Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 10,641 to 10,660 of 56,066
  1. In Their Memory Colored pencil drawing made postwar by a former hidden child in memory of his sisters' death and cremation at Auschwitz

    Drawing created by Henri Bomblat, circa 2000, in memory of his sisters, Sarah and Rosette, who were killed at Auschwitz concentration camp. It depicts a crematorium with smokestacks with portraits of 2 young women. Above is a large closed eye inscribed with excerpts from the Kaddish. Sarah, age 22, was arrested in Paris on July 16, 1942, and deported to Auschwitz on September 23, 1942, where she was killed. Rosette, age 18, was arrested in Paris in 1943 with her colleagues in Colonie Scolaire, a Jewish charitable organization. She was sent to Drancy internment camp, then to Auschwitz on Jun...

  2. Twentieth Century Fox version, Reel 1: Early struggle for power; Reichstag; boycott; book burning; Hitler Youth

    Reel 1 of the English language version of "The Nazi Plan" produced by Twentieth Century Fox with new graphics. Credits and Title: Producer and Director: Ray Kellogg, Commander, U.S.N.R. Legal Supervision by James B. Donovan, Commander U.S.N.R. Search teams commanded by Budd Schulberg, Lieutenant U.S.N.R. See notes field for more credits. Unlike the German version of The Nazi Plan, the English version contains film material from non-German sources. Scenes of American soldiers on the newly-liberated streets of Germany switches to a close-up of film reels. The voiceover indicates that teams of...

  3. Neubiberg Air Force Base

    Neubiberg Air Force Base (9 km south of Munich). Pan (L to R) of truck trailer with "Camel Caravan to Berlin" painted on side, Fire Department, airport tower, sign "Field Elevation - 1800 ft", hangar. Small airplanes line grassy field. Airplane moves along runway, seen from inside plane with controls, view through windshield. Aerial views of war-damaged Germany. Return to AFB, planes on airfield.

  4. Jews of Uzbekistan

    A brief shot of a group of Jewish men wearing fur hats in Bukhara, Uzbekistan.

  5. Tourist sights in Brussels

    Jacoby family tours Brussels: street scenes, EXT buildings, stone monument, street, statue, Cinquantenaire Arch, lion statues, street scenes, train station.

  6. Jewish settlers move into new houses

    French intertitle. Jewish families move into a collective farm (kolkhoz) in the Kolkhida region of Georgia. High angle shot of a line of trucks on the road. Portraits of two older Jews. Men move furniture onto the trucks. The lead truck has a portrait of Stalin (?) on the front grill. Families arrive at their new homes and unpack their possessions.

  7. Orah Hoz Elgar papers

    Papers consist of correspondence written by Orah Hoz Elgar's mother who tried to persuade her brother-in-law, Rabbi Dr. David Gunsberg, to come to Israel, photographs of Gunsberg and his family, and documents relating to Gunsberg's deportation to Jasenovac and his family's deportation of Loborgrad.

  8. Russians/Bridge at Elbe River

    LS, the Mittellandkanal bridge across the Elbe River, supports of former bridge visible above water. Pan right to houses of village in trees along river. 01:12:02 LS across expanse of new wooden bridge built by Russians. Another shot across river to location of old bridge. Pan right to entryway of new bridge complete with carved wooden spires. Heads of two soldiers visible. 01:12:27 MCU shot of Russian and American officers. Three Russian soldiers lean over railing of bridge. LS angle to bridge, pan right along its length to other side and MS of Russian and American officers talking. 01:13:...

  9. Ilya Ehrenburg talks with Soviet soldiers in Koenigsberg

    The Soviet writer Ilya Ehrenburg talks with a group of Soviet soldiers in Koenigsberg. The camera pans around the circle of men around Ehrenburg, high angle shot. Nice close-up of Ehrenburg wearing a winter hat. A soldier shows him a rifle scope. Ehrenburg smiles and shakes hands with the men.

  10. Dwojra Frendlich Klajnman identification card

    One identification card (Arbeitskarte) number 72407 issued to Dwojra Frendlich Klajnman [donor's mother], in the Łódź ghetto. Dwojra Klajnman died on March 22, 1944 in the ghetto.

  11. Wolf Lubliner papers

    Identification card that was issued to Wolf Lubliner (later William Lubliner), a civilian internee of Mauthausen-Gusen, after his liberation by American forces in April 1945.

  12. On board SS Champlain

    Pan, deck of ship SS Champlain. Man with cigar. MSs, passengers on lounge chairs, playing shuffleboard, and volleyball.

  13. War Crimes Commission: Concentration Camps

    There are breaks between reels. The film begins with titles and affidavits attesting to the authenticity of the film material to follow. A quote from Robert Jackson is followed by affidavits from George Stevens and E. R. Kellogg. Both affidavits are shown on the screen as they are read aloud. An animated maps shows the locations of the largest prison and concentration camps in Germany and occupied Europe. 01:04:27 Title on screen: "Leipzig Concentration Camp" [Leipzig-Thekla, a sub-camp of Buchenwald]. Long shots of the camp while the narrator tells of the political prisoners who were burne...

  14. Lindenbaum and Landau families collection

    The Lindenbaum and Landau families collection contains photographs of the Lindenbaum and Landau families, circa 1900s-1945. The family photographs were taken in Łódź, Poland; Warsaw, Poland; the Warsaw ghetto; and Belgium. The photographs feature friends and family members and include both victims and survivors of the Holocaust. Photographs of Tobiasz and Curtla Lindenbaum include the couple around the turn of the century; a portrait of Tobiasz, undated; Curtla holding an umbrella at an unknown resort, undated; Curtla, two of her daughters, and a grandson riding in a droshky, undated; Cur...

  15. Soviet partisans behind enemy lines

    Snowy scenes of a town liberated and controlled by partisans behind enemy lines. A partisan with a rifle checks the papers of two women. Interior scenes of people working at a printing press producing leaflets or a newspaper. Partisans listen to radio communications. Men and women build a barbed wire fence and other fortifications. Women and children are evacuated from the town by plane. A female partisan camerawomen shoots footage of other partisans in the woods. The record indicates that she was killed shortly after this film was shot.

  16. Letterhead stationery of The Jewish Brigade kept by a young female recruit

    Letterhead acquired by 17 year old Jutta Rosen while serving in the Jewish Brigade of the British Army in Palestine after the war. The Brigade, established in British ruled Palestine in September 1944, fought against Nazi Germany in Italy from March 1945 until the end of the war in May. Postwar, the Brigade helped create displaced persons camps for Jewish survivors. Many Brigade members were involved in organizing the flight of Jewish refugees from eastern Europe and arranging their clandestine entry into Palestine. Britain disbanded it in summer 1946. In November 1938, after Kristallnacht,...

  17. Ring with a red heart and inmate numbers made from a spoon in a concentration camp

    Silver-colored finger ring made from a spoon by Leib Krycberg in Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland, where he was an inmate from 1942-45. It is engraved with the initials and prisoner numbers, of Leib and Miriam Litman, another prisoner with whom he had fallen in love. He made a duplicate ring for Miriam. In January 1945, both Leib and Miriam were deported from Auschwitz to Mauthausen concentration camp in Austria. After Mauthausen was liberated on May 5, 1945, Leib lived for three years in Arnstdorf displaced persons (DP) camp in Germany. During that time, he traveled to Italy to visit...

  18. Survivors at Lansdorf POW camp

    A sign in German points the way to the Russian section of the Lansdorf POW camp in Silesia. The prisoners were forced laborers in Germany. Shots of the barbed wire fences surrounding the camp. Russian soldiers remove survivors on stretchers from a barrack. Close-up on one of the emaciated men. Camp survivors, some of them wounded, file slowly past the camera toward the infirmary where nurses wait for them.

  19. Aerial views of war-damaged Germany along the Rhine from U.S. Air Force plane

    Aerial views of Germany and Belgium from USAF airplane. Snow-capped mountains. INT plane with male pilot (US soldier) chewing gum, controls. CU passenger (US soldier & presumably the cameraman). More aerial views, including Liege, Belgium, the city of Cologne, Rhine River, smokestacks, farmland, railroad tracks, the Cologne Cathedral, and castles along the Rhine. 01:07:48 Passenger deplanes and pilot waves to camera as he gets back into the plane. Airport (USAF base?), MSs large airplane. Brief shot of an interchange with two US soldiers, civilians in BG. Small airplane takes off.

  20. Russian civilians dig up German graves

    Men unearth the corpses of German soldiers in a snow-covered graveyard. They pull German helmets out of the graves and throw them onto the snow. Shots of the men digging up the corpses and dragging them out of the graves. They toss the corpses onto a burning pyre.