Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 21,461 to 21,480 of 56,066
  1. Norbert Troller greeting cards

    The Norbert Troller greeting cards collection consists of 10 greeting cards designed by Norbert Troller, a survivor of the Theresienstadt ghetto, and sent to Erna Korner, 1970-1971, 1973-1978, 1982.

  2. Ruth Fiszel poem

    Poem written by Ruth Fiszel, a friend of Rosa Nisenholz, while both were interned in a forced labor camp, Deutsche Wolvaren Manufaktur Greeberg. Heading of poem reads, "Der lieben kleinen Rosa zum Andenken an Ruth Fiszel." (For dear little Rosa with remembrances from Ruth Fiszel).

  3. Peter C. Hereld papers

    The papers consist of an "Arbeitsbuch" issued to Peter Herzfeld (Hereld) in Hannover, Germany, in 1936, a "Reisepass" issued to Peter Herzfeld (Hereld) in Hannover, Germany, in 1928, and a notarized photostat of a passport for Peter Hereld.

  4. Niels Bamberger papers

    The papers consist of ration cards, a passport, a newspaper clipping, correspondence, and other documents relating to Niels Bamberger's escape from Denmark to Sweden during World War II.

  5. Renée Fritz papers

    Photographs range from 1945 to 1971, depicting Renée Fritz at various locations in Belgium and France. Documents include a page of a notepad stamped with a Star of David and two letters from Dachau concentration camp.

  6. Österreich-Institut photograph collection

    The collection consists of 17 copies of photographs depicting Nazi activity in Austria, including the persecution of Jews.

  7. Arbeitspolizei arrest announcement

    The announcement of arrest was issued by the Arbeitspolizei in the ghetto in Vilna, Poland (now Vilnius, Lithuania).

  8. Sachsenhausen prisoner Letter

    The letter was written by an anonymous prisoner at Sachsenhausen concentration camp.

  9. Application form

    The form is an application to serve in the Emergency Section of the French Red Cross (Croix-Rouge française) during World War II. One line reads: "Je declare n'etre pas Juif" (I declare I am not a Jew).

  10. Road Building Project Near Auschwitz

    Men working on a road building project. VAR shots of construction, workers and a tractor. Closeup of sign: "Strassenbaugesellschaft / W. Schallinger u. Co. / Wien / Zweigniederlassung Krakau / Baubuero Jedrzejow"

  11. Howard Cwick papers

    Consists of 35 negatives, eleven photoprints, and twenty copyprints of the Buchenwald concentration camp at liberation. Also contains a memoir entitled "It Happened in Germany," 21 pages, by Howard Cwick, a sergeant in the Third United States Army. Mr. Cwick participated in the liberation of Buchenwald and describes his experiences as a Jewish soldier on liberation day.

  12. Red Cross magazine (Garden City, New York) [Magazine]

    Issue of the Red Cross magazine which includes the article, "The Greatest Horror in History: An Authentic Account of the Armenian Atrocities," (p. 7-15) illustrated with six photographs, about the Armenian genocide by Henry Morganthau Sr., former United States ambassador to Turkey.

  13. The All American Paraglide [Newspaper]

    Printed on Victory in Europe (VE) Day by the 82nd "All American" Airborne Division.

  14. Ursula Horn papers

    The Ursula Horn papers consist of identification papers, passports, and correspondence documenting Edgar and Gertrude Israel, their immigration from Germany to the United States with their daughter, Ursula, in 1939, and their family members who remained in Berlin and Zerbst, Germany. Biographical materials include 1939 German identification papers and passports for Edgar and Gertrude Israel. Correspondence include four letters with envelopes and an empty envelope written in December 1940 to Edgar and Gertrude Israel from relatives Gertrud Israel, Adolph and Agnes Israel, Frida Israel, and M...

  15. Sidney Peerless photographs

    The photographs depict scenes from the liberation of concentration camps. Ten of the photographs were taken by the United States Army Signal Corps.

  16. Irvin Wittwer photographs

    The collection consists of photographs depicting the Mauthausen concentration camp after liberation by the United States Army, as well as scenes from Gallneukirchen, Austria, Rodach, Germany, Bayreuth, Germany, and Cham, Germany.

  17. Leslie J. Kinney photographs

    The Leslie J. Kinney photographs depict scenes from the liberation of the Buchenwald concentration camp. These images include piles of victims’ corpses, United States soldiers, and the buildings and gallows within the camp.

  18. Lawrence Wildermuth photographs

    Contains photographs depicting scenes of Buchenwald concentration camp at its liberation in 1945.

  19. Certificate of good conduct

    The "Führungszeugnis" was issued by the President's office, Department 2M, Berlin, Germany, and states that Herbert Israel Moses [donor] has lived in Berlin since birth, has no police record, has never transgressed against social order, has shown no mental deviance, and has never begged. The certificate was valid for purposes of emigration for 3 weeks from the date issued.

  20. Eric Korf Ausschliessungsschein Certificate

    The certificate is an "Ausschliessungsschein" (exclusion document), excluding Eric Korf from registering for military service because he is Jewish; issued by the Draft Board in Vienna, Austria, June 2, 1939.