Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 22,301 to 22,320 of 56,066
  1. Leopold Guttman collection

    The collection consists of three military medals, metal tags, and a medal attached to a Magen David necklace, documents, a photograph album, and photographs relating to the experiences of Leopold Guttman, before, during, and after World War II, during which he served in the Belgian Army and was imprisoned in a German stalag. as a member of the Belgian army.

  2. Oral history interviews of the "There Once Was a Town" documentary film collection

    Video recordings and supplementary paper material (transcripts and film logs) produced for the documentary film "There Once Was a Town."

  3. Aleksander Rebbe photograph collection

    Photographs of Aleksander Rebbe and oral history testimonies of mother and grandmother (Israel Farber)

  4. David Klein collection

    The collection consists of stamps, stamped envelopes, scrip, correspondence, receipts, etc. to/from multiple concentration camps including Auschwitz Birkenau, Buchenwald, Neuengamme, Mauthausen Natzweiler, and internment camps in Mauritius and Westerbork, and official post-war documents from Bergen-Belsen and Feldafing displaced persons camps.

  5. Schmidek family collection

    Consists of documents, photographs, correspondence, and passport pertaining to Julie Schlamme, Thekla Schlamme Schmidek, and Norbert Schmidek. Included is also documentation of the extended Schlamme and Schmidek families. The collection also includes an oral history interview with Inge Maerowitz.

  6. Fred Lindheim family collection

    The collection consists of correspondence, documents, memoirs, photographs, and publications relating to the experiences of Fred (Horst) Henry Lindheim, his parents, Berthold and Hertha, and his extended family in prewar Frankfurt, Germany, and during the Holocaust when Fred Lindheim was sent on a Kindertransport to Belgium until his parents were able to obtain visas for the family to emigrate to England and then the United States.

  7. RuSHA racial science posters collection

    The collection consists of two lithographed wall charts produced by The Race and Settlement Main Office (RuSHA) to teach racial hygiene in Nazi Germany.

  8. Anholt and Joosten families collection

    Postcard written by Herman Joosten who was from Zaltbommel, Netherlands to his sister upon his imminent deportation to the Westerbork internment camp in The Netherlands. From there he was eventually deported to the Malapane slave labor camp in Poland. Additional documents, surrounding the Anholt and Joosten families, a cigar box and scrip.

  9. Salomon family collection

    Photographs illustrating pre-war and post-war life of Alexander Salomon, born in Satu-Mare, Romania and his wife Amalia (nee Rosenbaum) born in Tiszaferegy Haza, in what is today Czech Republic, and their children Michael, Morris and Elizabeth born between 1939-1941 in Satu-Mare, Romania. The family remained in Satu-Mare in hiding during the Holocaust and lived in Bindermichl and Ebelsberg displaced persons camps in Linz, Austria after the war. Materials also include oral and written testimonies that discuss the experiences of the Salomon family and their family friend Livia Szabo.

  10. Oral history interviews of the Aaron and Esther Cohen collection

    Oral history interviews produced by Aaron Cohen and Esther Cohen in Mexico City, Mexico.

  11. John L. Spanier family collection

    The collection consists of a fraternity medallion, correspondence, documents, manuscripts, and photographs relating to the experiences of Lothar (John L.) Spanier and his family in Berlin, Germany, before and during the Holocaust, and of John after his emigration to the United States in 1939.

  12. Kurt Fisch collection

    The collection consists of archival papers and three rubber stamps captured from the Hermann Goering Division in Italy.

  13. Annette and Franz R. Hollo collection

    Consists of two videotaped oral histories with Franz Robert Hollo, originally of Vienna, Austira, and Annette Drechsler Hollo, originally of Paris, France. Also includes short descriptions of the wartime experiences of Franz Robert Hollo, originally of Vienna, Austria, and Annette Drechsler Hollo, originally of Paris, France. The Hollos both spent part of the war in hiding--Franz in Hungary in 1944 and Annette in France from 1942-1944--as well as a photograph of Franz and his sister Veronica in 1939 and a copyprint of Annette, ca. 1941.

  14. Robert Alden collection

    The collection consists of artifacts relating to the experiences of Robert Alden as a soldier in the United States Army during World War II when he participated in the liberation of concentration camps in Germany.

  15. Eva Biro Slott family collection

    The collection consists of correspondence, documents, and a memoir relating to the experiences of Eva Biro Slott and her family during the Holocaust in the ghetto and in hiding in Budapest, Hungary, as well as two identification tags relating to the experiences of her cousin, Arie Kadar, as a prisoner of war in a German stalag.

  16. Edith Hamberg Tarcov collection

    The collection consists of textiles (dinner napkins) entrusted to Edith Hamberg Tarcov, the donor’s mother, by her grandparents during the Holocaust when she emigrated from Hannover Germany.

  17. Young German Order collection

    The collection consists of a photograph album, documents, and artifacts related to the "Young German Order."

  18. Oral history interviews of the "Heaven in Auschwitz" documentary film collection

    Oral history interviews produced for the documentary film "Heaven in Auschwitz"