, political discussion of the situation in the USA, Winston Churchill, the war with Italy, propaganda in the East, advertisements for pro-Nazi companies, the role of the churches, measures in regard to foreigners, typhus, race defilement, swing dancers, Jews in the film industry, and prisoners of war.

  3. Selected records of the NS-Volkswohlfahrt (NS 37)

    Contains selected records of the NS-Volkswohlfahrt, the Nazi social welfare institution charged with propagating health care issues and family aid to those deemed racially pure. Primarily contains files of financial/real estate properties of the NSV outside of Germany.

  4. Selected records of the Reichsstudentenführung / Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund (NS 38)

    Contains selected records of the Reichsstudentenführung / Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund pertaining to the denial of matriculation to Jewish students in Brünn/Czech Republic, non-admission of Polish students, reports of the Jewish derivation of students, and denunciations of various non-Aryan professors.

  5. Selected records of the Hauptamt für Beamte/ Reichsbund der deutschen Beamten (NS 40)

    Contains records pertaining to the operation of the Hauptamt für Beamte/ Reichsbund der deutschen Beamten and the organization and operation of the Nazi civil service.

  6. Selected records of the Oberstes Parteigericht der NSDAP (NS 36)

    The Oberstes Parteigericht der NSDAP (OPG) was founded on January 1, 1934 to handle cases concerning behavior that could harm the reputation of the NSDAP. It was responsible for trials of political importance and for appeals against decisions of district party tribunals. This collection includes transcripts of trials for excesses against Jews, such as murder or sexual assault during Kristallnacht; for abuses by SA leaders in concentration camps; and of a German "race-scientist" accused of having had a relationship with a half-Jewish woman. It also includes guidelines for the nomination of p...

  7. Selected records from the Geschäftsgruppe Ernährung (R 26 IV)

    Contains records pertaining to Aryanization, activity reports of the Geschäftsgruppe Ernährung, statistics on the Carpathian countries, social politics in Slovakia, emigration in Hungary, organization and structure of the University of Zagreb, and forced laborers in the agricultural sector.

  8. Maximilian Winkler papers

    Papers consist of a memoir written by Maximilian Winkler, M.D. [Rosita Winkler's father] that records his experiences in Transylvania and Hungary during the Holocaust. Also included is a CD that contains a transcript of the memoir.

  9. John Stevens photograph collection

    Collection consists of 14 photographic images of scenes from the Dachau concentration camp.

  10. Orthodox Jews in Biecz, Poland

    In Biecz, Poland, 1936, pan of town, street scenes, CUs Jewish boys, including Mendel Halpern on left at 00:09:43 and 00:09:45 (boy with curls). Town hall, Orthodox Jews. Fast pan of shops, streets, pavillion, Jews, the boy Mendel Halpern (00:10:10), Hebrew writing on building EXT, Library. More pan of the village.

  11. Nuremberg Trial proceedings: summation and verdict

    Part 4 of ENGLISH language version [corresponds to NARA reels 7 & 8] Courtroom scenes, questioning various defendants, showing various views of the courtroom and trial proceedings. Questioning Jodl and von Ribbentrop. Prosecutor asks Goering: "Do you still say that neither Hitler nor you knew of the policy to exterminate the Jews?" Goering: "I already had said that not even approximately did I know to what degree this thing took place." Prosecutor: "You did not know to what degree, but you knew there was a policy which aimed at the liquidation of the Jews?" Goering: "No, not liquidation...

  12. German soldiers; various sights in Germany

    German troops and marching band parade, a crowd of German civilians follow. Streetcar, traffic, street scenes in Berlin(?). Mark Jacoby and his father Samuel take a carriage ride. Samuel and Marie kiss. Jacoby family tours garden, poses for a group shot with some kind of equipment (pushcart?). Circular pan of grounds, planting/digging with equipment.

  13. Liberation of Prussia, including Insterburg POW camp

    A column of German civilians carrying their belongings flees the Soviet advance. The narrator says that all roads of escape have been blocked. Close-up on a poster advertising the German Volkssturm. Captured German troops and civilians. Close-up of Margarethe Gensler, who the narrator says was a female member of the SS. A woman points out a man who she says used slave labor at his factory. POWs, including French and British soldiers are liberated from the Insterburg (Prussia) POW camp. The men exit through a barbed wire gate and receive cigarettes from Soviet soldiers. Brief close-up of a f...

  14. Liberating, providing aid to survivors at Buchenwald

    US Army assisting survivors of Buchenwald and shots of the dead and dying. Ambulance with Red Cross drives through gate into camp compound, past brick building labeled 59, many GIs walking around, can see several other same kind of brick buildings. MCU some kind of entryway past brick wall manned by GIs thru which German civilians are filing into or out of camp. HAS of GI smoking next to wall as civilians pass. MS civilians in line on grounds of camp, a number of GIs pass camera. MCU of corpse covered partially by blanket next to brick wall. CU of head and staring eyes, then back to previou...

  15. Ethnic groups of the Soviet Union

    Russian intertitle. Excerpt from a film showing the everyday life of different ethnic groups in the Soviet Union including Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Kalmyks, Ukrainians, Finns, Karelians, Kirghiz, Turks, Tajiks, Jews, Byelorussians, Bashkirs, Armenians, peoples of the Caucasus, Germans and Buryats. Brief shot of a group of Jews outdoors. A man reads a Yiddish newspaper. Jewish men use scythes in a field. An elderly Jewish man in profile.

  16. United States Army Signal Corps photographs

    Collection consists of 36 U.S. Army Signal Corps photographs from multiple concentration camps including Buchenwald and Ohrdruf.

  17. Aviva Ben Heled photograph album

    Photograph album with brown cover and interior pages that contain pre- and post-World War II black and white photographs (some loose photographs contained inside album). The photograph album was taken with Alida Henrietta "Letty" Rudelsheim (Aviva Ben Heled) into hiding in Holland. After her deportation, the photograph album was kept hidden by the gardner who worked at the Hachshara, an agricultural training farm Rudelsheim was involved with. It was returned to her after her liberation.

  18. Oral testimony of Karl Neustadt

  19. General records of the Hungarian Ministry of Internal Affairs (MOL K 150)

    This collection contains records concerning anti-Jewish legislation in Hungary, the legal foundation for the activities of German agencies there, the exemption of some individuals from anti-Jewish measures, instructions to various levels of public administration regarding Jewish matters, the processing of passports, repatriation, disciplinary actions, and grievances. It also includes records of steps taken to protect Hungarian citizens living abroad.

  20. Selected records of the Executive Office of the Hungarian Ministry of Internal Affairs (MOL K 148)

    Contains parliamentary interpellations (e.g., by the Nyilaskeresztes Párt (Arrow-Cross Party) MP Kálmán Hubay or the anti-Nazi MP Endre Bajcsy-Zsilinszky) to the Minister; the latter's responses; reports to the Minister regarding Jewish individuals (e.g., the Communist Endre Ságvári) and communities (e.g., of Békés county); the citizenship of Jews; the 1941 deportation of “stateless” Jews; exemptions of Jewish doctors from anti-Jewish measures; residence of Jews and Romanies; the November 1944 creation of the Budapest ghetto; war casualties; and others.