Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 5,481 to 5,500 of 56,066
  1. Olympic Games 1936; parade

    Olympic Games of 1936, Infantry regiment 66 on maneuver and parade

  2. Occupation of Norway

    Western Campaign, Fieseler Storch, care for war prisoners, Luftwaffe, captured weapons

  3. Nazi local party organization festivity

    BDM (League of German Girls), Jungvolk (Hitler Youth aged ten to fourteen years), SS

  4. Asriel and Mascha Berkmann papers

    The collection contains documents, correspondence, and photographs relating to Asriel and Mascha Berkmann’s experiences in concentration camps during the Holocaust, and in Munich, Germany after the war. Included are identification documents; immigration papers; documents regarding Asriel’s involvement with the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in Bavaria and the Jewish Committee Munich; correspondence; an affidavit signed by 30 prisoners at Dachau concentration camp stating that Asriel was also there and worked to help his fellow prisoners; a document stating that no paperwork exists rega...

  5. Rail Zeppelin

    Rail Zeppelin, Entry and movement through the Ruhr area, 1931. With German title cards.

  6. Remains of Lidice in June 1942

    Lidice, June 10-24, 1942. This film was made by Czech filmmakers for the newsreel "Aktualita" and discovered in a secret German archive in Prague in 1945. It documents the immediate aftermath of the Lidice tragedy, where 173 men were murdered and the town was set on fire by members of the Gestapo from Kladno and Prague. Section 6 of the RAD was summoned to remove all external evidence of this Nazi crime and was housed in nearby barracks. SS officers and the leader of the Kladno Gestapo, Wiesmann, can be seen in the footage. Two Czech filmmakers were already in Lidice on June 10, 1942. The m...

  7. Anton Mason collection

    Collection of copy prints documenting family and friends of Anton Meisner (later Mason) [donor's late husband] before the war in Sighet, Romania, and after the war in Paris, France.

  8. Hafftka and Jonisch families photographs

    The collection documents the Holocaust era experiences of the Hafftka family of Częstochowa, Poland and the Jonisch family of Żarki, Poland. Included are photographs of Ola Hafftka (née Jonsich), her husband Aleksander Hafftka, and their daughter Sylvia Hafftka (now Sylvia Smoller), along with other family members. Also included are photographs of the Hie Maru, the ship that Ola, Aleksander, and Sylvia sailed on from Kobe, Japan to Seattle, Washington in 1941 after obtaining Japanese visas from Chiune Sugihara. Additionally, there is an identification card of Ola’s from Warsaw, Poland.

  9. Baby Wilhelmina

    Dark and grainy, Willie looks at the camera from her crib, and crawls on the floor of her room

  10. Film compiled by German showing Leipzig before and after WW2

    Intertitle: “W.L Film 70.” “Leipzig in Frieden u. Krieg.” “Von Walther Lenger Leipzig.” “Walter Lenger zeigt seinen GroR-Film: Leipzig in Frieden, Krieg. Und Wiederaufbau.” Walter Lenger loads a film reel. “Streiflichter.” The woman and man who were eating a seaside lunch in Film 37 in front of the tower with the fire burning at the top. Split screen shots of buildings in Leipzig. Words on the train station read, “BAYRISCHER BAHNHOF.” Troops march through the streets. Men in canoes. One hangs from the rafters of a bridge. 10:42:22 Intertitle: “Leipziger Messe.” A building reads, “AUSSTELLUN...

  11. Estonia 1941-1945

  12. Dr. David Abraham Rosenberg collection

    Contains two stereoscopic German propaganda photographs depicting Polish Jews at forced labor and the burning of "Jewish beds" in the market place in Myslenice, Poland.

  13. Collection of underground prints and anti-Hitler flyers Zbiór podziemnych druków i antyhitlerowskich ulotek (Sygn. 128)

    Collection of various German prints (27) and Polish anti-Hitler flyers (84) published and distributed during the war.

  14. County Command of the State Police in Opatów Komenda Powiatowa Policji Państwowej w Opatowie (Sygn. 1186)

    Reports and information from police informers relating to political, social and labor organizations, correspondence and various records related to Communist activities among Jews in Opatów.

  15. Selected records of the Court of the First Instance in Chęciny Sąd Grodzki w Chęcinach (Sygn. 1155)

    Records of the Court Grodzki in Chęciny related to Jews. Files usually consist of the following information: the date of the trial, the plaintiff’s name, the defendant’s name, a short description of the cause of litigation, the date of verdict, etc., as well as information about the trials in which Jews from Chęciny were participants.

  16. Portrait created by a Dutch internee at Drancy transit camp

    Portrait drawing of an unidentified man created by Max Van Dam, a Dutch artist, during his internment at Drancy transit camp in German occupied Paris, France, in February 1943. Van Dam was later deported to Sobibor killing center, where he perished.

  17. Sondergericht Warschau Sąd Specjalny w Warszawie (Sygn. 643/III)

    Selected files of criminal cases from the German Special Court in Warsaw (Sondergericht Warschau). Note: Related collections are available at the USHMM:: RG-15.267, Staatsanwaltschaft bei dem Sondergericht Warschau (Sygn. 1601/III), and RG-15.268, Sąd Niemiecki w Warszawie (Sygn.1207/III).

  18. Soldiers in France; Gigant aircraft in development

    German soldiers in France, meal distribution, Namur station. Compiegne, Ruinen station, electric locomotive. French prisoners. 07:49 Poland, winter, village, rubble, Warsaw. Horses. Tanks. Zichenau. 16:28 1940/41 Leipheim and Obertraubling military airfield, development of the Messerschmitt "Gigant" ["giant"]. Towing with three He 111s, star-launch missiles, giant with six engines. Landing, takeoff at Eggemühl. Rudolf Hess, Theo Croneiss, the directors Rakan Kokothaki and Hentzen. Hanna Reitsch.

  19. Images of Old Berlin

    Men on bicycles, swastika flags, buses, traffic police, "Henko advertising," subway, cafe, equestrian statue of Frederick the Great, women in costume, Nazi music train, roller skaters

  20. Rubel family papers

    The Rubel family papers consist of letters and postcards exchanged between Ferdinand and Else Rubel, originally of Steinbach am Donnersberg, Germany, who had immigrated to the United States, and loved ones in Nazi-occupied Europe. The bulk of the correspondence is addressed to Ferdinand and Else Rubel in New York by friends and family members imprisoned in the Gurs, Rivesaltes, and Noé internment camps. The letters and postcards relay gratitude for letters, packages, and money transfers; describe the poverty and illness in the camps and worries about relatives selected for labor detail; and...