Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 5,461 to 5,480 of 56,066
  1. Prayer book

    Sukkot Mahzor, published in 1878, that belonged to Martha Bermann Loeb.

  2. Anti-Semitic & Anti-Communist Poster

    Jews Hiding Under a Table; printed for the "Grand Anti-Masonic Exhibition" in Belgrade. Image of Joseph Stalin inviting Churchill and Roosevelt to sit at the table under which Jews are hiding reading a book titled "a plan to bolshevize England and America."

  3. Photographic print of Elie Wiesel, 1977

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn613482
    • English
    • overall: Height: 8.810 inches (22.377 cm) | Width: 13.440 inches (34.138 cm) pictorial area: Height: 8.810 inches (22.377 cm) | Width: 13.440 inches (34.138 cm)

    Gelatin silver print depicting Elie Wiesel in 1977.

  4. Vilna broadside

    Bekanntmachtung Nr. 19 des Buergermeisters der Stadt Wilna [Notice No. 19, Mayor of Vilnius]; Vilnius, Lithuania; in German, Lithuanian, and Polish; Broadside issued on August 22, 1941 three months after the German occupation of Vilnius, ordering the refugees who arrived in the town after September 1, 1939, and who did not get Lithuanian citizenship until June 1940, to register in the municipal offices. The broadside also calls all of Vilnius residents to register in the police headquarters in their neighborhood and get an identity card. At the end, the broadside states that the decree does...

  5. Two short films: Hansi eats; Hansi grows up; amateur film equipment and studio; toys

    Lizzy Film Produktion. “Bei der Sause” Two people, possibly Jakob and mother, talk while a man eats with Hansi [Hans Otto Kessler]. Lizzy? (Hansi’s mother) sits down to eat. The family drinks coffee and breaks bread. “Wenn munt’re reden sie begleiten…” Hans learns how to cut bread. “Speck und jam passen gut zum kaffee” Hans feeds the man. “Die fetten bissen verschlingt der patterbom” The man with a mustache, possibly Lizzy’s father, cuts food for Hans. “Ende” 01:03:09 Lizzy Film Produktion “Dem leben eines” “Filmstars” “1 Teil” “Hansi beschӓftigt sich” “Die morgen lekture” “Hansi ist hier 2...

  6. Prayer book

    4 volume sete of holiday mazhors: First Days of Passover, Shavuot, Sukkot, and Last Days of Passover.

  7. Photographic print of two sisters

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn613480
    • English
    • overall: Height: 8.000 inches (20.32 cm) | Width: 10.000 inches (25.4 cm) pictorial area: Height: 7.310 inches (18.567 cm) | Width: 9.750 inches (24.765 cm)

    Gelatin silver print of two sisters in a village in Carpathian Ruthenia, ca. 1935-38.

  8. Files of the bailiff in Mogielnica Akta komornicze w Mogielnicy (Sygn.1326)

    Files of the bailiffs of Mogielnica, Poland, related to the recovery of Jewish debts. Selected cases relate to Jews from different towns and villages of the Grójec county, mainly from Mogielnica. The files generally contain documents typical for the execution of debt: a motion to the Court of Peace, the statement of a defendant, the claim of execution, i.e. the Verdict and Sentence of the Court of Peace, the warrant for execution, requisition of an estate on account of a debt, announcement of selling by auction, payment of the debt.

  9. Goering's birthday

    Hermann Goering; Emmy Sonnemann; Edda Goering; Hitler. Goering's birthday

  10. Cyprus photo album

    Album of 16 photographs from internment camps in Cyprus. Includes images presenting daily life in the camps; the dining hall; the workshops, including the amateur stone chiselers presenting the stone works they have created in the camp; and a a puppet theater. The inner side of the front binding is mounted with a photographic postcard bearing the Hebrew inscription "Souvenir from the Cyprus Exile 5709." On the front binding is a chisled stone plaque with image of the ship at sea, barbed wire, and the Hebrew inscription "Kafrisin 5708" [Cyprus 1948].

  11. Clarence Juech collection

    Collection of photographs and original negatives taken by Clarence Juech (donor’s father) who was a member of the 704th Tank Destroyer Battalion, 4th Armored Division, US Army that liberated the Ohrdruf concentration camp.

  12. Jewish Communities in Hamburg Jüdische Gemeinden Hamburg (522-1)

    Files for the administration and organization of the municipalities of the Jewish communities in Hamburg, the Religious Association ("Religionsverband") and the Reich Association of the Jews in Germany ( "Reichsvereinigung"), as well as personal files of its members. Files contain information on daily life and the treatment of Jews in Germany before and during the Nazi era (including deportations, administration of Jewish assets and correspondences). This collection contains mixed collections of original documents and reproductions which reside half at the Hamburg State Archive and half at ...

  13. Archives of the Jewish Community of Rhodes

    Registration cards of the Jewish families residing in Rhodes in 1939, registered by the local authorities in accordance with Italian Racial Laws of November 17, 1938.

  14. Amateur film of the liberation of Prague; Germans forced to breakdown barricades

    Montage of scenes from the liberation of Prague in May 1945, made up of footage shot by Bohumil Veselý in the area of ​​his residence. Most of the footage filmed near the intersection of streets and Vodickova School. Title of film. Another: “Ve 13. roce Hitlerovy vlády a v 7. roce našeho, protektorátu přišel konečně.” “KVETEN” and the number 5. “Dopoledne.” Morning. People in a Prague street. A man holds a white flag out of a window. A woman smiles. People outside of “ANTONIN KMENT.” Trolley car. Two people wave Czech flags out of a window. German soldiers on the street. People outside “Tsc...

  15. Court of the First Instance in Warsaw Sąd Grodzki w Warszawie (Sygn.1904)

    Selected files of the cases investigated by the Court of the First Instance, Civil Court and Criminal Court, in Warsaw, Poland, during the inter-war years. The files mainly relate to: estates (e.g. cases concerning portioning out family property), payments of rent and expulsion from apartments, as well as cases concerning dues of different kinds. Records reconstruct some aspects of everyday Jewish life during the inter-war period.

  16. Cohn family photographs

    Photographs of donor's family from Solotvina, Transcarpathia, who perished in the Holocaust.

  17. Transfer agreement certificate

    Certificate of confirmation of money transfer to the "Ha'avara" company, owned jointly by the Anglo-Palestine Bank and the Jewish Agency. Printed certificate with typed details and the signature of a representative of the Anglo-Palestine Bank

  18. Newborn child welcomed into the Frank family

    EXTs hospital in Munich (where Brigitte Frank gave birth to each of her 5 children), snow on ground. Hans Frank steps out of a car with license plate reading: "IIA - 23818." INTs, CUs of newborn child, possibly Brigitte (Gitty) born in January 1935. Family members pose with mother Brigitte and baby - Lily (Hans Frank's sister) on left. Nurses. Flowers in the room. On the sidewalk with a tram behind, the children - Sigrid and Norman - push the baby in a pram, with mother Brigitte and a nanny. Sigrid mimics the cameraman. INT shots of woman holding newborn child.

  19. BDM (League of German Girls)

    League of German Girls, artillery, rescued ship wreck

  20. Nazi advance

    AGFA 8 1942. Map. Marching. Cemetery. Destruction. Boats. Tannenberg.