Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,341 to 20,360 of 56,066
  1. Hungarian Jews being led to a death march

    In Gyor, Jews from Hungary are being led to a death march. LS of line of people, dressed for cold weather, MSs, CUs. Some wear stars, many look at camera.

  2. Arrow Cross Takeover

    Battle footage. People relaxing in Budapest cafes, strolling on street. People line up at housing office. Staged scenes of Jews with stars "Idle people at work site." VO says these are Jewish influenced pacifists. Sync sound: "There were Hungarians and "Hungarists" who were suffering in jails to prepare for the new Hungary..." Staged scenes of Arrow Cross out of hiding, to arms. VO encourages people to work; footage of women, elderly, others working in industry.

  3. Street entertainer and onlookers in ghetto

    Street entertainer dancing to camera, amid crowd of smiling people (mostly children). One woman in the crowd is lying on ground.

  4. Romanian volunteers for SS; Christmas in Germany 1943; Goering; Rommel

    Romanian volunteers for the SS in Transylvania. Panorama of village. Young men exit building where young girls in native dress greet them with flowers. Young men wave goodbye. MS as they walk to train station with girls. Young boys with Nazi banners; young men stand in line and are reviewed by SS Obergruppenfuerher Werner Lorenz. LS of city street as Romanian and German troops march through. Wall to left, local flags, young men marching. People waving and throwing flowers and fruit. LS, WS crowd at train station. Young volunteers board train. MLS train crowded with volunteers and decorated ...

  5. Westerbork labor

    Slave labor at Westerbork transit camp. Recycling metals - men working at tables, putting things into baskets and barrels marked Kupfer [copper], Messing [brass], etc. Forward tracking shot through shop past workers, including at least one woman. Man with goggles and sledge hammer working outside on metal rods. (Some scenes marred by camera fault). Close view of men at work table, in assorted clothing and assorted markings. Some have stars; armbands are present on most. Women pulling wire through boards, in a circle. Some have stars. Closeup of hands and tangled wires. Men at work table wor...

  6. Sol LeWitt drawing

    Sol LeWitt site specific wall drawing commissioned by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Art in Public Spaces program. "the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Art for Public Spaces Program was established to commission works of artistic merit that address the singularity of the [the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum] and contribute to the visitor's experience of the Museum in ways that are substantial and distinct from the permanent or special exhibitions." [see Ref 2] "Four site-specific works of art, 'Consequence' being among them, were chosen by an independent jury 'c...

  7. Eisenhower, Patton at Feldafing; Purple Heart Awards

    Generals Visit DP Camps, Wolfratshausen, Germany, September 17, 1945. Tracking (follow) shots, Gen Dwight D. Eisenhower, Gen George S. Patton, Jr. and Maj Gen Louis Craig, CG, XX Corps, visit Feldafing Camp. CU, five star plate on car. Yiddish sign over door. Banner over entrance: Feldafing Camp. Generals' cars enter. To 04:21:13. Award of the Purple Heart to Men of the 21st Inf Regt, Philippine Army, Luna, Northern Luzon, Philippines, November 11, 1945. Pan, group of medals on table. LSs, men of the 21st Inf Regt, Philippine Army, parade across grounds. Various CUs, MCUs, officer pins Purp...

  8. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 1 krone note

    Scrip, valued at 1 krone, issued in the Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto-labor camp in 1943. All currency was confiscated from deportees upon entry and replaced with scrip and ration coupons that could be exchanged only in the camp. The Theresienstadt camp existed for 3.5 years, from November 24, 1941 to May 9, 1945. It was located in a region of Czechoslovakia occupied by Germany, renamed the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and made part of the Greater German Reich.

  9. Grapevine clipping from a vineyard near a refugee route in France

    Grew in a vineyard in the Pyrenees, near the route that the refugees followed when they fled France during the Second World War.

  10. Serbian Collaborators

    General Jonic and Ministers Kostic and Ilya (officials of Serbian puppet government) attend swearing-in of Serbian anti-guerilla police divisions in Belgrade. LS from above, men in uniform in ranks in plaza. CU small shoulder patch. MS General Kostic (?) saluted to by junior officers; minister shakes hands with general and walks past men in review. General and ministers walk along path in courtyard and then up onto platform in plaza. MLS Uniformed men in rows with hats off raise right hands for swearing-in. LA shot of General swearing, then crossing himself. MS of two ministers on podium. (...

  11. Star of David badge with Jude in the center and a framed letter

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn7142
    • English
    • 1940
    • a: Height: 5.375 inches (13.653 cm) | Width: 6.625 inches (16.827 cm) b: Height: 11.875 inches (30.163 cm) | Width: 9.625 inches (24.448 cm) | Depth: 0.500 inches (1.27 cm)

    Originally owned by Mendel Kaliminsky, March 1943. Taken from him by his father, Solomon Kaliminsky, March 1943. Given to the Israelite Reprisal Brigade by Solomon Kaliminsky.

  12. German campaign in Poland: Polish POWs; Warsaw; German military

    Summary: The German viewpoint of events prior to and during the Polish campaign. Reel 7: shows masses of abandoned equipment and Polish POWs. German and Russian units meet. Hitler poses in front of besieged Warsaw. German armor and infantry enter the city after its capitulation.

  13. Execution of war criminals, Landsberg, Germany

    (Paris 369) Execution of War Criminals, Landsberg, Germany, November 19, 1945. LS, prison buildings. MS, two civilian executioners stand beneath scaffold looking at man who was just hung. LS, civilian executioners set up rope on scaffold. Roped-off area "official witnesses." Man lead up by priest, soldiers, military, police. LS, criminal drops thru trap door of scaffold. MS, rope is adjusted around condemned man's neck and trap is sprung. HS, looking thru trap door at corpse swinging from rope. Note: Three German nationals were hanged by the US military authorities for murdering US aviators...

  14. Nazi conquest of Czechoslovakia: industry

    A documentary about the conquest of Czechoslovakia by the Nazis just prior to World War II. Festival; industry.

  15. Genetic disease, eugenics

    Film produced by Nazi Party. German mental hospitals and its patients including Jews. Text discusses "causes" and possible "solutions." Uses intertitles and graphics to discuss genetics of idiocy, unfair burden German people must bear to pay costs, and danger of ever increasing numbers of mentally ill. Patients supposedly live in luxury while many "normal" hardworking Germans live in substandard conditions.

  16. Red and silver enamel sign featuring the Polish Imperial eagle emblem

    Oval sign depicting the Republic of Poland’s national emblem, the White Eagle, used between 1927 and 1939. A crowned eagle had been used as a Polish symbol for centuries, and first appeared on the official state coat of arms in 1295. Poland lost its independence in 1795, only regaining it in 1918, following World War I. In 1919, Poland’s government adopted the crowned white eagle as the official state symbol. This took a variety of forms until Zygmunt Kamiński, a university professor of architecture and art, was commissioned to create an official design signed into law in 1927. The design w...

  17. Nazi conquest of Czechoslovakia: refugees camp

    A documentary about the conquest of Czechoslovakia by the Nazis just prior to World War II. Refugees camp.

  18. Nazi conquest of Czechoslovakia: anti-Nazi rally

    A documentary about the conquest of Czechoslovakia by the Nazis just prior to World War II. Hospital; anti-Nazi rally.

  19. VE Day in US

    United News. Crowds in Times Square celebrate news of VE Day and people pray in churches.

  20. Corpses on sidewalks, passers-by, loading coffins

    Jewish-mortality chart. Shots of people walking by corpse on the sidewalk; some are running. Coffin wagon in street stops, men carry out plain coffin and drag body into it. Group of men carries and then loads coffin into wagon and walk it away. Two emaciated corpses laid out on sidewalk, people pass by. Men bring cart to bodies and begin to load them.