Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,461 to 20,480 of 56,066
  1. Five Cities

    Yiddish titles. English title: "Jewish Life in Lwow." Pan, overview Lwow city nestled in a valley. Large buildings, city square, monuments, trams, busy street traffic, pedestrians, promenade, important buildings, marketplace. Stylish men and women promenade through modern Lwow, also known as Lemberg. MSs, shopping for wares and sellers at marketplace. Parks and pavilions, public spaces, busy streets, people. 04:05:58 Scenes in the old and well-established Jewish community, following groups of well-dressed and Orthodox Jews, street scenes, daily activities, and showing the landmarks: Yad Har...

  2. Westerbork Deportation

    Deportations at Westerbork transit camp. People with Star of David on their coats at railroad station, with bundles. Barracks can be seen in the background. Well dressed men and women. People getting onto freight cars. Confusion. MS, crowd in front of freight car. Two officers walking by. People wave goodbye from inside of train. Sick woman (Ms. Frouwke Kroon - 1882-1944) lying on a wooden cart being wheeled into train station. Guards with dogs. 00:07:38 Sophia de Groot at far left of the door opening on train wagon #9, gesturing to someone on the platform. Boxes filled with food, cigarette...

  3. FDR and Churchill meet in North Africa

    President Roosevelt and Churchill meet in Casablanca. They ride in a jeep and review Allied trooops. FDR inspects US troops in Liberia and meets President Vargas in Rio de Janeiro, Other personages: Adm. King; Gen. Marshall; Gen. Arnold; Brit. Gen. Alan Brooke; Adm. Alfred Dudley Pound; Gen. Giraud; Gen. de Gaulle.

  4. Dark and light blue tapestry with 2 skeletons riding skeletal horses accompanied by skeletal dogs

    Tapestry created by Jan Yoors in 1958.

  5. German troops

    German troops evacuate Finland. Refugees bound for Sweden on a road. Refugees with belongings at railroad station. German men and equipment in retreat on the Western front; they are loaded aboard ship and move out. Wounded loaded into ambulances. Engineers repair bridge. Destruction in Belgrade. Rocket barrage fired on the Russian front. German antitank and machine guns fired. Russian T-34 tanks advance. Bazookas destroy some. German tanks counterattack. Good combat footage, may have cut in some Russian footage.

  6. Warsaw Surrenders

    Surrender and occupation of Warsaw in 1939. German in trench behind wire observing, Hitler w/binoculars. LS Howitzer fires at train, burning. Howitzer fires, LS of city, plume of smoke, mortar fire. Plane takes off, aerial shot of columns of smoke. AV craters, bombed domes. Surrender, Polish officer goes into railcar. Trucks of German troops enter city and soldiers on foot. "Komend Miasta Warszawa" sign on building, pan down to Polish officers, long column of Polish POWs shot from above, horses and carts. Bomb damage, wrecked train cars. Civilians digging through rubble, and with POWs makin...

  7. Nazi banner captured by a US soldier in Algeria

    Nazi banner captured by Private William Andress of the Army First Infantry Division at Oran, Algeria on November 11, 1942.

  8. Collaborators volunteer for German army

    Quisling in Norway, French volunteers, Latvian and Lithuanian volunteers for German army. MS Vidkun Quisling reviews with Nazi officer a line of Norwegian police in Norway. CU of insignia patch of eagle and swastika (uniforms suggest military volunteers rather than police). MLS French officers review bereted volunteers for German army on grounds of Versailles. CU several of them. They march out and off to train station. Good MCU as they sort through baggage, say goodbye and board train. 5:12:26 MCU as crowd of Latvian and Lithuanian volunteers for German army and civilians marching toward c...

  9. Ante Pavelic on parade

    Ante Pavelic decorates Croatian troops and rides at head of parade. LS Street scenes in Zagreb, MS of banner and portrait of Pavelic in room, Croatian banner hanging from building facade. Group of men lined up to receive award and having it pinned on. Uniformed horsemen, then Pavelic on horseback MS coming toward camera, enthusiastic crowd, unit of German? troops marching, quick CU of Pavelic, then MS of artillery piece pulled. Additional footage follows this clip: Soccer game in Munich. 03:42:32 to 03:43:59 Hitler and Mussolini meet in Berlin. Mussolini, General Keitel, and Graziani inspec...

  10. Croatian fascists; church ceremony; parade

    Churchleader in Croatia with Croatian leaders. German army units parade in commemoration of Croatian "independence." Pan down front of church. MS church prelate puts on headpiece. MS Croatian military men. Priest makes blessing, shot of onlookers. MS Pavelic in uniform greets and salutes various dignitaries. Cars in procession, Pavelic in second car giving standing salute from backseat of car. LS, huge crowd of people running and cheering. Marching scouts? CU of man saluting. German troops marching through crowd. Unrelated footage also on this reel: Gymnastic exhibition witnessed by King Gu...

  11. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 20 kronen note

    Scrip, valued at 20 kronen, issued in the Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto-labor camp in 1943. All currency was confiscated from deportees upon entry and replaced with scrip and ration coupons that could be exchanged only in the camp. The Theresienstadt camp existed for 3.5 years, from November 24, 1941 to May 9, 1945. It was located in a region of Czechoslovakia occupied by Germany, renamed the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and made part of the Greater German Reich.

  12. Bookburning; filming of Britain's books for safety

    (01:27:22) Part 3, "We Guard Britain's Books." 01:27:31 Berlin bookburning. Crowds at night, burning pyre of books, people tossing books onto the pyre [May 13, 1933 is date given by narrator.] Staged scenes of German book title pages (including H.G. Wells) being stamped with a swastika (swastika is reversed image). 01:27:50 AVs of England, aftermath of Nazi firebomb raids. CUs of books. VS of archivists photographing books on microfilm in England for shipment to the US. VS, crates of microfilmed books being loaded onto a freighter. VS, librarians at Library of Congress in Washington, DC cat...

  13. Truman and Berlin Conference

    President Truman on board the Navy ship Augusta enroute to Berlin Conference. Casual shots of Truman waving to a crowd in Antwerp. Truman on parade in Europe. Truman getting on plane, various shots of plane taking off and landing. Meeting of Truman and military leaders to discuss the primary goal of winning the war in Japan. Parades and processions of British Army and Navy. Discussion of Cairo Declaration. AVs of war ravaged Berlin. [Nazi footage-Hitler addressing crowds at 1930's Nazi rallies]. Truman raises the flag of victory over Europe. Various shots of American soldiers and civilians ...

  14. Postcard from the Manouchian network of French resistance Jews

    Recto, photo images of Maurice Fingercwajg, Szlama Gryzywacz and Wolf Wajsbrot and a "Medaille de la Resistance Francaise"; verso, a paragraph in French which describes the members and the activities of the group; postcard is numbered "004794"

  15. Scrapbook of the American Jewish Art Club

    Includes exhibit announcements, newsletters, newspaper clippings and paper reproductions of art pieces from 1931-1962.

  16. St. Louis in Cuban Harbor

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 11, No. 777, Part 2A. Release date, 05/28/1939. Various MLS of ship St. Louis (shot from sea level looking up to bow). At harbor. From starboard, people at rail. MS well-dressed and good looking men in white jackets, uniforms stand on ground/dock. LS "St. Louis" on side of ship. LS ship pulling out of harbor (backwards). People standing around on land. Intended narration according to UN Motion Picture Release: "907 Jewish refugees from Germany aboard the liner Saint Louis, who were refused admission into Cuba as the liner rode at anchor for days or cruised in West I...

  17. Tannenburg Memorial

    Outdoor military ceremony in stands, Hitler and Ludendorf. MS flags, Wehrmacht. Big radio mikes as Hindenburg speaks.

  18. Jewish forced labor

    CU Jewish men squinting into camera, sitting around, jackets folded in laps to display star patches. Star of David patches (larger than usual, for propaganda purposes) on backs of clothes. All the men are cleaning up large pieces of debris from the streets (fence posts, big pieces of wood, metal, some munitions shell casings). Shoveling, sweeping, pushing wagon filled with debris.

  19. Street scenes in Wittenberg; Hitler Youth; church

    Establishing shot, EXT, MLS of street, Schlosskirche (All Saints Church) in BG where Luther nailed his 95 theses. Workers are digging a trench along street. SS man standing on sidewalk as traffic passes; bus comes up and stops. Nazi official with swastika armband directing traffic; two women pass in FG, wheeling baby carriage. Cut to EXT, MS, angle up, church roof and steeple. MCU, worker digging trench with a pick-axe, pauses to look at camera. CU, doorway of church, painting of the crucifixion in arch above door, writing on the door. MCU, rear view of man opening church door; enters. INT,...

  20. Goebbels and "Der Angriff"

    A very brief shot of a printing press switches to the masthead of "Der Angriff" [The Attack] with a close up on the line "published by Dr. Goebbels". A sequence of shots of Goebbels: getting out of his car, speaking, working at his desk. The screen splits with the words (partially cut off on screen): Der Angriff ___gt Unsere [ver?]teidigung [Der Angriff is our defence?). Goebbels is shown speaking on the other side of the screen.