Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 54,661 to 54,680 of 55,871
  1. The Society for the Protection of Majdanek (since 1945)

    The fund numbers 993 units and includes the materials documenting the activities of the Society for the Protection of Majdanek.

  2. Polish-Soviet Extraordinary Commission to Examine Crimes in the Area of the Concentration Camp at Majdanek (1944)

    Part of the materials collected in connection with the activities of the Polish-Soviet Extraordinary Commission, mainly reports documenting the work of the commission (like the inspection of the area of the former camp and witness interrogation reports).

  3. NKVD camp

    The materials, most of which are photocopies, are connected with the NKVD camp functioning in the area of Majdanek from autumn 1944.

  4. Women’s Auxiliary Army Service (1942-1944)

    The records of the Women’s Auxiliary Army Service, the organization which operated from 1942 at the Headquarters of the Home Army in the Lublin District. Most documents are connected with the organizational issues of the Women’s Auxiliary Army Service.

  5. OPUS - Central Underground Care (1943-1944)

    The records of OPUS Central Underground Care include the reports from the Lublin district of the Home Army concerning the activity of the occupational authorities, such as reports from arrests of the Home Army soldiers and the financial situations of their families. This fund also includes the reports drawn up on the basis of the information about the situation in the camp provided by the Home Army soldiers imprisoned at Majdanek, and lists of prisoners’ names. The OPUS documents arrived at the Archives of the State Museum at Majdanek in 1971.

  6. Polish Red Cross – Lublin District (1939-1946)

    The records of the Polish Red Cross handed over to the Archives of the State Museum at Majdanek in 1957. The materials are connected with the activity of the Polish Red Cross in the Lublin district in the years 1939-1946. They include: the personal records of the prisoners of Majdanek and the Lublin Castle, who received parcels from their families by hand of the Polish Red Cross; postcards confirming the receipt of the parcels; lists of Polish soldiers who were wounded or killed in 1939; and a register of former forced labourers, people coming back from the camps, refugees and foreigners lo...

  7. Einsatz Reinhardt – Materiallager Chopinstr. 27

    The fund numbers 13 units, most of which contain the books of the warehouses at 27 Chopin Street, where stolen Jewish property was stored as well as the lists of valuables and money taken away from the Jews imprisoned at Majdanek. Apart from the books, the fund includes the orders placed by occupational offices and individual people for different things stored in the warehouses as well as the receipts.

  8. KL Lublin Administration 1941-1944

    Records created by the offices of the concentration camp at Majdanek in the years 1941-1944. The fund numbers 318 units, in which 17700 various documents are stored, such as: personal records of the prisoners and crew members, orders of release, reports of incoming transports, lists, prisoners’ sickness cards and work cards, cloths and money registers, and death books.

  9. Sąd Okręgowy w Tarnowie

    Akta spraw o sygnaturze III Ka 1941-1943 (sygn. 33/533/1-703) Akta spraw o sygnaturze III 1 S 1940-1941 (sygn. 33/533/704-707) Akta spraw o sygnaturze I C 1940-1944 (sygn. 33/533/708-801) Akta spraw o sygnaturze I N 1941-1942 (sygn. 33/533/802-809) Akta spraw o sygnaturze III S 1941-1943 (sygn. 33/533/ 810-812) Rejestr Handlowy dla Spółek z o.o., Spółek Akcyjnych i Towarzystw Ubezpieczeń Wzajemnych Tom II 1909-1941 (sygn. 33/533/813) Wykazy gmin ( gromad) 1935-1942 (sygn. 33/533/814) Biegli i tłumacze 1941 (sygn. 33/533/815) Inwentarz biurowy 1942-1943 (sygn. 33/533/816) Mieszkania służbowe...

  10. Sąd Okręgowy w Tarnowie

    Akta spraw o sygnaturze I C 1945-1950 (sygn. 33/532/1-18) Akta spraw o sygnaturze III K 1945-1950 (sygn. 33/532/19-51, 58-123) Akta sprawy o sygnaturze III Ko 1946 (sygn. 33/532/52) Akta spraw o sygnaturze VI K 1947-1949 (sygn. 33/532/53-57) Akta spraw o sygnaturze VII K 1949 (sygn. 33/532/124-134) Akta spraw o sygnaturze III KAD 1950 (sygn. 33/532/135-232) Akta spraw o sygnaturze V K 1947-1949 (sygn. 33/532/233-280) Akta spraw o sygnaturze VI Ko 1947-1948 (sygn. 33/532/281-282) Akta spraw o sygnaturze IV Ks 1945-50 (sygn. 33/532/283-491, 33/532/757-793) Akta spraw o sygnaturze III KPS 1946...

  11. Akta cechów rzemieślniczych w Tuchowie

    Akta Związku Rzemieślniczego Żydowskiego 1941 (sygn. 33/218/1) Akta Cechu Rzemieślniczego Zbiorowego 1945-1946 (sygn. 33/218/2)

  12. Starostwo Powiatowe w Tarnowie

    • Kreishauptmannschaft in Tarnów
  13. Gmina Wiśniowa

    Akta z lat (1942) 1945-1954 Sprawy organizacyjne, protokoły sesji, prezydium, zarządu (sygn.32/33/1-7, 26-29) Kontrole (sygn.32/33/8) Budżety i roczne sprawozdania rachunkowe 1945-1950 (sygn.32/33/9-21) Majątek gminy (sygn.32/33/32) Rolnictwo 1951-1954 (sygn.32/33/33) Sprawy ogólnogospodarcze, oświata, kultura i sztuka (sygn.32/33/22-25) Sprawy budowlane 1946-1953 (sygn.32/33/34-36)

  14. Zarząd Miejski w Jordanowie

    Budżet administracyjny na rok 1940-1941 (sygn.31/1212/1)

  15. Prasa okupacyjna

  16. Kherson Regional Extraordinary Commission to Investigate the Crimes of the German-Fascist Invaders in the Territory of the Kherson Region at the Executive Committee of the Kherson Regional Council of Toilers’ Deputies, City of Kherson (Kherson Region)

    The fond includes a single inventory systematized chronologically. Documents held in the fond include a report of the Regional Extraordinary State Commission summing up the assessment of damages caused by and the investigation of crimes committed by the occupiers in the Kherson region, which contains, among other things, information on murders of Jews (including 10,000 persons in the city of Kherson) and on the functioning of the Kherson ghetto; proceedings of the Commission from 1944-45 on the investigation of the mass execution of 8,780 Jews in anti-tank ditches near the village of Zeleno...