Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 22,341 to 22,360 of 56,066
  1. Goodman family collection

    Oral history interviews with Rachel Goodman and William Goodman

  2. Nathan Zepell collection

    Nathan Zepell's oral testimony and presentations about his experiences as a survivor of Buchenwald concentration camp

  3. Zelda Abramson collection

    Oral history interviews produced by Zelda Abramson as research for her book The Montreal Shtetl: Making Home After the Holocaust

  4. Oral history interviews of the John Shelton Ivany collection

    Oral history interviews with David, Joe, and Paul Halpern.

  5. Elisabeth Orsten family collection

    The collection consists of two memoirs and cutlery relating to the experiences of Elizabeth M. Ornstein (later Orsten) and her family in Vienna, Austria, before and during the Holocaust, and the Ornstein family’s immigration to the United States.

  6. George Rodger and Alina Szapocznikow collection

    The collection consists of photos taken by George Rodger of Bergen-Belsen at liberation as well as a silver cigarette case created in Bergen-Belsen given to fellow internee Alina Szapocznikow (1942-1943). Both were received by the donor.

  7. Greenbaum family collection

    The collection consists of books, a poster, a pamphlet, documents, photographs, and letters documenting the experiences of Henry Greenbaum, his family, and his wife, Esther Stern, in Gąbin, Poland, Romania, and France, before, during, and after the Holocaust.

  8. Honigsberg family collection

    The collection consists of a passport, report cards, photographs, and handicrafts made by the donor in Germany. The donor and her family came to the US from Hamburg in 1939.

  9. Peter Vanlaw collection

    Photographs, a diary, correspondence, artwork, documentary film, and oral testimony depicting the lives of the Vanlaw (Weinlaub) and Natzler families in prewar Germany.

  10. Forrest James Robinson, Jr. collection

    The collection consists of a poster stamp and photographic print of an Associated Press photo.

  11. Arthur and Meta Grunebaum Schmitt collection

    The collection consists of military artifacts and documents, photographs, correspondence, documents, and a dictionary relating to the experiences of Arthur (Abraham) Schmitt and Meta (Miriam) Grunebaum Schmitt and their families in Germany and the United States before, during, and after World War II.

  12. Jim Robinson collection

    The collection consists of pin-back buttons, pamphlets, advertisements, handbills, and similar materials relating to American interest groups, organizations, and institutions expressing support or opposition to American involvement in World War II and a range of associated political and social groups.

  13. Oberlender family collection

    The collection consists of documents and DP era scrip pertaining to the experiences of Martin and Betty Oberlender, both Survivors of the Holocaust.

  14. Halina Peabody collection

    The collection consists of a makeup compact and beaded bag that belonged to donor’s aunt who perished during the Holocaust.

  15. Bund family collection

    The collection consists of travel documentation, correspondence, and luggage tags relating to the Bund family's immigration to the United States in 1938.

  16. Bellows family collection

    Photographs and an oral testimony from Marvin Bellows who served with the US Army during WWII and was present at the rededication of the synagogue in Bad Nauheim, Germany following the end of the war

  17. Jewish community in Częstochowa and German propaganda collection

    The collection consists of photographs and postcards documenting the life of the Jewish community in Czestochowa between 1946-1949, and a propaganda poster propagating a thesis about the military threat faced by a disarmed Germany published in 1934.