Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,381 to 20,400 of 56,066
  1. Pacific Islands Campaign

    Part 4: Japanese planes attack ships off Saipan. US troops land on islands off New Guinea. Troops fight and supplies are dropped on Guam. Women and children are fed and treated at field hospitals.

  2. Warsaw after bombing 1939, aerial views

    Low aerial shots of Warsaw after bombing.Warschau 1939 (in German print) Nuer fuer den Dienstgebrauch! Dies ist ein geheimes Gegenstand im Sinne des 88 Reichs Strafgesetzbuchs (04/24/34) [I.e,. secret, military documentation.] Low aerial of city. Buildings some with smoke. Bombed out houses and apartment blocks. Thick black scratch. Facade of big municipal buildings, interior bombed out. Pan up wreckage of brick building, wrought iron balconies, twisted to sky. View down an alley, bombed out buildings. MS and MLS QF, people and sidewalk, deserted rubble of courtyard. Pedestrians. Rain soake...

  3. Germans in Occupied Ukraine

    Footage shot by a German cameraman during Germany's occupation of Ukraine in World War II. Footage with German photographers traveling through the Ukraine photographing cities, villages, and collective farms. The most extensive footage is taken with a female photographer from her trip to Ukraine in the summer of 1943. She traveled by plane and car from southern Ukraine (the Melitopol region) just north of Crimea, then along the Dnepr River northward over Dnepropetrovsk to Kiev and then due west to Rovno and then the border of General Government. Reel 10, Agricultural labor. 06:25:15 Woman p...

  4. March of Time -- outtakes -- Jewish Relief Committees

    Woburn House, Bloomsbury, London. Headquarters of the Jewish Relief Committees. Interior, dark, big busy room, older men sitting at tables, women too waiting to be seen, people asking questions. Stock shots of Orientation signs in German on doorways. Refugees in line at desk to receive immediate dispensation of funds from Mr. Nathan (according to MoT card) for needy including women with infants. MS and CU of those waiting and of money and coins on table. 02:33:23 MS Mr. I.B. Davidson of Jewish Aid Committee speaks of enormous cost of helping refugees, thanks non-Jewish friends who have cont...

  5. Jewish men; market scenes in Warsaw

    Intertitles appear in Yiddish and English. "A Rabbinical Type." CU, Jewish man with beard smoking pipe stands adjacent to a fence. Group of children. Pan, outdoor market scene. Crowds, vendors.

  6. Seder plate given to a US army chaplain at Foehrenwald dp camp

    Seder plate given to Nathan Abramowitz, Chaplain in the United States Army. It was used by Holocaust survivors post-liberation at Foehrenwald displaced persons camp, near Munich, Germany. The original 10 1/4" ceramic Passover Seder plate was manufactured with the help of the "Joint" in 1948 in the Foehrenwald displaced persons camp near Munich, Germany by some of the homeless Holocaust survivors then living in Europe. The hand-made pottery piece made of clay with the green glaze, containing streaks that the crafters controlled by dripping the glaze during application. The plate contains the...

  7. German antisemitic/anti-American propaganda newsreel

    Part 1, Jewish American woman receives award contrasted to those who live in "ghetto," shots of Jewish neighborhoods, people in store picking out material, Jewish merchant behind counter, Hebrew signs, shots of frenzied activity of Stock Exchange, CU of money being counted. LaGuardia gesturing at man at desk, going up ladder, CU as he makes speech. Background music throughout is jazz swing.

  8. Danish rescue mission; refugees arrive in Sweden

    Danish Jews fleeing to Sweden in 1943 and arrive at the refugee center. Boat at shoreline. Group of men chopping wood. Pan, refugees gather in reception hall in Sweden. CU, baby, children. Quick shot of boat. Interviews. Chopping wood. Line of refugees. Medical examinations. Photographs taken. Pan, line. CUs, food, two women serving food. Diplomats, office. Boat in water.

  9. City Scenes of Bucharest

    A Post Film. Various travelogue shots of Bucharest.

  10. Caviar factory; fishermen in Krakow

    There are burn-in time codes on the intermediate Betacam SP (Protection) video. There is no way to order a clean copy. CUs man and boys speaking. CU, camera (Leica factory). Caviar factory, worker packs and cases caviar for distribution. Slow pan of port with boats, fisherman, fish.

  11. Liberation of Ebensee concentration camp: caring for sick survivors; crematorium

    (color) Traun Lake and castle in the town of Ebensee. Local Austrians. Roadside statue of Jesus. Town street scene, men walking, guest-house. CU, baby in carriage. Mountains. Good views of Ebensee concentration camp, electrified barbed wire fence, barracks. Men carry large pots of soup. Survivors walk past camera in striped uniforms, one is quite young. CUs, survivors, some with red triangles, eating. Pan, emaciated inmates, some lying on stretchers. American soldiers with the US Air Force and USAF ambulances in the BG. Soldiers (some African-Americans) help the sick on stretchers into ambu...

  12. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 5 kronen note

    Scrip, valued at 5 kronen, issued in the Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto-labor camp in 1943. All currency was confiscated from deportees upon entry and replaced with scrip and ration coupons that could be exchanged only in the camp. The Theresienstadt camp existed for 3.5 years, from November 24, 1941 to May 9, 1945. It was located in a region of Czechoslovakia occupied by Germany, renamed the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and made part of the Greater German Reich.

  13. Pharmacy? in ghetto

    INTs of what appears to be a pharmacy. VAR pans of empty shelves, empty bottles. Man in ragged jacket (pharmacist?).

  14. Jewish police

    Jewish Police sequence: CU of commander; double line of police at attention (all turn their heads, German military style). CUs of several policemen. Police march by camera, pan down to boots. VAR policeman at check point, checking papers, chasing children. See Emanuel Ringelblum's diary, May 7, 1942

  15. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 1 krone note

    Scrip, valued at 1 krone, issued in the Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto-labor camp in 1943. All currency was confiscated from deportees upon entry and replaced with scrip and ration coupons that could be exchanged only in the camp. The Theresienstadt camp existed for 3.5 years, from November 24, 1941 to May 9, 1945. It was located in a region of Czechoslovakia occupied by Germany, renamed the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and made part of the Greater German Reich.

  16. Street scenes

    Street scene with pedestrians: two poor children stand with arms around each other; poor, desperate woman carrying a baby paces back and forth in the street, crying out. Street traffic passes by in foreground.

  17. Teheran Conference

    President Roosevelt meets with Churchill and Joseph Stalin at Teheran. Churchill's daughter Sarah is introduced to Stalin. According to UN contents sheet: "Backed by the greatest concentration of military power in history, the Teheran Conference broadcasts its official communique to the world: "We, the President of the Unites States of America, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, and the Premier of the Soviet Union, have met and expressed our determination that our nations shall work together in the war and in the peace that will follow. The common understanding which we have here reached ...

  18. March of Time -- outtakes -- Refugees board ship in Lisbon

    Large crowd of people wave to those aboard "Serpa Pinto." Ship waits for 1500 children from France. At last minute, Germans do not let children leave France. Most are Jews and were assisted by American charitable organizations. Only 40 of these children get to Portugal. Men at table check passenger documents prior to boarding. Children are assisted up gangway; boy and girl at document table. More people, including more children, board ship, go up gangway toward camera. Good shots of children. LS departure of "Serpa Pinto" against sun. People waving from ship. LS Boarding of American Export ...

  19. Men undressed/examined; food, shops, cafe

    Sign and chart, "Fleckfieberkrankungen bei...Typhus. 1940 1941 1942" Interiors: VAR thin men and boys undress, CU dirty feet; naked, they are checked for lice, get rough haircuts. VAR CU and MCU men scratching, bone-thin naked bodies, lice-infested scalps. VAR modern sanatorium: ext views of building in tree-filled, sunny setting; patients on porch, blanketed, reading, nurses; people chatting, sitting outdoors on benches. People at food shop/indoor cafe; appealing display at counter; waiters serve well-dressed crowd at tables.

  20. Rauter Trial, Westerbork

    "Neerlands Nieuws / Polygoon Profilti" "Het Proces Rauter Opens with the trial of Hanns Rauter, an Austrian who was the highest SS official in Nazi-occupied Holland and who was tasked with setting up Westerbork and Vught 02:19:44 The judge's voice, presumably reading the indictment, over footage of well dressed civilians wearing stars either arriving at Westerbork or boarding for deportation to Auschwitz or Belsen. Men, women, and children. Good shots of Dutch military police on duty. Back to Rauter sitting at the trial. 02:20:12 Men wearing wooden clogs getting off train at Westerbork lini...